Weber Kettle Club Forums

What's Going On => Meetups & Events => Topic started by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:44:27 PM

Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:44:27 PM
 ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(◕_◕)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿                                                                          ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(◕_◕)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿

                         (¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· WKC eCook 2014 ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

                                               DISCUSSION THREAD

                                     8) Let's get this party started... 8)

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:46:15 PM
Quote from: jamesnomore on September 06, 2014, 09:04:58 PM
Everything's prepped and ready, snakes are set, wings on brine, mushroom fatty done and my butts rubbed gonna be some grate food tomorrow. Here's some fatty prep, the butt will go on at about midnight so were ready for 1 o'clock games. Wing brine is an obnoxious amount of crushed garlic, chopped fresh ginger and red pepper flakes. Pulling the wings out of the brine in a few and will air dry in the fridge.

The primary arsenal sure could use some red in the mix :)

Fatty prep:
Dried Porcini and Shitake
My favorite fatty sausage 1/2 a chub for the core
You can see the bright Porcinis already soaking up the love, sprinkled a heavy dose of rub in the mix
1.5 lbs of Sage
The weave
The cheese and mushy core
Nighty night
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See you tomorrow
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:46:30 PM
Quote from: mirkwood on September 06, 2014, 09:52:12 PM
This brisket is going to be introduced to my green performer at midnight,
the turds and game hens will meet their respective heat baths later during the day.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 06, 2014, 11:49:23 PM
Here's my fatty waiting to go... you know since there isn't enough bacon already on the outside  ;D 1/3 Johnsonville Mild Sausage, 2/3 Ground Pork, Rub, Red and Yellow peppers, TexMex Cheese, Balderson Cheddar, and last but not least BACON! Also brushed with a bit of lazy maple bacon grease before rolling her up!


holy crap I need to go to sleep. See you all soon!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Hogsy on September 07, 2014, 12:31:00 AM
It's Sunday evening here and also Father's Day
My side of the family came over for lunch and we decided to cook pizzas
Everyone brought toppings to create there own pizzas and my brother who is a pastry chef/ baker by trade and also worked for 2yrs at an infamous Canadian pizza joint in North Bay ,Ontario named Grecos made the bases
..... And they were gooooooood!!!!!
Sorry no pics of kettles but here's a few of the pies-
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And the family , chilling in the kitchen
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Enjoy your cooks today everyone, I'm off to the inlaws for dinner
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 02:12:53 AM
Nice looking pies, Hogsy!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 02:27:56 AM
It's 3:22a. Got the JJ set up yesterday and the butt was just taken out of the fridge and unwrapped a little bit ago. First time trying this type of cook on the JJ but I'm hoping for good results.

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Pork outta the fridge
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 02:40:47 AM
Fired up the JJ
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 03:02:40 AM
Those are some great looking pies Hogsy. 8)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 03:11:07 AM
Meats on. Now back to bed. ;)
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 03:16:55 AM

The '75 mini on chimney duty today...


More to come...
Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 03:25:48 AM
And a couple more grills wanted to come out and see what was happening...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Jocool on September 07, 2014, 03:46:44 AM
So on the Left Coast in Yank Land it's about 04:40? Well it's 21:40 here and I'm smashed!

I had some you beaut grandiose plans and had prepped a few things, but unfortunately the family put a kibosh on most of what I had planned. So I improvised. The family had arranged a late lunch at a local cafe for us fathers as it's Father's Day here. So Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there.


I started the day with some simple homemade spiced beef sausages that my mum had made out on the farm. And I rubbed a bit of lamb back strap with some EVOO and seasoned it well with some sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. I served it up with some chimchuri sauce and it made for a great
Late breakfast.




After enjoying a late lunch, no one felt like eating I made a roasted Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup. All on the Weber!

I was inspired by the DO I saw that Weber has in Europe and cobbled together my own version. And it worked a treat. While I was roasting the pumpkin and sweet potato indirect on the grille, the base for the soup was constructed in the middle of the kettle on direct heat.

The pictures will tell the story.









This will be served with a toasted cibiatta bread.

Life is good.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: harris92 on September 07, 2014, 04:08:11 AM
Grill for today.... Early '60s Plainsman

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 04:33:12 AM
Breakfast: Fatty, filled with scrambled eggs and seasoned hash browns. My bacon weave not cooperating so I had to do a little patchwork...

Grill for this morning: 1970 Avocado 22

Going on... She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts. (so I tell myself anyways)



Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 04:40:24 AM
4hrs is enough sleep right??!?? :D

Wow, lots of action already thanks to the lads from down under and a few hard-core members! Happy fathers day to you guys as well!!

Hogsy - Killer looking pies! Those came out awesome!

Nate - Great job on the early start, I have a feeling that Joe's going to turn out a winner.

Craig - Looks like the perfect start to any day right there ;)

Jocool - What a great looking cook and family Jo, thanks so much for sharing and Happy fathers day again!!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 04:45:27 AM
Quote from: harris92 on September 07, 2014, 04:08:11 AM
Grill for today.... Early '60s Plainsman

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Stephen, no word of a lie the Plainsman is one of my all time favorite kettles - you've made my day just by picking and posting that amazing work of art!  :)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 04:46:38 AM
Quote from: Craig on September 07, 2014, 04:33:12 AM
Breakfast: Fatty, filled with scrambled eggs and seasoned hash browns. My bacon weave not cooperating so I had to do a little patchwork...

Grill for this morning: 1970 Avocado 22

Going on... She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts. (so I tell myself anyways)



And Craig pulls out the Cado! You guys are killin' me!  ;D
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MartyG on September 07, 2014, 04:48:45 AM
The Brunette got an early wake up call today. She'll be a busy girl today.


Now for some prep. Page 49 in the 1972 Weber Cookbook. Lamb Marinade on Page 59.


OK - We're underway! Dinner time on a beautiful day. Time to par-boil the potatoes:
Let's match the cookbook photo exactly while we're at it. Lock & load!
Birds eye view of the magic of covered cooking:
Now we're getting somewhere! The astute observer will note I flipped the photo to match the cookbook photo. It's all in the details...
table set - time to plate up a feast:
Don't mind if I do:
Man, that was good! But the coals are still hot, and I picked the last peaches from our tree yesterday.
And that CI pot I restored is just sitting there. Why not?
Great way to cap the day!

This was fun! I will tell you trying top recreate a Weber cookbook photo was not as easy as I thought. I think it turned out close. The brunette performed flawlessly, and looked good doing it. She will be in the rotation frequently. I've enjoyed everyone's cooks today, and will revisit this thread a lot in the coming days. Great way to "meet" a bunch of new members and vets alike. Let's do it again soon!

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 05:02:19 AM

Quote from: MartyG on September 07, 2014, 04:48:45 AM
The Brunette got an early wake up call today. She'll be a busy girl today.


Shes a smoking hot brunette!

Happy Father's Day to Team OZ!

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 05:05:40 AM
That's one glossy looking brownie Marty! Very nice...

PS if you all haven't figured it out already this eCook is just a plan devised so I can perv all the sweet kettles ;)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on September 07, 2014, 05:06:08 AM
So got up after prepping last night. Spent about 2 hours cleaning and wiping down the WSM and all the kettles after a rain dust storm hit us. Well when I walk out side it rained and blew dust all over again. So reclean the WSM get it fired up and get the pork but pulled out for its smoke bath.

Last pic is where it decided to settle in at.


