Just in time for Christmas may we present to you the perfect stocking stuffer (or Secret Santa Gift!) for any grilling enthusiast – The 2016 WKC Calendar!!
Cost is $20.00 shipped to your door with proceeds from the sale supporting the club! This helps us to cover the costs of prizes, stickers, hosting etc etc etc so THANK YOU!
Here is a sneak peek at the calendar pages! Each page (top or bottom) is an 8.5″ x 11″ and they are all being printed on upgraded “Premium Glossy Card Stock” so quality should be very good.

I would like to thank all those that submitted photos, and congratulations to those who’s images were selected! Please keep taking lots of pics for next years offering and remember that we need a high-resolution copy in landscape format!

><*><*><*>< HOW TO ORDER: ><*><*><*><
Please send a private message or e-mail to matt@weberkettleclub.com that includes your shipping address, e-mail address, and the requested number of copies. I will then reply to you with instructions on how to send payment via PayPal. If you purchase multiple copies I will combine shipping and try to save you a few dollars.
Once again THANK YOU for another fantastic year here at the club! Here’s looking forward to 2016!