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Sunday burgers and s'mores

Started by Bbqmiller, October 27, 2013, 02:46:23 PM

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Spent most of the day playing with my 6 year old son, but had enough time for a kettle cooked dinner.

Fire roasted red/green and jalapeño peppers in the basket/grilled squash.

The crew just hanging out on a nice fall day with the sun shining through the fence.

Fresh ground chick from the local butcher with some Montreal seasoning.

Little sizzle over the coals with a couple of chunks if dogwood.

Burgers done - two smothered with pepper jack

Time to heat up some marshmallows

Looks good

I guess it taste good too



"Just a Picture I Liked....."
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


Burgers look good but I was looking for more pix of the squash and peppers. Squash is one of my favorites and sadly there will be no more from the garden this ear (unless I count butternut - plenty of those left.  :D ) Did you ever try doing the peppers (whole) right on the coals? That works well if you're trying to roast the skins off.
kettles, smokers...


Good looking burgers and smores. I like to set my peppers on top of the chimney when I'm lighting the coals. You have to keep a eye on them and turn regularly but you can roast those guys in no time flat.


Quote from: HankB on October 28, 2013, 05:53:27 AM
Burgers look good but I was looking for more pix of the squash and peppers. Squash is one of my favorites and sadly there will be no more from the garden this ear (unless I count butternut - plenty of those left.  :D ) Did you ever try doing the peppers (whole) right on the coals? That works well if you're trying to roast the skins off.
Yes  i do roast peppers whole at times. I also like to chop them up and roast in the basket. They aren't truly roasted, but they are tasty this way. I also like grilled squash. It always a hit in this household.