^^^The only kettle that didn't get hit with rain and dust last night. my little gem was resting peacefully in the house. I got plans for him today though.

Everyone else looks like they are off to a good start. Now I am going to go get ready for the rest of the day and will be back with breakfast pics later.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: iCARRY on September 07, 2014, 05:06:48 AM
My plans are changing a bit. Kids are sick, was up all night with them. Need to get some sleep now, cook some stuff up later, and still need to go to work tonight. Maybe I will call out of work sick tonight.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 05:24:06 AM

Sierralita is on dawn patrol with a very special fatty to be revealed later (assuming it works!)

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 05:41:56 AM
"One Hot Mess" Fatty, ready to come off.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MacEggs on September 07, 2014, 05:44:37 AM
Here is how my day started out .... a double-yolk egg on the fry pan.
I don't see these very often .. and, I see alot of eggs, that's for sure.  :D ;)  Maybe it's a sign, eh?!!  ??? ???

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Sunday is my only day off. Don't feel like entertaining anybody ... well, except for myself.
A lonely rack of ribs on the A code blackie rubbed with Memphis Dust.  I love this kettle for low'n'slow.  Turds will come later.

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MrHoss on September 07, 2014, 05:50:20 AM
Quote from: MartyG on September 07, 2014, 04:48:45 AM
The Brunette got an early wake up call today. She'll be a busy girl today.

Yes, and your Brunette is a flippin' beauty there.  Holy crap.

Today actually started for me this past Wednesday....habaneros fresh picked from the garden and sweet peppers:


I'll be making Jerk Chicken as my main dish today and needed some homemade sauce.  I used gloves for the dangerous part and was glad I did as my eyes were burning, I was sneezing and coughing.  I have never used fresh hot peppers and believe they are hotter when fresh:


I cooked off the diced hot and sweet peppers in a fry pan with a little water and vinegar till soft then into the blender with some sugar, honey, salt and white wine vinegar:



My chickens were halved then dusted with a mix of salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, granulated garlic, oinion powder, thyme, chilie flakes, habanero chunks and chipolte powder.  I did this on Thursday night:


I just checked my chicken and there is about 2 or 3 tablespoons of chicken juice in the bottom of the mixing bowl.  PERFECT - this tells me the spices have made their way to the centre of the meat.  This stuff is ready to go boys!  The plan is to make an apple pie in one of the kettles today.  Never done this before but I figure today would be a good day.

Not going to use all of these but here we are out in the morning sun freshly cleaned:

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 05:54:04 AM
Just fixed up some ribs last nite...........



thyme, tarragon, 'Talian seasoning, all those "T" words........

Wife started off a tomato sauce from tonnes (<< international sp.) of little cherry tomatoes from our garden.........extremely sweet all on it's be mated up with some smoked meatballs in a new cast iron cooking tureen...............


Also, some chicken chunks & rib tips destined for the new Firewires from a Target clearance....


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: jamesnomore on September 07, 2014, 05:58:28 AM
7 hours already showing 180 (pic before therm got there), gonna trim way back and try and carry another 3-4 hours before pull and wrap.
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Triple bagger to wake up
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 06:02:02 AM
Some awesome looking food already! Looking great!

Had to made a run to borrow some rub from my parents house... going to be a real beauty of a day!!


And this cheers goes out to the whole WKC! Hope you all have an awesome day today! (Tip of the hat to Sir Jeff for the Mimosa idea!)


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 06:12:16 AM
I have a couple different requests for breakfast, and here goes the first..

Started off by mixing up some breakfast sausage (no pic)

Then put some bacon and sausage patties down on the grill with a light hickory smoke.


Then added some eggs to the crate.


Assembled them on the grill to get to know one another for a few min..


The buns were toasted on the grill with a brushing of garlic butter...



Still making the second breakfast menu item..
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MacEggs on September 07, 2014, 06:14:35 AM
I love the smell of a morning cook   ;) ;)

Awesome looking sammiches!!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 06:26:19 AM
I like the reviews of the day and leading up to the day...good stuff. 
No big plans here for the day..nice autumn day, blue sky.  Plan to make way to much food for the immediate household, might need to invite some of the neighbors over for a impromptu snack!

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 06:31:02 AM
QuoteThe plan is to make an apple pie in one of the kettles today.  Never done this before but I figure today would be a good day.

Yes, it's a good day.

My apple pie on the grill is very simple - sliced apples mixed with butter and sugar in a pre-made pie crust. Put the second crust on top.  Cooked indirect, placed on foil to catch any drippings. 'Bake' until it looks pretty  ;D

I found a turtle brownie mix in the pantry. Gonna try that today.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 06:47:25 AM
coldkettle that breaky looks freakin amazing.  :o
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 06:48:11 AM
Progress! But behind the so-called "schedule" already ;)

Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 06:49:30 AM
"Hot Mess" innards


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on September 07, 2014, 07:09:19 AM
All the kettles out and clean. Some are here to participate today others just to watch.


Then there is misfits island on the other side of the yard. The black 18.5 is a trade bait for a special kettle for another member. The black OTG is a kettle we are giving to a friend. The lime and the sjs are trade bait that I plan to use to get other kettles in the future.

Jeff and 604 mimosas sound good but didn't have the stuff to make one so I went another route. I give you a Michealda(Mexican red beer). Now everything is going well!
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 07:13:10 AM
Then added some eggs to the crate.


Wewere........those eggs right ON the grate?   Nice sammie !!!

"Hot Mess" innards


Also, rippin' grate !!!!

Me, busy....went simple.....

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MrHoss on September 07, 2014, 07:19:49 AM
That breakfast looks bloody good Coldkettle.  Very worthy.

AZ_MIKEY - your trade bait corner would make a great collection on it's own.  Is that a green OTG in amongst the blacks?  Or is it a mastertouch?
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 07:28:14 AM
Yeah, the eggs are right on the grate!  I fry them in the cast for just a few seconds to get some base to the bottom, and then finish on the grill....need to be a bit careful..
It took me a few tries to realize I couldn't just crack it and drop it on the crate!😆

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: einrej on September 07, 2014, 07:32:10 AM
Time to start the grill.


Pork Loin

I'll Keep you posted.


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 07:49:13 AM
Oh man that hit the spot!  8)

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 08:05:19 AM
They might be confused.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 08:12:08 AM
WKC commemorative edition breakfast fatty!




Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mhiszem on September 07, 2014, 08:25:51 AM
Pork ribs ready to go on. Grilling some flank steak later.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 08:33:25 AM
More breakfast..
Sausage, bacon, potatoes, onions , and mushrooms cooking.

Adding the wild rice.

Everything is cooking.

Toasting and melting it down...


Add the eggs

Norwegian Burrito


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 08:38:24 AM


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 08:41:24 AM
Quote from: Jocool on September 07, 2014, 03:46:44 AM
So on the Left Coast in Yank Land it's about 04:40? Well it's 21:40 here and I'm smashed!


Happy Father's Day!

I didn't realize that I had been wishing everyone a Happy Father's Day as I dive down the freeway.


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 08:51:13 AM
^^ This damn near brings a tear to my eye - please post a high res link if possible!! Beautiful shot Winz! The shadows, Roswell, Bisbee... everything.


8) :)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 09:02:17 AM

My son, inspecting the Roti ring....





