2000 (DD, no serial) model Master-Touch - parts needed

Started by John Hilton, November 09, 2024, 08:10:56 AM

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John Hilton

Hey all,

I have a 2000 master-touch 22.5" (57cm), the damper is debossed with the letters "DD" so I assume its 2000 model. The kettle has been in storage for a year while some renovations were done.

The cleaning kit has seized up, rusted and the damper blades too. I am going to have to drill/grind it out. The ash cather ring is held in place by a metal bar and two retaining tips stick though the ring, which are all then bolted into place... anywhere I can get that retaining bar and the cleaning kit for this particular grill. I can reuse the bar, it is not in too bad shape, if the new H type cleaning kit system will fit?

Any guidance, google searches not yielding anything in the way of parts for the DD.



Hey John,

I've had more than a couple of these One-Touch cleaning kits seize on me or purchased them and they wouldn't move!

I don't know where to get a cross bar but there is a thread here and it was discussed. I know @JEBIV, sold me a few kits for old style sweeps without cross-bar and I think that'll work. He participated in that thread as well, awesome WKC member!  I'll update this post with that thread once I find it. (getting used to Web Version of WKC these days!)

Here's the thread I mentioned above: https://weberkettleclub.com/forums/index.php/topic,51712.msg502130.html#msg502130

I have found that some of them will "break lose" with a few different methods:
1. Heat the grill and spray some cooking oil or rub animal fat on the edges (use heat safe gloves for sure.
2. WD40 on the bottom side of the grill daily for a couple days
3. Angle Grinder (not easy or fun but will get the job done.

Apologies I couldn't help with the cross bar part!


John Hilton

Thanks Gringo, that previous thread was helpful, I had in mind to purchase an entire replace and then retrofit it to the bowl of my Master-Touch:


I have started to put healthy amounts of WD40 on the retaining nut and will see if I can shift it, failing that, yup, going to surgically remove it with an angle grinder :-)

Got a 6lb sirloin rib going on there today... bottom vents fully open, and then its surgery time.



Hello John,

Years ago, WKC members @zavod44 (collaboration with @pbe gummi bear), and of late, @toolhead used to make the

retaining crossbar for the pre-2000 ash catcher rings. Maybe if demand is high enough, someone will step up to

reproduce them again. There are mods and conversions to get around the now defunct crossbar.


