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Author Topic: New question (no pics at all)  (Read 16441 times)


  • WKC Ranger
  • Posts: 759
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2013, 06:47:23 AM »

Example: How many are holding the bag on collectable cards? Pok-E-man? It was a fad and many lost $'s I think we will
see this happen on Weber Grills at some point. Its not like investing in stocks, at least if you suffer a loss, it is a tax deduction...

I think if the market or price ever falls on old weber grills I have not lost any money.

As a wise man has on here for his signature line: My weber it's a memory maker, not a money maker!

Words to live by. Yes the price of these will go up as less and less rare ones are for sale ... you determine how much you want to pay, but no matter what you will make fond memories with and of these kettles and memories my friends are priceless and last forever. Hell I made a memory yesterday with a kettle I don't even own "the white whale" and it is a good memory. I felt so invigorated going after it and  it made a great story to tell to someone else about how I once went weber whale hunting! :o ;D
Looking for--- a yellow mbh any size, sequoia ( I know I am dreaming), avocado any size, brownie any size.


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3268
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2013, 06:54:40 AM »
Yes Shaun,
Its certainly fair and another option to consider.  Problem is, is that I've had a handful of offers for it already on when I got it that already were well north of 100 bucks.  It wouldn't be fair to take 100 from one specific person, when others have expressed serious interest already.  It still brings me back to the original problem of multiple people wanting this grill and how to price it knowing this. 

So, it is "OK" to auction a grill, but "Not OK" to set a price and decide to sell to a specific person, because by auctioning  you know the price is "right"?   Interesting perspective.


  • The Duke
  • Posts: 7968
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2013, 06:56:35 AM »
Yes Shaun,
Its certainly fair and another option to consider.  Problem is, is that I've had a handful of offers for it already on when I got it that already were well north of 100 bucks.  It wouldn't be fair to take 100 from one specific person, when others have expressed serious interest already.  It still brings me back to the original problem of multiple people wanting this grill and how to price it knowing this.  This grill is in super condition except the ash pan as most of you know.  Its a survivor grill for sure.

I get offers like that to and it's not a problem. Like I said decide what a reasonable profit is and you choose the person you want to sell it to. The others will understand. I still think my suggestion of $200 should make you very happy, a nice profit and make the buyer happy. There isn't any devalue, contrary to what others say I believe we have the strongest hand in controlling this market. Like others have pointed out the prices may drop one day. I would like to be able to say that my deals were fair then and after the drop.

So you did get that Imperial!  ;D


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 4839
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #48 on: October 26, 2013, 06:59:27 AM »
Yes Shaun,
Its certainly fair and another option to consider.  Problem is, is that I've had a handful of offers for it already on when I got it that already were well north of 100 bucks.  It wouldn't be fair to take 100 from one specific person, when others have expressed serious interest already.  It still brings me back to the original problem of multiple people wanting this grill and how to price it knowing this. 

So, it is "OK" to auction a grill, but "Not OK" to set a price and decide to sell to a specific person, because by auctioning  you know the price is "right"?   Interesting perspective.

That's not my intention to make sure "the price is right" 
As stated many times, I want to be fair and let all interested parties (are there will be multiple people interested) have a shot at this grill.  If I say 100 bucks for the Wooddale (for example), I know for a fact I will have multiple people wanting it.  What would YOU do in that case G$?
Kettle collector AND cooker!


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3268
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #49 on: October 26, 2013, 07:07:34 AM »
G$ some grails we don't even know exist! That's what makes it fun.
Gumm, you know exactly what my point is....  Part of this discussion is, to be blunt,  how do we think we should behave during graill scenarios.   Before we even get there, I doubt we will agree on what graills are.

I totally agree with you on #3, except if it's a NIB. We all know what a weber cooks like so no use is messing up a nib grail kettle. My threshold for that is pretty high I would like to think though. I had no qualms cooking on my 14" wsm.