Shecone on the Wood Dale and pork ribs on the Texan.. More later
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Lerxst on September 07, 2014, 09:08:02 AM
Quote from: Winz on September 07, 2014, 08:38:24 AM



Love that one.  Looks like a face.   :D
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 09:22:08 AM
Let this chill for an hour or so!  8)


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 09:27:37 AM
Man, everything is looking good!


My wife had shown me this recipe on FB. It was all in Italian, but I knew it was something I needed to try...

Eggs separated...


Whites whipped up with salt and pepper...


Nests on to bake...


Only broke two yokes    8)


These are what they're supposed to look like...




Lookin' good...


Sorry, no Mimosas


Up next, Lumpia for lunch on the wok...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MaxBobcat on September 07, 2014, 09:30:03 AM
Picked up some really good looking spares.


Setting up the WSM and he had some friends come over and watch.


Ribs on!


Life is good.   8)

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Ted B on September 07, 2014, 09:39:41 AM
Since I don't have much planned, the daily WKC cooker gets the call.






Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 09:51:40 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 08:51:13 AM
^^ This damn near brings a tear to my eye - please post a high res link if possible!! Beautiful shot Winz! The shadows, Roswell, Bisbee... everything.

Thanks 604.  Not exactly Gummi quality: ( ( (

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 09:58:13 AM
QuoteMy wife had shown me this recipe on FB. It was all in Italian, but I knew it was something I needed to try...

Awesome cook Dazzo! 

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Brickout on September 07, 2014, 09:58:24 AM
RIBS are on! (

I need to be more careful where I set my hot chimney down though. 😣
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Tim in PA on September 07, 2014, 10:01:22 AM
Ribs are on :

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 10:13:13 AM
All set to go! Should be clangin' beers with friends soon!!


My two new reds part way through restore...


And my 18's... less my brownie who is in transport  :-[
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 10:20:14 AM
While the 7lb pork butt is still cookin on the JJ, 7 hours so far, I decided to throw together a deep dish.
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MacEggs on September 07, 2014, 10:33:04 AM
Man!! ... Everybody's cook-ups look amazing so far!  :D 8)

Turds going on, then coming off after 2 hours.  So delicious!

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Ribs coming off ... Halftime is about to happen.  :) :)
Hanging out in the garage / mancave.  8)  A very nice lunch.  Dinner to come later.  :D

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MrHoss on September 07, 2014, 10:35:06 AM
My first brunch on a kettle.  Sausages:


Bacon crisping and onions and peppers softening:


Eggs added:


Done...I added some dark maple syrup on top of the sausages and used some of my fresh No. 604 hot sauce on the eggs:


That habanero sauce I did up is very good...nice depth of flavours going on.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Chuck on September 07, 2014, 10:40:27 AM
So for today's cook I'm doing baby back's for the first time and breaking in the new-to-me (and never used previously) SS performer!



I'm going with the snake method for the charcoal. It tends to work pretty well and with it being a new grill will be easier to control the temps if they get too hot. I'm also going to add a water pan.

Here I've got the rack on ready to get started.

My wife asked for some bacon. So I'm putting my copper kettle to work. First time I've used two grills at once here on the deck. Theyre sitting on a racks that she picked up on clearence somewhere. They do a decent job in the oven so I thought I'd try it here. Of course I need to put a few pieces on the grate for comaparison. I didn't take a pic when they came off after about 40 minutes. One was crispy the other not so much.


And about an hour and a half in, looking pretty good!

And about two and a half hours in.

The cook continues...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: einrej on September 07, 2014, 10:47:33 AM
Quote from: einrej on September 07, 2014, 07:32:10 AM
Time to start the grill.


Pork Loin

I'll Keep you posted.








This Pork Roast turned out great, yours will to.

Make your own Weber Rotisserie for $30.00
You will need
1 Old Weber
1 Universal rotisserie kit, home center about $30.00
1 Thermometer for the lid about $6 at the home center. You will not know your cook temperature without this.

1. Drill 2 5/16 holes, one inch below lower kettle rim, in the center of the kettle parallel to the wheels.
2. Run spit rod through holes, mount motor bracket on left side. Bracket will have to be shimmed out do to curvature of kettle.
    Do not attach bracket without shims for this will add heat transfer to the bracket and motor.
3. I sawed off the non-point end of the skewer rod so only a few inches protrude when in use.

Rotated this Roast,

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Bob BQ on September 07, 2014, 10:47:47 AM
Happy WKC e-Cookout day! Everyone's cooks look phenomenal!  Nothing too big here... just me & the fam.

Here's lunch... legs & asparagooooooose, on the red 18 OT(modified to G):
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...and this will be dinner tonight:
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Rubbed with SuperSmokers Mississippi Mud...
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On the flat top 26, with tomorrow morning's fattie (stuffed with cheese, peppers, and rubbed with the Mud!). I just tried using the snake method in the 26'r on a butt last weekend. It worked well, so I'm hoping to get the same, delicious results with baby backs this weekend! Using apple and pear wood for this cook.
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Prepping the appetizers right now... they might need to go on the uLime (or should I use Homer Joe?) mini:
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I've also got some chicken breasts that I might have to throw on for later in the week...

Updates to follow! on page 12...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 10:50:44 AM
Chicken done and ready to serve.


Ribs. Time to come off.




Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: sparky on September 07, 2014, 11:03:29 AM
Stayed at the lake last night , got up late and had a early lunch there , nothing special some legs and thighs and hash browns --

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Sorry no plated pics had to eat and run , will try better on tonights cook !
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: jamesnomore on September 07, 2014, 11:08:23 AM
Coming along nicely!

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Under my butt
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Fatties on
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Twin blues working away
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Half way fatty
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Wings accompanying mr fatty
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Butt pulled and sleeping
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The beans look like they might steal the show
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 11:08:38 AM
Deep dish pie is done. Now for it to rest before cutting.

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 11:12:30 AM
8 hours in on the 7 lb pulled pork on the JJ.

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Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Idahawk on September 07, 2014, 11:16:52 AM
Brunch on the Sequoia


Scotch Football Eggs stuffed with sautéed onion, potato , mushroom , cheese, cooked bacon and scrambled eggs. Wrapped in a mix of Jimmy dean hot and sage and I used cherry wood for smoke.

Delmonico style potato cakes , 3 types of potatoes , sour cream , butter, onion and flour

Rolled French toast filled with peanut butter, jelly and also Nutella , a real kids favorite

Mushrooms with cream cheese and fresh huckleberries , weber chipotle seasoning and topped with bacon

And the star of the show
Dutch Babies ( eggs flour butter )  with fresh lemon juice and powdered sugar or butter and maple syrup  , done in Cast iron on the Sequoia. Cook covered at 425 for 25 minutes

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mirkwood on September 07, 2014, 11:20:38 AM
So the first pic is a repeat from the main thread.


Brisket meets heat at 12:06 am

12 hours in.

More stuff to cook during the course of the day, pics to fallow
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 11:26:22 AM
Ready to eat. 8)

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: pbe gummi bear on September 07, 2014, 11:29:15 AM
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! Keep the cook's coming. I'll be joining you all for dinner Pacific Time. 8)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: sparky on September 07, 2014, 11:55:22 AM
Been working on putting the pool away for winter this afternoon so i needed something that wouldnt need much attention , decided to try smoking some country style ribs on the 14 " WSM ----

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Not going to be near as good as these other cooks on here wow , just pork tator salad cottage cheese and tomatoes !
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 12:01:57 PM



Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 12:02:26 PM
These all look fantastic! I love to see the variety of cooks and cookers used. 8)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 12:08:22 PM


Changed my mind on the wok, went with the new griddle on the gasser instead...




