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Chicken a la "Bisbee"

Started by Winz, March 18, 2014, 06:35:46 PM

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Decided to give Bisbee a test run tonight as I needed to make dinner for the wife and me.  Went simple, Chicken, ABTs, and sweet potato fries.

Gratuitous shot of Bisbee:

Bone in chicken with a rub of salt, brown sugar, and pepper.  Piece for me, piece for my wife, piece for the dogs.

Some Jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese/blueberry jam mixture.  Going for the "sweet and salty" taste:

Indirect heat - half a chimney of lump on each side, food in the middle:

Gratuitous shot of Bisbee's new teak handle courtesy of Brian:

This cook could take a while - need to stay hydrated:

400 plus at the lid, 348 at the cooking grate.  Just right.

Gratuitous shot of Bisbee's other teak wood handle:

Sweet Potato fry prep.  Cumin, Paprika, Smoked Salt, and Olive Oil:

The payoff:

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at how moist the chicken was.   Let it rest for 10 minutes after cooking to 170 - it was absolutely fantastic (at least that is what the dogs said) and very simple to prepare.

In an ongoing relationship with a kettle named Bisbee.

pbe gummi bear

Was this the inaugural cook of the completed Bisbee? I'm loving the variety and documentation. Your garage door matches the performer :P
"Have you hugged your Weber today?"
Check out WKC on Facebook:


That is one fine looking kettle, and the food looks good too.

Tim in PA

Chimay blue is the best you can get. Love it. Food looks great too!
-2012 Black Performer-2006 Green OTG-2009 Q Gasser-


Looking good.  I would say Bisbee did a fine job.
Platinum Performer Kettle (In Blue), OTG (In Blue)
Genesis Gasser (In Blue), Smokey Joe (Uline Lime)
Looking to buy (18.5 blue or brownie and blue lantern)


Nice !!!

Everything.....the handles, the cutting board, the re-fab, the prep, the cookup, the family, the dawgs

.................Good Show !!!!!
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"