I just happened to be in the east valley of the Phoenix area, and had the chance to meet up with a couple of grillfellas.
@jcnaz and
@AZ_MIKEY were at John's house when I pulled up. Of course, the first thing I saw when I got out of the car was a very impressive collection of kettles in the carport:
Of special note were a couple of thumbscrew kettles including a 60's 22.5, and a Wood Dale 18.5. The very cool "stealth" SS performer was proudly representing the black-themed collection of jcnaz.
AZ_MIKEY had a special surprise for us as well:
What a beautiful kettle and such a cool color! I remember this one when he first acquired it and it is clear that Mike has put some significant work into restoring this 60's Galley Que. The kettle still gets cooked on as well! I finally got to see a close up of Weber's first one touch system - great info for the Smokey Joe history page:
John and Mike are very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about Webers. Both have great collections that give me a serious case of kettle envy. They are great guys to hang out with and I look forward to my next visit!