A BIG THANK YOU to Mrs. Agentflame for the lumpia!!


Getting ready for dinner and dessert...


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 12:12:01 PM
Looks great Dazzo! I'm digging that WKC plate!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MrHoss on September 07, 2014, 12:46:57 PM
I agree that does look very good Dazzo.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 01:06:54 PM
Fabulous Cookups !!!!

All kinds of things....ribs, breakfasts, fatties, 'Turds, long cooks like brisket & pork......this could easily get way out of a good way !!!!

Took off for awhile & the coals burnt down a bit running against some of those Charcos things.....not too bad, but I'm a tad behind where I'd like.....oh well......just started the wife's spaghetti thing to keep her happy......


Got this nifty hole in the top for dropping meatballs in.....


Secret Squirrel smoke, so she won't know until it's put together...... don't worry, it'll taste great:


Ribs w/ beans :

Tried somethin' a little different.....drip beets....yeah, not beans, beets :


Beets, mangoes, a little cinnamon, ground salt, kiwi vinegar, butter & rib drip..............


Gotta get to fixin' up 'Turds now.......keep putting them up folks !!!!!!

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: lemisfits on September 07, 2014, 01:13:13 PM
Coals are lit.  Nothing better than trying to BBQ in 94 degree heat.  Pictures coming soon.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 01:16:15 PM

'9ers are having their way with the 'boys

ABTs gettin' ready


Craig, my wife likes to do arts and crafts when everyone is over for 'Q. The plates were the last event.

MrHoss, how's the pie coming?
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 01:16:51 PM
Quote from: Idahawk on September 07, 2014, 11:16:52 AM
Brunch on the Sequoia

Scotch Football Eggs stuffed with sautéed onion, potato , mushroom , cheese, cooked bacon and scrambled eggs. Wrapped in a mix of Jimmy dean hot and sage and I used cherry wood for smoke
Delmonico style potato cakes
Rolled French toast filled with peanut butter, jelly and Nutella

Mushrooms with cream cheese and fresh huckleberries , weber chipotle seasoning and topped with bacon
And the star of the show
Dutch Babies with fresh lemon juice and powdered sugar or butter and maple syrup  , done in Cast iron on the Sequoia 

Idahawk - quite a few things there that I have not seen before - very impressive cook on a very impressive cooker!

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on September 07, 2014, 01:20:17 PM
Okay so here are pics of breakfast and more of the cook up for today.

Sorry for the quality of pics it has been a rush over here to get everything rolling. Hope everyone is enjoying the day. So now we have abt's, ribs, pork butt,  rib tips, hatch chiles, breakfast and in a bit Jerk wings and corn on the cob.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 01:20:48 PM
Crazy cooks you guys!!!

Here's a few more shots... Fattie was amazing - Turds up next!!

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: bigredmf on September 07, 2014, 01:22:30 PM

Appetizers Bacon

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 01:24:06 PM
man you guys are killing it with your awesome cooks!
I haven't even bought the meat yet...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 01:27:11 PM
What do you need to turn a French preparation into a Mexican dish? Why, a Japanese knife of course!

Deboned and stuffed and ready for trussing.

When a chicken looks like a pig.

Side dish on a side kettle.


Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Chuck on September 07, 2014, 01:32:31 PM
About 5 hours in.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: harris92 on September 07, 2014, 01:42:16 PM
The Wood Dale Plainsman rides again....Ribeye, chicken thighs and corn

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 01:44:02 PM
Some beef ribs for later tonight..
Start of cooks..

5hrs later
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: zavod44 on September 07, 2014, 01:49:20 PM
Quote from: Jocool on September 07, 2014, 03:46:44 AM
So on the Left Coast in Yank Land it's about 04:40? Well it's 21:40 here and I'm smashed!

I had some you beaut grandiose plans and had prepped a few things, but unfortunately the family put a kibosh on most of what I had planned. So I improvised. The family had arranged a late lunch at a local cafe for us fathers as it's Father's Day here. So Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there.


I started the day with some simple homemade spiced beef sausages that my mum had made out on the farm. And I rubbed a bit of lamb back strap with some EVOO and seasoned it well with some sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. I served it up with some chimchuri sauce and it made for a great
Late breakfast.




After enjoying a late lunch, no one felt like eating I made a roasted Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup. All on the Weber!

I was inspired by the DO I saw that Weber has in Europe and cobbled together my own version. And it worked a treat. While I was roasting the pumpkin and sweet potato indirect on the grille, the base for the soup was constructed in the middle of the kettle on direct heat.

The pictures will tell the story.









This will be served with a toasted cibiatta bread.

Life is good.

This is the best family portrait ever!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Tim in PA on September 07, 2014, 01:55:33 PM
Ribs have been pulled:

Second kettle up in smoke:(

Sweet potatoes and some bread:(

The bread didn't turn out quite right but still good.


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Tim in PA on September 07, 2014, 01:59:42 PM
Quote from: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 01:16:15 PM

'9ers are having their way with the 'boys

ABTs gettin' ready


Craig, my wife likes to do arts and crafts when everyone is over for 'Q. The plates were the last event.

MrHoss, how's the pie coming?

I'm wearing my gore Jersey! I'm trying to not get too excited since it is against the Cowboys.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Idahawk on September 07, 2014, 02:03:57 PM
Thank you Winz , very kind of you. ^
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: BBQmedic on September 07, 2014, 02:08:40 PM
Hey everyone!
Well due to multiple Ambulance calls over night I didn't get my breakfast fatty on as soon as I was hoping... and even worse just now getting a chance to eat it.
Lighting some coals to start a snake in my '94 model redhead (her first appearance here on WKC)...
Fatty with 1.5 lbs sausage, 1lb bacon, diced potatoes, mushrooms, green pepper, and green onion...
And some bacon strips to eat while waiting for the fatty lol
Done... (
And finally breakfast at 2:30 pm...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 02:10:44 PM
Better late than never bbqmedic!

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 02:31:59 PM
Butt off the JJ 11 1/2 hours later. Pulled at 198*. It's now FTW'd for a couple hours til dinner. This was a test cook. No water pan, no basting and no foiling during the cook. Overall, I'm quite impressed with the JJ. Temps were very easy to control and I didn't use much fuel. Just one charcoal basket full plus 3 hand fulls added 3 different times. A handful for me is 8-10 briquettes.

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: landgraftj on September 07, 2014, 02:43:11 PM
Here's some photos of the brisket and crab cakes...

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 02:43:57 PM
That sounds great!  Crab cakes and pulled brisket! 

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 02:51:05 PM
Peach cobbler going on the side K...

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 02:52:22 PM
...while the chicken is coming off the main SS (making this look EZ).

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Mark Schnell on September 07, 2014, 02:53:28 PM
Okay, I'm on it. The Anaconda Bacon Burger is on the Brownie. I made it a little thicker this time with the plan of slicing it crosswise and putting the whole slices on the bun.
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 02:53:48 PM
Finished plate.

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 02:54:40 PM
Some game time nachos!

Chicken getting ready.

Chicken off the grill

All ready to get in the grill!

Warmed up for 10min

All dressed up and ready to eat...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 03:01:24 PM
And I finished my plate just in time for dessert.

