Entering the wonderful world of the WSM

Started by Craig, June 03, 2016, 09:41:00 PM

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Last July, I received my first ever (and only so far) WSM from member Jeep. He was nice enough to pass this along to me to add to the stable. A big THANK YOU goes out to @Jeep ! Appropriately, for a kettle historian geekwad like me, I'm grateful and fortunate to have my first WSM be one of the originals. A 1981 C code 2880. It came with the original instructions and recipe/cooking chart. I finally got some time to get it cleaned up and reassembled with SS bolts. Clean up was pretty easy, the main body and bowl/lid just got a once over wash. The steel legs and door needed a little more elbow grease. Not all of the rust/patina is gone. The legs have a nice patina look to them. The legs are rock solid! Original grates. I am beyond stoked!

Early enough to only have the one row of air holes in the charcoal ring. I believe the second row was added early on? @Harbormaster ?

The knob that came with it. I'm having trouble getting it to stay on. So for now I'm improvising with a screw and wingnut for a latch.

Of course I had to rededicate it with some St. Louis style ribs.

4 1/2 hours later...

Between this and the 22 CB stacker that I've had for a couple years, I'm ready to smoke it up "BIG TIMES! YUP YUP". This ones a keeper!


A bunch of black kettles


Nice maiden cook for you. Looks great. Welcome to the club.

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Very cool!

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Interesting about the charcoal ring. With so many people having to close down their vents and/or seal these machines, I'm surprised they added extra holes.
It's the iconic symbol for the backyard. It's family/friends, food and fun. What more do you need to feel everything [is] going to be all right. As long as we can still have a BBQ in our backyard, the world seems a bit of a better place. At least for that moment. -reillyranch


Congrats.  It looks right at home in that corner.  Good job on the spares too.
SJS, 14 WSM, 22 OKP


Love that top handle. Although it is your first WSM Craig I am convinced the learning curve will be short.
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"

Scott Zee

Welcome to the "C" club @Craig    love the orange peel on the old WSM's
drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke    8)
It's not just a grill, it's a WEBER


Nice one Craig! I've got that exact one too! Use it and abuse it!
Kettle collector AND cooker!

Big Dawg

Great Job ! ! !

(On both the restoration & ribs!)

The Sultans of Swine
22.5 WSM - Fat Boy
22.5 OTG - Little Man/26.75 - Big Kahuna


Great job-WSM's are awesome smokers-great looking ribs too!!

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk


I must admit - I am shocked that this is your first WSM, being the kettle expert that you are.  That said, you entered the WSM world in high style - not that we would expect anything less!

In an ongoing relationship with a kettle named Bisbee.


I only use kettles with lid bales.


Man that's a fine piece of wsm history!
Great score and ribs too!