I hear that.  Except ....I sort of doubt I would go after NIB products.  I certainly would not go after them with the intention of leaving them in the box!  Plus, maybe I am crazy, but I don't think they all cook the same.  I like to achieve some sort of Henosis with each of them, in their own mystical way.


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 4839
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2013, 07:18:51 AM »
Yes Shaun,
Its certainly fair and another option to consider.  Problem is, is that I've had a handful of offers for it already on when I got it that already were well north of 100 bucks.  It wouldn't be fair to take 100 from one specific person, when others have expressed serious interest already.  It still brings me back to the original problem of multiple people wanting this grill and how to price it knowing this. 

So, it is "OK" to auction a grill, but "Not OK" to set a price and decide to sell to a specific person, because by auctioning  you know the price is "right"?   Interesting perspective.

That's not my intention to make sure "the price is right" 
As stated many times, I want to be fair and let all interested parties (are there will be multiple people interested) have a shot at this grill.  If I say 100 bucks for the Wooddale (for example), I know for a fact I will have multiple people wanting it.  What would YOU do in that case G$?

This is the problem I know ultimately anyone with a Grail to sell most likely will run into.  There is no one correct way to handle it, and you will never make everybody happy with one solution.  This is only part of the reason the speckled Smokey went on Ebay.

We can use a similar and current example happening right now to see what another person would do.  Harris just acquired a very nice lime.  While its not a Wooddale, and not AS hard to come across, its IS very hard to find this color in the condition that he has found.  He already has had multiple requests of people that would like to have it should he part with it.   What will Harris do?  Harris...please chime in with your opinion and what you are going to do should you let this grill go. 
Kettle collector AND cooker!


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3268
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2013, 07:19:03 AM »

That's not my intention to make sure "the price is right" 
As stated many times, I want to be fair and let all interested parties (are there will be multiple people interested) have a shot at this grill.  If I say 100 bucks for the Wooddale (for example), I know for a fact I will have multiple people wanting it.  What would YOU do in that case G$?

It's a fair question Jeff.  And I am not trying to evade it when I say, "I'm not sure what I would do!"

1) You mention fairness.  Is it more fair to let the person that can and will simply pay more have it?  (I dunno!)
2) Is it most fair to have the FIRST person that contacted you have a crack?  (I dunno!)
3) Is it most fair to let the person that has been looking for it the LONGEST take it. (I dunno!)
4) Is it most fair to have the person that will get the most personal joy from it have it (I dunno!)

Point being, in my opinion, you picking who to sell it to, and for what price, and when, and why, may very well be JUST AS FAIR as making sure "all interested parties have a shot at it". 

Let me give you an entirely made up example.  Lets say I wanted that wood dale because when my folks got married in 1963 or whatever the first thing they bought was a weber grill just like it.  AND I am really looking for a great gift for their 50th wedding anniversary.  They would get a kick out of that for sure.  Wouldn't a cool story like that make you re think giving "all interested parties a shot at it".    Is that unfair?


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 4839
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #52 on: October 26, 2013, 07:25:09 AM »
Nope...not unfair, and it would be a cool story to have the Wooddale go to them in that example.  But, in this case, I am being asked to decide who's "story or scenario" is more important, sentimental, you pick your adjective here.  I would hate to say well...G$'s grandparents situation is more important than "John's" story of growing up with his father cooking lunch at the cabin on the old Weber Wooddale grill.   
Kettle collector AND cooker!


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3268
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #53 on: October 26, 2013, 07:27:13 AM »
Jeff to answer your "what would I do" question, I only very slightly slightly tongue in cheekly reply:

I heard on the news that some place is having a lottery for a Picasso.  The tickets are like 130 bucks, which is of course ridiculously cheap,  They are selling 50,000 tickets.  So, they will make their 6 million bucks regardless.  Maybe that is the 'most fair'!  Everyone does have a shot!

Win a wood dale for 5 bucks!

I seriously would consider that!


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 4839
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2013, 07:28:48 AM »
Hmmmmm....very interesting!  LOL
Kettle collector AND cooker!


