With a few new members in the area on board, and my own move from Chicago complete, I thought we should get together here in the DC/MD/PA area one more time before Winter. Thinking Octoberish, maybe 4/5 or 11/12 weekends. It will be a true Octoweberfest!
For those who know the area better than I do, can you suggest a park where we could meet that allows charcoal grilling? Something with a pavilion? Maybe Northeast of DC and SW of PA? I don't want to presume anyone would host the event at their home, but that's an option for those bold enough to take it on! I'll do another one here at my place around Memorial Day next year, but that's so far away.
So check in and let us know if we can make something happen.
I'll chime in on the dates. We have plans on the 4th and 5th that will probably keep us from being able to participate that weekend. The 11th and 12th will work better, depending on what we decide to do for anniversary celebrations.
Sounds like fun. I'm available the 4th/5th but not the 11th/12th. No need to schedule around me, however. I'll stay tuned as I love to make it again and cook this time!
Also, the Lititz Springs Park has charcoal grills throughout so I imagine that we could bring our own. It's a beautiful park in a wonderful town that everyone should visit sometime.
There's a place in Millersville called Kinder Farm Park. There are pavilions, playgrounds for kids, farms animals (not for grilling), trails, etc. They do charge for admittance but have two large pavilions available for rental by large groups. I'd imagine if you rent a pavilion you won't have to pay for entry but I can find out. We'd also have to check it they allow outside grills (there are grills at the two pavilions).
Here's the info: http://www.kinderfarmpark.org
I can look into the rental and grills if you guys think this is a good option.
Im working the 4th/5th, but available the 11th/12th.
Dont schedule around me though.
My wife is due very soon. Hopefully I can make this one.
Based on input to date, and my own schedule craziness, I suggest we shoot for Saturday the 11th. Would love to do something in Lititz someday Tim, so keep that in mind. Agree it's a cool town to hang out in and the park is great. WebMD, feel free to check into the details at the park you mentioned. Seems to be a good middle ground for most of the MA crew. I'm open to other ideas too, but it would help to lock something in sooner than later. A bunch of locals (Shane, Mike, Keith, WYD and more) have not weighed in yet on the dates, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt. DTHatch - I lived on the Eastern Shore a while back (St Michaels) so it would be a blast to do a Kent Island meet up someday. Grilled crab cakes are one of my favorite things!
Anyway, just trying to move the ball forward here. Like all these meet ups, it's impossible to find a day that everyone has open.
I am running a race on the 11th so I won't be able to make this one. I look forward to the photo thread!
I'm pretty much swamped for the first half of October. I have a trip to Michigan planned, plus a motorcycle trip to NC. You guys plan for what works for everyone. If I can be there, I will.
I'd love to do something like that. We have hockey every weekend from now thru May but I hope I can attend before or after. Depending on the time. Either weekend works for me. Allen pond park in Bowie May be a thought. Very nice area with charcoal grills and lots of room.
I'm supposed to be in Pittsburgh that weekend but I'll keep an eye on the thread, it would be pretty cool to get out for a cold one and some tasty grub.
Just a thought, what about that Monday, Oct 13. We could celebrate Columbus Day and it probably wouldn't interfere with soccer, softball, hockey, etc.
One last suggestion for a location, Catoctin Mountain National Park, Chestnut Picnic Area. I know some folks who work for NPS, I could check and see what would be involved but I know the picnic area and it would be a nice setup.
Saturday the 11th looks open for me. I would love to meetup with any and all of y'all and get some more cooking lessons!
Quote from: mike.stavlund on September 09, 2014, 06:36:27 PM
Saturday the 11th looks open for me. I would love to meetup with any and all of y'all and get some more cooking lessons!
Cooking lesson given maybe! You should definitely give us all another lesson in that amazing salmon.
I will do the salmon, but only if someone brings me a 26. ;-)
I'm sure I'm good for either date. Would really enjoy doing this again. Had a great time the first time and would have fun doing it again. I will do everything I can to make sure I have my schedule cleared for this event.
Millersville works for me. I just joined the other day.
Quote from: Mark218 on September 09, 2014, 06:08:24 PM
One last suggestion for a location, Catoctin Mountain National Park, Chestnut Picnic Area. I know some folks who work for NPS, I could check and see what would be involved but I know the picnic area and it would be a nice setup.
Catoctin mtn is a great area. I ventured up there to look into buying a performer from a guy heh (I passed on it). That'd be a pretty central location IMO.
