Scored Pat Pending 26 Red with.......

Started by LightningBoldtz, May 19, 2015, 03:55:39 PM

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Holy cats! Congratulations on the find! That's a sweet red! I think I'm in love


Congrats LB! Kettle Karma. I have seen what you have down for other members, congrats on a grail score. well deserved.


A bunch of black kettles



Awesome grab LB....Congratulations!!


Good stuff.

I scored my red 26er when it was listed on CL as a regular red 22" kettle in "OK" condition.   It sat on CL for almost a week before I finally caved in because it was literally right on my commute home.  I showed up and the guy pulled out the 26er.....SCORE!  He also had a 22" red, and accidentally took a pic of the wrong kettle he wanted to sell.  I ended up talking him into me buying both :)

I also ended up with a corn N tater ring for the 26er.......haven't used it yet, but sweet corn is almost in season


So upon further inspection I think this is going to clean up really nice

More pics to share

Already started the triangle cleanup

None standard wheels, odd part is I am having a challenge getting them off.

Overall the ash pan is in good shape, will need some clr and go through the process that Matt outlined to make her shine.

Grate is pretty rusty but a wire wheel and some oil and she'll be fine

Same with CnT

On to the Kettle
New handle is a must

Only major spot on the lid (poor focus)

Some minor scratches

Inside the bowl easy cleanup  same with the lid

Bowl is in great shape only one spot, some crazing(is that right?)  vents work great.

I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Looks like it will clean up nicely...add me to the list to check with when you are ready to send that one down the road. ;)


Congrats Jeff.  Couldn't happen to a nicer chap!

Uncle JJ


I only use kettles with lid bales.


We're not worthy! Awesome grill. Can't wait to see the cleanup!



So I'm telling the wife last night about L.B. scoring this Aristocrat....I was a little exited for the man. I tell her some of the details that were shared with me via PM. She looks at me and says we, "need a Weber theme song to play while hunting down JUNK"!!!! I point out these gems are far from junk but the theme song idea is a splendid one....that I would bring it up with, "the boys"!!!

I left the room but was told this morning that my wife's 19 yr old daughter made one up after I left the room...."It's a Weber Kettle.......doo doo doo's a bbq.....doo doo doo doo......and we don't care".

Needs a little work and the snotty ending needs to be changed but it's a start.
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"


May The Smoke Be With You!


Quote from: MrHoss on May 20, 2015, 07:10:42 AM

So I'm telling the wife last night about L.B. scoring this Aristocrat....I was a little exited for the man. I tell her some of the details that were shared with me via PM. She looks at me and says we, "need a Weber theme song to play while hunting down JUNK"!!!! I point out these gems are far from junk but the theme song idea is a splendid one....that I would bring it up with, "the boys"!!!

I left the room but was told this morning that my wife's 19 yr old daughter made one up after I left the room...."It's a Weber Kettle.......doo doo doo's a bbq.....doo doo doo doo......and we don't care".

Needs a little work and the snotty ending needs to be changed but it's a start.

Some will never get it, you can only feel sorry for them and let them be.
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"