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mrbill on September 07, 2014, 03:02:33 PM
bacon wrapped(and for me jalapeno stuffed) chicken breasts and homestyle mashed potatoes

main players

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my stuffed breast

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all 4 wrapped and dusted

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starting the coals

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going on

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everything was going good until it started sprinkling

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and then it wasn't sprinkling anymore, I don't have a covered patio, so I had to deal.

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after about 20 minutes of holding the umbrella and getting wet, I figured out a way to go back to watching football

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coming off

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my plate

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shot of the jalapenos in my breast

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: G$ on September 07, 2014, 03:03:00 PM

Zero hour. Roasting the last of the Hatch chiles while the coals ignite.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: G$ on September 07, 2014, 03:04:34 PM
And coming off...


Time for the fatties...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 03:05:03 PM
Days like these when Dad is on the grill cooking all day long, messing around in the garage are the memories I hope my kids will remember.  I can hear them telling friends "my dad cooks everything on the grill!".
Here is the crew, missing one who couldn't sit around.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: lemisfits on September 07, 2014, 03:09:31 PM
Apparatus since it's the only one that I have a roti for.

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On the menu- porchetta

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Skin starting to crisp.

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Ready to take off the grill.

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: indy82z on September 07, 2014, 03:30:17 PM
Didn't get to cook as much as I would have liked. But here are the burgers I made for the family today:

Getting the Performer Ready:

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Pattied up the meat:

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Burgers on:

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and a little butter never hurts:

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..and all done:

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and on the plate with homemade pickles and the fries the wife made:

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Jocool on September 07, 2014, 03:36:46 PM

Quote from: zavod44 on September 07, 2014, 01:49:20 PM

This is the best family portrait ever!

Yeah I kinda dug it too. Some in my family weren't too impressed about the kids flipping a bird, but the kids loved it! :D
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mhiszem on September 07, 2014, 03:37:43 PM


Flank steak marinated in balsamic vinegar



Finished pork ribs, used Memphis dust spice rub and sweet baby rays bbq sauce


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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mhiszem on September 07, 2014, 03:39:36 PM
Great pictures everyone, this was a great time! Glad I was able to be a part of it. Time to rest...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 03:40:33 PM



Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: BBQmedic on September 07, 2014, 03:42:49 PM
Epic thread... 😁
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Chuck on September 07, 2014, 03:48:36 PM
And the finished product came out rather tasty...


Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: iCARRY on September 07, 2014, 03:55:36 PM
Man I am so jealous, you guys are killing it out there. I just did a quick cook as I am dealing with some sick kids, need to sleep at some point and still go into work tonight. Had some big plans but family comes first. Might cook off the rest tomorrow if time allows.
So here it is, skirt steak fajitas, rub consists of salt, cumin, oregano, cayenne pepper.
And then just a few stuffed mushrooms and 2 turds.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: jcnaz on September 07, 2014, 03:58:45 PM
This has been torture! I am at work all weekend and don't get to come out and play. :(

It has been great watching everyone participate and I have started a list of new dishes to try! :)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 04:02:04 PM
Turds are done. Got to cook on "project Venison" a mini WSM I built for a buddy.



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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MaxBobcat on September 07, 2014, 04:06:21 PM
Spare ribs were a hit and got eaten pretty up pretty quick...


With the ribs done, it's on to chicken...

Trying two different types of rubs on the chicken today.


After an hour in the MiniWSM...


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 04:14:00 PM
Wind....I like the project venison smoker..

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: sparky on September 07, 2014, 04:18:32 PM
Well the gf and daughter went back to the lake to enjoy the evening so when the ribs were done i packed them up and drove the three miles to the camper , glad i did !

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mcgolden on September 07, 2014, 04:29:10 PM
Man I wish I had the time to cook some of the awesome dishes I'm seeing here.  Unfortunately I was out of town for the weekend visiting family in the Chicago area, which is always exhausting.  On the bright side, I did get to visit my happy place for lunch today.  Portillos!!!  The best Italian beef and Chicago dogs on the planet!

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I know, I look like a moron.  I just couldn't resist.  ;D

Anyway, I made sure I got back home to Iowa in time to do a quick dinner time cook.  No way I wasn't going to participate in this event.  I figured this was a good time to try out my 18" OTS that I converted to a fancy OTG.  This was it's first cook since the conversion.

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I added some wood handles from Brian, a Weber Thermometer that I poached from my 26" (after adding a big ass summit thermo to the 26"), a vent handle that I ordered from Weber last week and of course the ash bucket assembly that I got off of a really beat 18" OTG kettle.  This thing worked like a champ.

Got a half chimney of coals ready while I ran out to the store.

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Of course, everyone wanted something different tonight.
- 2 Spicy Italian sausages
- 2 chicken kabobs: 1 marinated, 1 plain
- 1 cheesburger
- Steemed mushrooms in butter

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Everything turned out awesome and now I'm sitting pretty with my food coma.  Glad I got to be a part of this awesome event.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 04:30:16 PM
Can't wait to sit down and have a clser look at all these great photos!!! Amazing job you guys!

We're through a bacon bomb, ribs, beans, turds and up next are homemade baseball sausages! Shibby.  :)

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 04:33:08 PM

Tremendous cookups one & all numerous roti's, burgers, chicken of several types.......'Turds ahoy!!!

Hey, anyone who may not have gottten to take pictures, or might not be set up currently to do so.....still write in with your menu or recipes !!!!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 04:35:55 PM
Six that looks like the feast went over well! 

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mike.stavlund on September 07, 2014, 04:50:12 PM
Cheers to 604 for getting this whole thing started-- it's been a ton of fun and I still haven't taken time to scroll through all of the photos (I need to do some more dishes in a minute  ;-).  This is what the WKC is all about, and I think the first eCook was a tremendous success (and it's not even over yet!).  It was fun to raise my game a little, take a few photos, and see/celebrate what other did today as well.  Kudos, 604!!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Nate on September 07, 2014, 04:57:11 PM
Shredded and 2 sandwiches....I'm tired.

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 05:01:15 PM
I'm first lighting a grill now.
They drew straws and the yellow 22 win.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Heyjude on September 07, 2014, 05:17:46 PM
OK, we got our cook going..
Here's what were working with.
A RED 22 I picked up for free on a Fathers Day when everyone was out.. Its my daily cooker.. Beat up but never lets me down!

In the background is my Cherry Red Happy Cooker. AM I the only one?


And My favorite new toy, the Rib-O-Lator. Courtesy of Alvin, He made me do it!
Got some wings and turds going..

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 05:19:21 PM
Color change happening within seconds of adding a chimney of coshell.


Mr imperial keeping company
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 05:26:00 PM
So nice Troy!! My yellow 18 doesn't really change a whole lot when she's hot...
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 05:37:41 PM
Good and hot now.

Add a chunk of peach to make the neighbors even more jealous.

Four ears of white corn, slathered in mayo and dusted with big poppas desert gold rub.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: coldkettle on September 07, 2014, 05:38:32 PM
Holly looks like a pumpkin!

I love the smell of a evening cook...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Mark Schnell on September 07, 2014, 05:39:42 PM
Saucing up the Anaconda Bacon Burger. I have to capitalize it, right!
( (

Look at that meaty goodness! The slices were the perfect size for a fancy bun.
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And - the Money Shot. Corn on the cob, grilled pineapple, and the Anaconda Bacon Burger. All I can say is, "Wow, that was amazing."
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Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Bbqmiller on September 07, 2014, 05:54:02 PM
Roti chicken, burgers, brussel sprouts, jalapeño cornbread from NJ

Simple start at lunch with hamburgers. Meat freshly ground from local butcher and buns from local bakery.