I can't commit, unfortunately... Having a toddler really puts a wrench in weekend planning.
@Marty - email to park sent. Will provide details when I get them.
@mike - I'll bring my 26.75.
Have we decided on where to hold this?
Let's see what WeberMD gets back from the park and see if that works. Otherwise I would like to check out the Catoctin location, but still open to other suggestions. It would be nice to be able to reserve a pavilion for sure. No rain dates, we're going to cook no matter what!
Quote from: MartyG on September 14, 2014, 11:28:27 AM
Let's see what WeberMD gets back from the park and see if that works. Otherwise I would like to check out the Catoctin location, but still open to other suggestions. It would be nice to be able to reserve a pavilion for sure. No rain dates, we're going to cook no matter what!
Awesome, can't wait. Kinder farm park is quite a nice place.
I would be good at Catoctin or in Millersville. Either would be ok. In the Catoctin setup I know from going to Frederick Md a good amount that they have the Catoctin Zoo. Not sure how it is but heard its nice.
Any word MD? I notice their annual Harvest Festival is the 11th. Not a bad thing if we could grill up some fresh veggies, but the pavilions may be spoken for.
A few unanswered email messages and telephone calls. Customer service at this place is terrible - this idea may be a bust. Did you have any luck reaching anyone?
Did not get a chance to call Friday - but will tomorrow. Not a bust yet, but let's agree on Plan B. Anyone have a place in mind? I can also do Sunday the 12th if everyone is flexible in that regard. Given the Harvest Fest on the 11th at Kinder, the next day might be more open. Will try to confirm tomorrow.
Quote from: mike.stavlund on September 10, 2014, 05:23:04 PM
I will do the salmon, but only if someone brings me a 26. ;-)
Mike, that would make a GREAT! door prize.
Quote from: teerhardy on September 22, 2014, 03:45:39 PM
Quote from: mike.stavlund on September 10, 2014, 05:23:04 PM
I will do the salmon, but only if someone brings me a 26. ;-)
Mike, that would make a GREAT! door prize.
The salmon or the 26? I say both.
shhh, I kept that wording intentionally ambiguous so that I could make a play for instant ownership of someone's 26. Especially if it's a flat-top.
Hey guys - Kinder Park is a bust for the 11th due to the Harvest Festival, but the 18th is open. I can make it that day, but want to see how many others can shift a week before we lock it in. If the group is less than 20 we don't have to rent a pavilion, (just saved $180!) just show up and use it with the possibility we may have to share it. No facilities to dispose of hot coals, so we'll have to let 'em cool off and take 'em with us. Shouldn't be a big deal.
If the 18th is a no-go, we'll have to find another place to play on the 11th. You are welcome to come back to my place in PA, and if it's raining we can grill under the car port. Won't be as formal as the last time, but that might be a good thing.
I could probably do the 18th.
@mike.stavlund@teerhardy @wyd @Weber MD @Chuck @kevoid @OoPEZoO @dwnthehatch @Tim in PA@Bman@Mark218Who did I miss? Check in and let us know if you can make the 18th at Kinder Park. The 11th is off limits at Kinder due to another event. (Which sounds fun BTW) Let's do this!
Damn, I'll be out of town 10/18.
I'm out. Too much going on this month
I will be out in Hong Kong. Sorry I can't make it.
Sounds like fun! I've been to Hong Kong a few times. Crazy busy place. Interesting food! Take pics and share when you get back.
Kinder Park. Never been their before. I looked online is that the one near Pasadena MD? If enough people are going I can drive down for the 18th. If I have the right place its about 100 miles or so from my area. Not too bad of a trip.
Quote from: MartyG on October 02, 2014, 07:31:31 AM
Sounds like fun! I've been to Hong Kong a few times. Crazy busy place. Interesting food! Take pics and share when you get back.
@mike.stavlund challenged me to find Weber grills or accessories on each my trips. Not sure what I'll find in Hong Kong, but I will be on the look out! Definitely hoping to find some crazy spices.
Quote from: MartyG on October 02, 2014, 01:22:03 AM
let us know if you can make the 18th at Kinder Park. The 11th is off limits at Kinder due to another event.
18th is a no go. Free the 11th. But don't make the date because of my schedule.
I'll try to make it. I'm still trying to get into a routine with the newborn. I sold my truck so I have to figure out a way to get some kettles there.
I'm in!
I've got about a 20% chance of making it the 18th.