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 4839
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #55 on: October 26, 2013, 07:30:54 AM »
Thanks Jeff, but what do you think about my plan for selling hard to come by grills? Does it sound fair? reasonable?

By the way, I have been wondering if you bought that light blue Imperial that was up for one hour on ebay using the same method I used to get the red sj? ???
Yes and Yes
Kettle collector AND cooker!


  • The Duke
  • Posts: 7968
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #56 on: October 26, 2013, 07:33:56 AM »
Nope...not unfair, and it would be a cool story to have the Wooddale go to them in that example.  But, in this case, I am being asked to decide who's "story or scenario" is more important, sentimental, you pick your adjective here.  I would hate to say well...G$'s grandparents situation is more important than "John's" story of growing up with his father cooking lunch at the cabin on the old Weber Wooddale grill.

I don't think we need to go by stories in general. The truth is there are only a few members on this site that would be willing to even pay the $200 for that wood dale. I bet you could count them on one hand, but they have their reasons for wanting it. Some of them have great collections and would like to enhance them. Just choose the best fit.


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3268
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #57 on: October 26, 2013, 07:35:53 AM »
Nope...not unfair, and it would be a cool story to have the Wooddale go to them in that example.  But, in this case, I am being asked to decide who's "story or scenario" is more important, sentimental, you pick your adjective here.  I would hate to say well...G$'s grandparents situation is more important than "John's" story of growing up with his father cooking lunch at the cabin on the old Weber Wooddale grill.

"John" didn't even have a Weber!  It was a kingsford knock off!   :P

And fwiw, If you like "John's" story better, who am I to argue?

I guess my point is, or really, the point of the thread is, that different people have different goals, and different ways to achieve them.   This WKC community brings us together as kettle-heads, but the reality is, those different goals and methods truly are "at odds" with one another sometimes.  The good news is we can still discuss it openly and respectfully.    Like I said above...I think Brian got his answer.


  • WKC Ranger
  • Posts: 766
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #58 on: October 26, 2013, 07:37:57 AM »

Point being, in my opinion, you picking who to sell it to, and for what price, and when, and why, may very well be JUST AS FAIR as making sure "all interested parties have a shot at it". 

Let me give you an entirely made up example.  Lets say I wanted that wood dale because when my folks got married in 1963 or whatever the first thing they bought was a weber grill just like it.  AND I am really looking for a great gift for their 50th wedding anniversary.  They would get a kick out of that for sure.  Wouldn't a cool story like that make you re think giving "all interested parties a shot at it".    Is that unfair?

I would be most inclined to sell the grill to the person with the scenario you mention above G$, regardless of who else wanted it...not sure if its "fair", but it would definitely seem right...IMO
NYC Kettle Hunter (where <30 min drives do not exist)


  • The Duke
  • Posts: 7968
Re: New question (no pics at all)
« Reply #59 on: October 26, 2013, 07:43:23 AM »

This is the problem I know ultimately anyone with a Grail to sell most likely will run into.  There is no one correct way to handle it, and you will never make everybody happy with one solution.  This is only part of the reason the speckled Smokey went on Ebay.

We can use a similar and current example happening right now to see what another person would do.  Harris just acquired a very nice lime.  While its not a Wooddale, and not AS hard to come across, its IS very hard to find this color in the condition that he has found.  He already has had multiple requests of people that would like to have it should he part with it.   What will Harris do?  Harris...please chime in with your opinion and what you are going to do should you let this grill go.

The reason the speckled smokey went on ebay was to make the biggest profit possible and drive traffic here by putting it on the front page. It was posted under your wifes name and you emailed me admitting that I found you out. Well actually it was Lawrence who figured it out and told me. How about coming clean about the light blue Imperial you just bought on ebay now, or does it need to be surprise front page news? Just tell the truth and take your victory lap after you get it. It can still go on the front page, there would be nothing wrong with that.

What will Harris do? We already know, Harris has publicly passed wood dales and other rare grills to members here and will do the same with that lime if he decides to part with it. You won't see it on ebay, he knows what to do with them.