Firing up the 2009 performer. This was my first charcoal grill. I secured it with some gift Cabelas gift cards. Little did I know that this grill would kick off a passion for grilling/smoking with charcoal.

( (

Icelandic micro brew. Good stuff😎

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The whole crew. The 26 and the lime CB will be used later for dinner.

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Burgers getting a good sear.

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Nice grub for watching some NFL.
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Firing up the lime CB for the first time. This was a nice CL pickup earlier this summer for $75.

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Using the 2009 performer to help fire up the 26.
( (

Kettle ready for chickens.

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Chickens trussed and ready for the spin. They were soaked in a buttermilk brine. I used Gary Wiviott's recipe from low and slow.

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Smoke wood is persimmon.
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Temp settling in around 325-350 at the dome.
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26 getting warmed up.
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Two 12 in CI skillets. Jalapeño buttermilk cornbread coming along nicely. Used this recipe!

( (

Starting some bacon in the other skillet.
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Brussel sprouts getting a good roast.
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Both CI indirect in the 26.
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Chickens looking good
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Cornbread done.
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No problem with the sun going down earlier.
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Two 12 in skillets full of goodness.
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Roasted brussel sprouts in a CI skillet
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Chickens done
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( (

One last shot of the remainder of the cornbread.
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It was a great day to be outside cooking up some grub on the kettles.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Mark Schnell on September 07, 2014, 05:57:45 PM
BBQMiller, I've never been a brussel sprouts guy but you just changed my mind!! Beautiful eats, man.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 05:59:51 PM
Those burgers and cornbread look divine.

I'm no longer interested in the teriyaki chicken kabobs I just added.


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MacEggs on September 07, 2014, 06:02:49 PM
Did some JFC for supper.  Click HERE ( for the recipe.

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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: AZ_MIKEY on September 07, 2014, 06:03:12 PM
Okay so much to read I have got to catch up here. So here are the pics of the rest of the day.


Hope everyone had fun. I know I did. Busy busy but for fun.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Winz on September 07, 2014, 06:06:03 PM
Tri tip on my original SS performer that I gave to a buddy. This was the first grill that I got after joining the WKC. Served with one of NAPAs finest Cabs.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Heyjude on September 07, 2014, 06:07:02 PM
So we got some Asparagus and Yukon Golds going.. Why so little Veggie? Well, the wife insisted on doing some Cauliflower here way, No comment..

Meat is on, got some Pork Chops and  a Hunk o Beef.. Invited my daughter over and guess what, she showed up!


Here is Mr Happy Cooker, moved to the suburbs from the City.. He is liking it!

Thanks Everyone for this awesome cook day!  Did I win? Lol.. Just showing up, were all winners!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 06:09:41 PM
AJ, is that your first use of the ribolator? If not, how the heck do you get it that clean??
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MrHoss on September 07, 2014, 06:14:06 PM
Apple pie made with granny smith apples...homemade crust:


My first turds....cream cheese and sausage meat both spiked with my Jerk seasoning then wrapped in bacon:



The apple pie done:


I cooked the chicken off the heat with white oak on the blue OTG then finished it over the coals on the Jumbo Joe:



Best apple pie I ever had off of any sort of bbq:


My thanks to my wife for making the pie and SixZeroFour for making this little shindig idea.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 06:19:55 PM

Chicken is coming along
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Dave O on September 07, 2014, 06:22:52 PM
Wow everybody's cooks look outstanding,
We did some roadside chicken with seasoned caulyflower - enjoy
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 06:29:56 PM
Almost forgot about my asparagus. White, like me.
Skewered, slathered in mayo, dusted with yardbird.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 06:30:29 PM
Nice looking cook Dave!

We've eaten so much food that desert has been scratched from the menu :) What a fantastic day - cant wait to spend some more time reading tonight! Thanks all for making this a success!!!


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mhiszem on September 07, 2014, 06:30:47 PM
So many great cooks and so many more ideas on what to grill. Thanks 604 for setting this up. Time to get some work done before the morning.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 06:34:31 PM

With all these grate cooks, I feel like I've been eating all day.

Time for Dinner...

Chicken Tostada Salad...




With all the fixin's...



So, do you have room for dessert?...

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Troy on September 07, 2014, 06:46:08 PM
OK I am done.




Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: argentflame on September 07, 2014, 06:47:10 PM
Since I just got my new to me 26r this morning.
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I marinated a whole chicken and a half this morning. This is my Peruvian Chicken I cooked for the first time.
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ABT'S made last night with blueberries and blueberry jam.
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Red SS, Green SS and Black Performer:
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Today I have used 3 Performers: The redhead got the call on the Ribolator(this thing is amazing, just got it in the mail last Thursday) 1/2 a chicken, cubed potatoes and brussell sprouts
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Green SS: Whole Peruvian chicken in the roti
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Black Performer: ABT's with Blueberry Jam and Blueberries.
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The final cook.
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Title: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Idahawk on September 07, 2014, 06:48:06 PM
Dinner and desert
Soaked the cedar planks in white wine , simple salt and pepper , onions, rosemary and lemons.

Mini apple pies
Apples cut in half , filled with butter, raisins, cinnamon , sugars then wrapped in pie crust and cooked on the grill until apple is soft and crust in brown, top with vanilla ice cream (

Was great to cook the Sequoia for the first time and all day as a matter of fact , I took it from smoking temps 225 all the way up to 425 for the Dutch babies , it performed flawlessly
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Heyjude on September 07, 2014, 06:49:53 PM
Quote from: Troy on September 07, 2014, 06:09:41 PM
AJ, is that your first use of the ribolator? If not, how the heck do you get it that clean??

First use... Its awesome..  8)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Heyjude on September 07, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
Oh man, so much good food, so little time. Nice work everyone.. Thanks SixZeroFour for all your hard work and encouragement..
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Heyjude on September 07, 2014, 06:56:46 PM
Hey, who is cleaning up? Oh crap, I guess I am.. Lol..
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Jason on September 07, 2014, 06:59:57 PM
I'm super stoked to get to have made it home with enough time to contribute! I tried making pizza for the first time and am pretty happy with the results. (

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: blackdog043 on September 07, 2014, 07:02:18 PM
I started the day off spinning a couple birds.

Did some burgers and dogs with my grandsons

( (

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Brickout on September 07, 2014, 07:06:01 PM
Ribs came out looking good! (

Wasn't much left at the end. (
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: blackdog043 on September 07, 2014, 07:11:03 PM
Later we did some grilled peaches
( (

We finished the day up with s'mores
we used the smokey joe because it's my Grandsons!!!! I made him a mini WSM.
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 07:37:38 PM
This is absolutely awesome! What a grate day! Fantastic looking cooks, kettles, WOW! @SixZeroFour , thanks for spearheading this event! I got to feed my mother and father in law this weekend and I got the nod of approval.  Safe to safe to say we can call this the "First annual" WKC eCook Day 2014. First of many to come. 8)

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 07:38:52 PM

"So, who has room for dessert?"

There's always room for Dessert!...




OK, now I'm full.

It was a grate day!

