Aaron Franklin NEW book! Review + WKC Giveaway

Started by Troy, April 07, 2015, 12:22:00 PM

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In case you guys missed it, @mike.stavlund worked his magic and acquired 5 copies of Aaaron Franklin's new book - Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto

Mike reviewed his copy and the WKC is giving away 5 copies. Go read Mike's Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto review and leave a comment to enter to win a copy. After leaving a comment, you'll be prompted to share on facebook or twitter for an additional entry. You can enter once per day!


Holy crap, I just got my paper copy from Amazon and it's even better than I thought (my review was of a PDF the publisher sent me).  A no-nonsense hardcover book with no fancy dust jacket, but gorgeous printing right on the hard cover.  If you don't win one, you'll be happy to buy one!
One of the charcoal people.


...and I have to say, I had a fortuitous connection with the publisher, but I doubt they'd have given me the time of day without the WKC behind me.  Y'all are the wind beneath my wings.  ;-)
One of the charcoal people.


It's the iconic symbol for the backyard. It's family/friends, food and fun. What more do you need to feel everything [is] going to be all right. As long as we can still have a BBQ in our backyard, the world seems a bit of a better place. At least for that moment. -reillyranch


Fantastic write-up Mike. Might have to buy the book in advance myself - looks (and sounds) like a keeper.


I bought the kindle version today and can't put it down.  Great book.

In an ongoing relationship with a kettle named Bisbee.


Great review!  Its a shame he's not a charcoal or kettle fan, but its understandable like is said in the review.  I hope I get a chance to get to Texas and try his stuff some time.


His stuff is good but there's a handful of others within a half hour of him just as good.  Make a trip to the area and spend a couple days if you ever get the chance. Great bbq all in a close vicinity.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Searching for a Blue 18" MBH


after reading the review, and spending an hour gently flipping through the copies Mr Franklin sent over, I've decided to buy my own copy.
@mike.stavlund , next time we negotiate one of these deals we need to include hard copies for ourselves!


Yeah, tell me about it @Troy .  I pored over the entire PDF, then bought a paper copy too.  My negotiation skills are suspect, for sure.  OTOH, last week I paid $25 for a red 22 OT when the guy was asking $35.  So maybe there is hope for me. 
One of the charcoal people.


I just finished the Kindle version of this book. His passion and obsession for BBQ is very apparent. Unlike some authors who seem like they don't want to give away any secrets, he is very specific about his process especially when it comes to Brisket. Lots of great knowledge and experience in this book from someone who comes across as very down to earth. 


 I loved the book  , a lot of info on method and  trimming meat ///after reading the book . it seems he doesn't like anything I`ve ever done . He doesn't like reverse flow smokers / weber`s / He`s  a strick stick burner smoker // keeping the  firebox  door open during smoking  //// I`m going to modify my reverse flow smoker to do a brisket the way he does  //


Quote from: mike.stavlund on April 10, 2015, 12:53:18 PM
My negotiation skills are suspect, for sure.

Aren't you the guy who talked a red Jumbo Joe out of the back of some guys truck? Seems to me we could all learn some negotiation skills from you Mike!


FTLOG @Troy - tell us who won! It's been a month.

BTW; FTLOG = For The Love Of Grilling


@MartyG it's my understanding that several of the winners haven't responded to Troy's attempts to contact them... so he's doing the painstaking work of reaching out, waiting, reaching out again, waiting, then moving on to the next set of winners on the list.  And so on, and so on.  Once the books are out there we're hoping we can coordinate a Q&A with Aaron Franklin here... last we communicated with them that was a serious possibility. 
One of the charcoal people.