Behind Thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day for food consumption in the U.S. . What’s a Grillfella to do? Well, we drag those kettles, smokers, or gassers out for some game day cooks, that’s what we do! Please join us today in the BBQ Cook Offs section of the WKC forum to share your game day grub. Be creative as you like. This is an informal challenge. There’s no set menu item. Make whatever you want and show it off.
We only have 2 rules.
#1. Have fun!
#2. A Grill or Smoker must be involved. Charcoal, gas, electric, WSM whatever. (We love photos of the starring Grill(s)/Smoker(s) being used too!)
You can go as far as to show off each step, or just the end result. Be as detailed as you like! This is a pretty informal contest.