Breakfast on the Granite Performer
Lunch on the Kettle Gasser
ABTs on Old Grey
Dinner and dessert on the Redhead


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: MrHoss on September 07, 2014, 07:46:58 PM
blackdog043 - that roti chicken looks flippin' amazing!!!  I'd have at that when alreay full.  That lime green Smokey Joe is sweet too.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Craig on September 07, 2014, 07:59:40 PM
Quote from: dazzo on September 07, 2014, 07:38:52 PM

"So, who has room for dessert?"

There's always room for Dessert!...




OK, now I'm full.

It was a grate day!

Breakfast on the Granite Performer
Lunch on the Kettle Gasser
ABTs on Old Grey
Dinner and dessert on the Redhead


That goes under "Just a picture I want to EAT!"

I am a brownie junky and THAT is the cure for my next fix!

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Bob BQ on September 07, 2014, 08:03:56 PM
Wow! So many grate pics of so many grate cooks! Very, very impressive! 604/Matt... awesome idea... thank you! Here's the last few pics of my cook today... my day started back on page 5 of the thread:

Baby backs and turds finishing up on the flat top 26'r:
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These BB's have definitely got some meat on them bones!
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Couldn't resist a taste right off the grill. Definitely not "fall off the bone"... they're cooked just right...
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Coals were still going, so I threw on some breasts that will get eaten later in the week...
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What a fun day! Definitely stuffed, and ready to be snuffed out!
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Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Jeff on September 07, 2014, 08:04:38 PM
So many great food many awesome grills put into use.   Everyone that participated should be proud of their accomplishments and know this will be a day that will go down in history for the WKC!

Here are some of my modest contributions to the days event.

The day started early with some refreshing Mimosa's



Some of the following may or may not have been used with today's cooks!


Getting the first grill started....the "old fashioned way"


The days first food came in the form of a few appetizers...first were some stuffed mushrooms


Next were some stuffed poppers.  I filled them with a crumbled bacon, parmesan, cream cheese, and bbq sauce mixture.


Next up some chicken legs seasoned with Weber's Kickin Chicken, and followed up with a basting of Texas Bird Bath - Jalapeno, Peach, Mango habanero sauce.


Later came the main course.  Made a couple slabs of baby backs on the WSM.  Used the 3-2-1 method.


The bark turned out a little heavier that I would have liked, but that's an easy correction for next time.  Otherwise, they were tender and perfect inside.


Also made some sliced potatoes in the CI pan.  Seasoned with Weber Veggie Seasoning, and coated with garlic infused oil.


One of the finished plates

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Stu Clary on September 07, 2014, 08:05:15 PM
OK, time to check in from beautiful Vacaville.

Hello Friends.  First off, I had a change in plan.  When the contest was first announced, I said I'd send picks from my tailgate at the Oakland Coliseum.  But, when I realized today was NFL Week One, I decided to forsake the A's game for a full day orgy of televised football (& some baseball), food and drink.  I invited a few friends over and tried to remember to take pictures.

I think you guys call them turds.  I call 'em poppers...

After slicing lengthwise, I gut the membranes and seeds, then replace with a few seeds on each side.  Then I fill with Jimmy Dean Sage on one side, cream cheese on the other...

Wrap with half slice of bacon, secure with toothpick...

Pretty, huh?

My "main event" today is a couple racks of St, Louis style ribs.  Here they are, all rubbed up...

A couple shots after about 45 minutes on the grill...


Time for a beer...

About three hours in, ready for a light coat of sauce...

...and about 15 minutes later...

I make what I call "Tailgate Taters".  I use Yukon Gold potatoes, sliced in half and, after painting with olive oil, season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and a bit of cayenne pepper.  They sit in a bit of apple juice and cook for a hour +.  Love getting the dripping of whatever else I'm cooking on the Tailgate Taters.  Here's, the poppers, the bacon adds some great flavor.

Man does not live by ribs and poppers alone.  British Bangers, Polish sausage, and chicken/garlic sausages.  Again, loving the drip into the Taters.

Mmmmmm.  Corn.


...but not just corn...Elote!

Love me some poppers

Tailgate Taters, plated.  After about 70 minutes, I pulled the pan from under the grill and finsh them over the coals.

Cool condiment holder?

The ribs turned out pretty great.  Say hi to most of my grills in the background.

I hope everyone had a great day.  Lots of (as planned) food, fun and drink here today. 
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: pbe gummi bear on September 07, 2014, 08:05:31 PM
Nothing crazy today, just some brisket/ox tail/akaushi clod burgers on Acme soft rolls with caramelized onions, homemade guacamole, cheddar, lettuce, & heirloom tomato.

Thanks for organizing this, @SixZeroFour!

Ingredients- which edit do you like more?



Cooking in the dark.


Twin burger photoshoot.

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Mark Schnell on September 07, 2014, 08:10:58 PM
Incredible, everyone, just incredible.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 08:27:59 PM

i would imagine posts will be trickling in 'till late tomorrow on this one !!!!

Really extra excellent cookups by everyone.....lotta wild stuff & great ideas....and Mr. bill....hangin' in there in the rain !!!!

Thanks, 604....grate idea !!!

Finally got the 2nd rack of ribs where they needed to was like the therm was stuck @ 265, for hours, but I could tell it was 'just a smidge more' cook time needed.....


these buggers were squirtin'  juice after 6 hours cooking........close as I need to be on done !!!


Here's the 1st rack getting near....


'Turds & choinks, rounds one &  two....


Molly Malone climbing up a small mountain of ribs.....


drip beans, baby blacks only this time....


Drip beets.....these are gonna get done again.....really were that good....don't even like beets all that much & i could eat that whole pan......


Meatballs with a lite smoke & into the C I for a couple hours....



Lost one on the transfer....SMOKED meatball.....


Our home grown tomatoes really made this sweet....


Dessert :


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 08:31:37 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 06:30:29 PM
Nice looking cook Dave!

We've eaten so much food that desert has been scratched from the menu :) What a fantastic day - cant wait to spend some more time reading tonight! Thanks all for making this a success!!!



how were the first 'Turds (of your young life) ?
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Bob BQ on September 07, 2014, 08:33:52 PM
Quote from: mhiszem on September 07, 2014, 03:37:43 PM
Flank steak marinated in balsamic vinegar

^^THIS... looks AMAZING! Awesome job, mhiszem!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: rich on September 07, 2014, 08:35:53 PM
You bunch of fancy BBQrs... From the quick scan I just did there was an incredible amount of good cooking going on today.
I'd like to contribute with my humble cowboy steak and chicken and red potatoes cook.







Greetings everyone!!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Stu Clary on September 07, 2014, 08:39:45 PM
I just looked through the whole thread.  WOW!  What a great day and what a great (oops...GRATE!) bunch of cooks!  Awesome pictures - food porn & grill porn at its finest!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Bob BQ on September 07, 2014, 08:46:45 PM
Quote from: rich on September 07, 2014, 08:35:53 PM
I'd like to contribute with my humble cowboy steak and chicken and red potatoes cook.

Greetings everyone!!

Greetings, Rich! Humble, maybe... delicious? I'd be willing to bet yes!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Stu Clary on September 07, 2014, 09:08:09 PM
Quote from: mrbill on September 07, 2014, 03:02:33 PM
and then it wasn't sprinkling anymore, I don't have a covered patio, so I had to deal.

