Please don't kick me out.....Thanksgiving pics.

Started by LightningBoldtz, November 27, 2014, 05:06:10 PM

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My Thanksgiving turkey was not on a Weber this year but on the Kamado.

Some of my daily highlights

I ran the turkey for about 3 hours a 250 to 275, it was very good.

Bright and early about 6:30 which turned out to be WAY to early but all was well (more on that)

Loaded with Lump apple and cherry wood.

Turkey on @ 7:30 am

Done @ about 10:30 guest did not arrive until 2:30 ish.

I put it in a foil pan, covered it with aluminum foil and out it in a cooler, @ 2:30 it was still piping hot.

I tried a few dishes that I have never made before.
Cheesy corn casserole

Apple and pecan pie

I did use a weber today, it was the 18 OTG to smoke some cheese.
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Ummmm......I have a kamado too and use it occasionally....I gotta say that bird looks beauty L.B. but those pies look perfect too. Had no idea you were a baker too. What temp were you running your cooker at and was the skin crisp?
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"



A bunch of black kettles


Quote from: MrHoss on November 27, 2014, 07:27:56 PM
Ummmm......I have a kamado too and use it occasionally....I gotta say that bird looks beauty L.B. but those pies look perfect too. Had no idea you were a baker too. What temp were you running your cooker at and was the skin crisp?

Mike, I am a foodie and try to expand my horizons all the time.

RE temp and the skin, first, I am no a skin person, I don't eat it anyway. One thing I did was put the turkey in the frig on Sunday, that dried the skin out a lot.
Running it at 250 to 275 really gave it a nice smokey flavor.  Something I was looking to accomplish.
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


That all looks delicious LB - Happy Thanksgiving!
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E



Hey man......however it gets done....if it looks that good, doesn't matter what machine !!!

Nice Pies !!!!
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


Better to be done early.  Everything looks great.  I keep going thru all these Thanksgiving pics and I'm getting really hungry.  Never get tired of looking WKC members cooks.
Platinum Performer Kettle (In Blue), OTG (In Blue)
Genesis Gasser (In Blue), Smokey Joe (Uline Lime)
Looking to buy (18.5 blue or brownie and blue lantern)