Finally, Detailed Shots of the 'Cado

Started by WNC, November 08, 2015, 08:40:29 AM

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A while back I was able to score a sweet '67-'68 (best guess) Avocado.
Original post:'d-like-to-introduce!!!-%28long-but-hey-%29/msg185263/#msg185263

Anyway thanks to a lot members here I've been able to get it back into pretty great condition. Aside from period correct wheels and ash pan, it really only need a good cleaning and polishing.

@Craig reached out with a set of period correct wheels, thanks so much bud!
Here they are as I got them from Craig. About to go into the bath of E-vap-or rust along with the thumb screws.

After a couple of days soaking and ready for paint

Painted and with whitewall taped courtesy of @zavod44

Well here it is all cleaned up! Did the best I could with polishing and detail work. Maybe not as detailed as a @SixZeroFour kettle, but then again he might be the best at it...
Period correct ash pan courtesy of  @zorknards2 cleaned up pretty well I think.

The seller found the original ash pan in some bushes after I had cleaned up this one, so I think I'll use the original to cook with and the polished one for display/show purposes.

Restored the original grate

It has very little crazing, and I get nervous every time I use it, so I built a little ring to keep the coals off the sides

Thanks for looking, and to everyone who helped make this grill possible!


A bunch of black kettles

Uncle Al


Absolutely beautiful kettle. Incredible condition!


"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"


I'm only 2 or 3 kettles away from being that creepy guy down the street with all the Webers
                            WKC Collaborator
                        Viva La  Charcoal Revolution


Sweet Cado !  Great work on the clean up

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Wanted plum/burgundy 18.5
WTB Color Copies of old Weber Catalogs


Wow, I have to get me a Cado someday, one passed through me but I never procured myself
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Truly beautiful in every way   ...   beautiful kettle, beautiful cleanUP, beautiful condition   ...   yes, I think YOU are a collector of Weber kettles.   Thank you for sharing ...                       SJ
"Too Beef, or Not too Beef" ...

Looking for Dark Blue MBH 22", Dark Green MBH 22", Yellow MBH 22", Glen Blue MBH 22", Avocado MBH 22".


That is gorgeous, WNC!  Great work restoring that beauty. 

...and I remember this summer you saying that you would always cook on any grill you owned, so I'm glad to see you sticking to your guns.  Though I would be nervous too!  ;-) 
One of the charcoal people.


Beautiful Kettle, Love the Japanese Maple in the background, really sets the color off!


That came out gorgeous, WNC! Those wheels fit her like a glove! I'm glad I could help out with it. I love the mist ring on the lid too! Very nice!


Quote from: WNC on November 08, 2015, 08:40:29 AM
Well here it is all cleaned up! Did the best I could with polishing and detail work. Maybe not as detailed as a @SixZeroFour kettle, but then again he might be the best at it...

"Welcome to the big leagues kid" ;) ;D lol

Seriously though, a really fantastic job on a beautiful Cado WNC!! ...Wow!!

W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


WNC, that is beautiful!  I love seeing the differences where the "fade" is on the different cados...mine is much lower.  You did an outstanding job!  I'm still looking for a period correct ash pan for mine.  Out of curiosity, how did you get the top vent looking so good?
Chasing the impossibles: Westerner, Custom, Meat Cut!