( (

after about 20 minutes of holding the umbrella and getting wet, I figured out a way to go back to watching football

( (

Hahaha!  I think we've all been there - I know I have!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: mirkwood on September 08, 2014, 12:59:56 AM
This has been a long but fun day, Props to SixZeroFour for thinking this up and giving it life.
25 hours after I lit my first coals for this party I just finished putting away leftovers and had
to force myself to quit "snacking" on bits of brisket as I worked..

First few pics from early this morning are here ( and here is the rest of day of cooking.

A small amount of the brisket getting broke down for munching on. I injected a mixture of beef broth fortified with Johnny's
French Dip Au Jus concentrate and Radich's Bor-Do-Lay marinade all through the slab o'brisket. Just did a basic Dalmatian
rub on the outside.


The turds going on the blue performer. the filling for the turds is Winz's dipping sauce with blueberries mixed in. Very tasty.


DING, Turds are done..


Had to cook the game hens kind of late so they went into the black after dark.


Here they are after their spin on the roti.


And last but but not least,, one lonely plated pic complete with drip beans that were under the brisket..


After I spent quite a good bit of time looking at everyone else's cook up images, all I can say is I am blessed to be hanging
out with the best kettle chef's on the planet.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: dazzo on September 08, 2014, 05:46:16 AM
QuoteFinally got the 2nd rack of ribs where they needed to be....

Dang buckie...

How come you don't weigh like 932 pounds?


Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: jamesnomore on September 08, 2014, 06:24:00 AM
Couldn't move after 3 plates of amazing food, I have to say this was the best fatty I've ever had.
( (
The pork was amazing
( (
The beans even better than ever
( (
Almost forgot to take a plated plate
( (

Rounded the afternoon out with a jug of home brew
( (

it was a great day! Look forward to the next one.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 08, 2014, 07:03:55 AM
Quote from: 1buckie on September 07, 2014, 08:31:37 PM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 07, 2014, 06:30:29 PM
Nice looking cook Dave!

We've eaten so much food that desert has been scratched from the menu :) What a fantastic day - cant wait to spend some more time reading tonight! Thanks all for making this a success!!!



how were the first 'Turds (of your young life) ?

I really liked them! but there are a few little tweaks I need to make for next time :) The rich creamy taste of the butter chicken with the jalapeño was excellent, but I used some leftover "lazy maple" bacon from the fattie cooked earlier. Now, I LOVE me some maple bacon, but the maple taste was a bit too contrasting so there was one too many flavours going on. I think with the plain bacon wrap these will be a keeper!

One tip I used was to wear gloves while cutting the peppers - excellent advice! Now most I ate were real nice flavour, pretty mild - but the odd one had some real kick to it! Is that the pepper itself or did I more than likely miss a seed in there?

Thanks for the inspiration buckie! A new weapon added to the BBQ arsenal!   
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: SixZeroFour on September 08, 2014, 07:20:15 AM

I meant to mention this at the end of day yesterday, but both my cook and the event itself were dedicated to my friend Greg. I apologize I can't go into specifics but wanted to mention it!

Once again THANK YOU ALL for participating, all the awesome comments and cooks, and for making this such an awesome place to spend some time! I think it was a hit and I hope we can make it an annual thing at very least! :)

Photos and cooks might continue to trickle in so we can have a look at the draw etc a bit later today - just want to make sure everyone is included before we go handing prizes out. A list of names entered in the main draw will be posted once I comb through the complete post again then I'll make nomination threads for prizes 2 and 3 which can be decided by vote or consensus.

So much fun you guys - I'm still in shock at the variety! I have 2 summers worth of BBQ now planned in advance ;)
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 08, 2014, 07:35:08 AM
Quote from: dazzo on September 08, 2014, 05:46:16 AM
QuoteFinally got the 2nd rack of ribs where they needed to be....

Dang buckie...

How come you don't weigh like 932 pounds?


I avoid sugary desserts.........


  This and mhiszem's both look delectable.....& Mirkwood's plateup.....gee, that's just the last two  pages !!!!  


Quote from: Bob BQ on September 07, 2014, 08:33:52 PM
Quote from: mhiszem on September 07, 2014, 03:37:43 PM
Flank steak marinated in balsamic vinegar

^^THIS... looks AMAZING! Awesome job, mhiszem!

Couldn't resist a taste right off the grill. Definitely not "fall off the bone"... they're cooked just right...
( (

And where else would you ever in the world see this :

Getting the first grill started....the "old fashioned way"


And gummiBurgers......

Twin burger photoshoot.


And this needs to go in "Just a Picture I Liked"


and this, from James....

I have to say this was the best fatty I've ever had.
( (

Gee, that is just the last two  pages !!!!

My kinda plateup ~~~>


After I spent quite a good bit of time looking at everyone else's cook up images, all I can say is I am blessed to be hanging
out with the best kettle chef's on the planet.
quote from Lance (Mirkwood)..................So true, so very, very true....

Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1buckie on September 08, 2014, 07:46:00 AM
"One tip I used was to wear gloves while cutting the peppers - excellent advice! Now most I ate were real nice flavour, pretty mild - but the odd one had some real kick to it! Is that the pepper itself or did I more than likely miss a seed in there?'

Even peppers off the same plant can vary in heat it in Scientific American..... 8)

Might just have been a little more vein in that one a seed or two usually doesn't up the heat that much.....

Play with these, you'll figure out the combinations that fly !!!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Tim in PA on September 08, 2014, 08:26:02 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on September 08, 2014, 07:20:15 AM
I meant to mention this at the end of day yesterday, but both my cook and the event itself were dedicated to my friend Greg. I apologize I can't go into specifics but wanted to mention it!

Once again THANK YOU ALL for participating, all the awesome comments and cooks, and for making this such an awesome place to spend some time! I think it was a hit and I hope we can make it an annual thing at very least! :)

Photos and cooks might continue to trickle in so we can have a look at the draw etc a bit later today - just want to make sure everyone is included before we go handing prizes out. A list of names entered in the main draw will be posted once I comb through the complete post again then I'll make nomination threads for prizes 2 and 3 which can be decided by vote or consensus.

So much fun you guys - I'm still in shock at the variety! I have 2 summers worth of BBQ now planned in advance ;)

Thanks for the awesome event!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: iCARRY on September 08, 2014, 08:42:11 AM
Glad I was able to participate. It was a really cool idea that worked out great.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: G$ on September 08, 2014, 09:47:28 AM
Looking back through this thread, I wish I could have participated as much as I had originally planned.  Life interrupted though.  I am glad the thread remains for posterity.  There are some incredible items in here.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: indy82z on September 08, 2014, 10:29:03 AM
Couldn't agree more. Had three meals planned out to do but the real world told me I had other plans.. Glad I was able to take part in was fun to see what everyone was cooking and gave me some really good ideas.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: addicted-to-smoke on September 08, 2014, 12:10:13 PM
Forgot all about this thread although I did grill up a batch of marinated and smoked tenderloins yesterday. There are some epic pictures in this thread. Best of luck to the winners!
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: 1911Ron on September 08, 2014, 01:21:41 PM
Sorry i missed it i got hit with a bug that knocked me down, feeling somewhat better.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: lemisfits on September 08, 2014, 06:54:26 PM
Thanks for organizing and conceptualizing the day Matt, it was appreciated by all.
Title: Re: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]
Post by: Peaspurple on September 09, 2014, 05:39:40 PM
Wow wow wow guys. I hate I missed this. It looks like it was a blast.