Who Says it Never Rains in California

Started by jaycee213, July 19, 2015, 05:44:40 PM

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The weirdest weather in Cali this summer. We had more rain the the off season then rainy season. It feels like Hawaii here 85 degrees and raining. Got caught off guard while smoking some tuna jerky.

Had to roll the Performer under the unbrella.

Poor WSM without a cover. Waiting on delivery from Amazon.
Redhead SS Performer w/cajun bandit stacker
Weber Q 320
WSM 18.5


Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......

Bob R

I had a chimney full of coals going yesterday evening when a rain came up here in Missouri. I managed to cover them, and resumed the cook when the rain passed. My coals were bout 50% burned up by then, I placed them in the Baskets, and then added some new coals on top. Piece of cake.