It depends on the time of the event and the arrival times of some out of town co-workers.
I'm a 'maybe' as well. I have some family obligations that day until about noon, but might be able to bring the kids along after that. Will have to see how things shake out.
Great location, though, BTW. Only an hour from me, so thanks for working to find such a central location. I really hope to make it out, meet more GrillPeople, learn a bunch about cooking, and taste some great food. Thanks for pulling this all together, Marty!
OK, with apologies to those who can't make it, the 18th is a GO for Kinder park. Rain or shine! Let's say Noon onward, and see what happens. I'll try to get there early (never been there before myself) and secure a portion of a pavilion. If everyone brings what they need to grill what they bring (hows that for a twisted sentence) we should be in good shape. Not sure if the park allows alcohol, so plan accordingly. Feel free to mention what you are planning to avoid duplicates, but we rarely have issues with that. I'm going to do bacon-wrapped crab balls as an experiment, but I'll fry some up the normal way in a CI pan too. Planning to bring my '79 18.5" for the festivities, and maybe a surprise appearance of my Mod Month contraption too.
I'll be a game time decision. If I can make it I'll be bringing
@Peaspurple Weber cooler!
Quote from: Tim in PA on October 03, 2014, 09:32:43 AM
I'll be a game time decision. If I can make it I'll be bringing @Peaspurple Weber cooler!
Unfortunately, I am out. I hope everyone has a good time.
Thanks Tim, we'll catch you next time. Looks like nice weather ahead for Saturday, and I'm looking forward to the gathering. Low key is the order of the day - just grillin' and chillin'. I'll try to get over to the park in the next few days to scope out a pavilion, and will let everyone know where to meet.
See you there!
Sweet Marty.
Great. Can't wait.
Stopped by the park after work today. Nice place. Let's plan to meet at the first pavilion Saturday around Noonish - the one called Black Oak. Just past the playground on the left side of the road. Parking will cost you $6.00 at the gate. Should be parking in front of the pavilion for easy unloading. I'll be there early to stake a claim.
Do bring:
Whatever kettle(s), charcoal, lump and misc. you need to cook your stuff.
Your stuff. For you, To share. Whatever. No rules. No minimum. No limits.
Drinks - No alcohol allowed in at the park, so bring something else to drink.
Comfortable chair - unless you like to sit on a wood bench all day.
A bucket of some kind for charcoal - or wait of them to cool off and leave them in the kettle. No hot coal disposal at the park.
Kids, Spouses, SOs, MILss, SILs, siblings, first dates, newbies and an appetite.
Stuff to sell, trade, show off or give away. I'm bringing my Mod Month entry, and plan to cook on it.
Camera - to prove it happened.
What am I missing? Address?
Kinder Farm Park
1001 Kinder Farm Park Road
Millersville, MD 21108
(410) 222-6115
We'll be looking for pics tomorrow evening, fellas.... 8)
I was putting the kids to bed tonight, and mentioned in passing that I was bummed that it looked like we wouldn't be able to squeeze in the Weber event-- just too many moving pieces tomorrow, and our best-case arrival time would be mid-afternoon anyway.
My 5-year old daughter immediately burst into tears (real tears!), sobbing and completely sad. I asked why she was so disappointed?
"Because I love the Weber Kettle Club," she said, her shoulders shaking and huge tears rolling down her cheeks.
So, uh, I think we might just make the trip tomorrow. Dad will certainly do his best, because he also loves the WKC and doesn't want to discourage any emerging kettle devotion in the household.
...and on a related note,
@Troy , how small do the WKC t-shirts run?
Too precious!
I can get kid sizes. Next time I order, your kids shirt is on me!
Quote from: Troy on October 17, 2014, 08:14:29 PM
Too precious!
I can get kid sizes. Next time I order, your kids shirt is on me!
I mean, I will pay for shirt.
Quote from: Troy on October 17, 2014, 08:15:36 PM
Quote from: Troy on October 17, 2014, 08:14:29 PM
Too precious!
I can get kid sizes. Next time I order, your kids shirt is on me!
I mean, I will pay for shirt.
Quote from: Troy on October 17, 2014, 08:15:36 PM
Quote from: Troy on October 17, 2014, 08:14:29 PM
Too precious!
I can get kid sizes. Next time I order, your kids shirt is on me!
I mean, I will pay for shirt.
I canNOT stop laughing. Thanks Troy!
