Ribeye, Boneless Ribs, & Smashed Red Potatoes!

Started by eccj, October 12, 2014, 04:07:21 PM

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This is going to be a blog type of post! I will come back and post pics as the cook progresses!

One of my buddies wanted a ribeye so I told him to buy it and that I'd cook it for him.

I salted the Ribeye and as you can see it's tenderizing and the water is being drawn to the surface.

I banked a chimney of coals, washed and salted the potatoes with kosher salt, and put them on.

Here's a pic of a cold one! ;-)

I put a simple rub on the boneless ribs, and added them to the grill with a couple chunks of pecan.

That's it for now! ;)


Looks great already!

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Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......


No problem Ron!

I don't have a proper plated pic of his steak because he literally devoured it, but o did stop him long enough to get this shot!

Here are the ribs being sauced.

This is a pic of the ribs and taters right before being served!

(It's time to eat!) ;D


Great meal!  ... and I like the tater basket.
Smokers:    WSM 22" | WSM 14.5"
Performers: Plum SS  | Red Fade SS


ribs pre-boiling & reaching for the lighter fluid!
