57 Stuffies has a 1969 Weber-Stephen Imperial Sequoia “Bar-B-Q” wagon with avocado green kettle that he acquired in 1969. It is an all-original, milled redwood, forged iron hardware, walnut handle and metal or ceramic wheels with white sidewall rubber treads. The aluminum vent label is marked “Weber-Stephen Products, Arlington Heights, Ill., Weber Bar-B-Q Kettle, Pat. Pending”.
Owner: 57 Stuffies
Grill: 1969 Weber Sequoia – Avocado
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Angle 1
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Angle 2
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Bowl
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Doors
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Cart
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Lid
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Side
- 1970 Avocado Sequoia – Hinges
- 1969 Avocado Sequoia – Wheel
When I was growing up, my Dad had the exact same one! Same kettle color and everything. He used to do our Thanksgiving turket on it.
I wonder what happened to that thing….
I acquired on of these from my father in law a few years back. I keep it covered and I store it indoors in the winter. I never new what year it was, so now I know it is a 1968 avocado imperial sequoia. I use it all the time in the summer, and I use a weber Smokey Joe in the winter. I love it and hope to have it for years to come.