Sorry guys. Looks like I'm going to miss another one. I'm still trying to juggle this newborn with everything else going on. For some reasonI thought it was on Sunday. I haven't had a chance to wire up my trailer yet. Have fun.
Good times on a nice Fall day in Maryland. With meetups, it's not the quantity, it's the quality, and I want to recognize two of our areas nicest members for making the day memorable. Shane (Peaspurple), Mike (Stavlund) and myself, along with assorted family and friends met this afternoon for some great food and good company. The park was very nice, even though Ranger 1 did not see eye to eye with Ranger 2 when it came to the pavilion rules. After dodging jail time, we were able to proceed with the set up.
My Mod-Month rig made it's first public appearance, along with my '79 18.5 for it's first cook.
A little chimney action on the crimson Joe got things started:
Things got a little messy. :o Good thing I had table space!
The colored kettles competed well with the falling leaves.
Of course, Mike seems to think red kettles are just a little more perfect than any other color. 8)
And his daughter agrees. (And after last night's waterworks :'( she was NOT going to be denied this meetup!)
Look Ma - No Grills! Maybe my best shot of the day - thanks to Mike's girls.
Nice way to end the meetup season, but we'll be back strong in the Mid Atlantic next year. And of course we'll be grilling through the Winter months. Keep the kettles warm WKC!
Talk about some good times and what a cool looking venue! THAT right there is what the WKC is about to me gents! Good on you all!
Marty was this the inaugural cook for the new Crimson Sequoia? What a looker that rig is!
You have a beautiful family Mike! and it looks like they had an awesome day as well :)
... Shane are you a Hockey guy too?! Most lacrosse guys are ;) Hopefully not a Hawks fan thou... ;) ;D ;)
I am sorry I wasn't able to get up there would love to meet some of you guys, looks like you had a great time though with some very happy WKC gals (no tears in those pics) & that mod you did just looks great.
Quote from: SixZeroFour on October 18, 2014, 02:45:11 PM
Talk about some good times and what a cool looking venue! THAT right there is what the WKC is about to me gents! Good on you all!
Marty was this the inaugural cook for the new Crimson Sequoia? What a looker that rig is!
You have a beautiful family Mike! and it looks like they had an awesome day as well :)
... Shane are you a Hockey guy too?! Most lacrosse guys are ;) Hopefully not a Hawks fan thou... ;) ;D ;)
Yep, big time hockey guy. My son has been playing for the last five years and is on a fairly competitive squirt travel team. We are Caps fans and hit as many games as we can.
Was all setup to come to the meet up and then I had to go into work which almost never happens all gear long until I plan something fun like this. Hope everyone who made it had a good time and ate well.
Thanks for putting this meetup together, Marty, and thanks for the great photos. We really had a great time, and indeed ate some amazing food. The WKC obviously knows how to collect kettles, but they are great cooks too!
The playground was epic-- my kids had a wonderful time playing there, so we appreciate your consideration of folks of all ages.
Credit for the park goes to WeberMD. Too bad he couldn't make it this time. Agree it was fun for all ages. I like meetups with kids involved - Imagine the memories they will have down the road! Oh, and I almost forgot the food! My crab-stuffed turds were pretty OK, and I made up a few bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin chunks with a brandy-cream sauce. Could have spent more time on those and they may have spent too much time on the grill, but good. I'll do them again when I have less going on. Mike brought a marinaded pork tenderloin that was fantastic. (I heard Gummi was involved in his creation.) Shane did a pile of chicken and all the fixins for some great tasting Pitas. Good stuff!
I must say the food is always the best. Mikes pork was great, the sauce to die for. Marty's brandy cream sauce was out of this world. I will be begging for both those recipes. On top of it all it was a perfect weather day. Great fun. Thanks Marty for setting this up!!
Here's the pork recipe I tried. Saw it the day before and threw it together. I could not find green peppercorns and sub'd in some capers. Added a little salty tang which seemed to be fine. I will try this one again sometime when I can watch it a little closer.
Looks like you had a good time. I can't wait to get out of baby jail.
Quote from: dwnthehatch on October 20, 2014, 06:34:00 AM
I can't wait to get out of baby jail.
Ha, I couldn't attend because I was in jail!
I work there and we're 'on' every other weekend. ;)
Looks like you guys had great weather and a cool looking place to hang out at! Too bad you had some issues with the Ranger. He must have been jealous he couldn't hang out and had to "work"
Love that Crimson Smokey cart/table setup. Looks like it could have come straight from Weber. Very clean looking!