New member here fellow grillsmiths. Ready to wheel and deal

Started by Mongeese, April 23, 2019, 08:14:06 AM

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My name is Troy from Wisconsin and grill all year long and smoke tons of salmon and trout. I will be posting some stuff in the for sale section that should create some buzz. It is my first day here as a member.


Quote from: Mongeese on April 23, 2019, 08:14:06 AM
My name is Troy from Wisconsin and grill all year long and smoke tons of salmon and trout. I will be posting some stuff in the for sale section that should create some buzz. It is my first day here as a member.
Welcome to the WKC!!!

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Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


A bunch of black kettles



Welcome to the club!!!

Greetings from Greendale, WI.  After the sales "buzz" dies down, hopefully you'll hang around and post something fishy.

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Obviously looking for a Glen Blue (who isn't?😂).

Looking for anything Happy Cooker, including any re-branded as Montgomery Ward.  I've amassed a nice collection, but I'm missing a few still.  Let me know if you can help a fella out🤞


Just posted a happy cooker deluxe on Ebay. Wanted to run it through here but still figuring out the site and need money for swaps in the next few weeks.


Good luck with the sale, cute handles on that happy cooker
Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


Welcome from Plainfield Indiana!   

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Welcome from Superior.  I've smoked my share of Lake Superior trout and salmon.  Alaskan, too.