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Author Topic: .:: eCook (Day of) Discussion Thread ::. Sunday September 7th 2014 [PHOTO HEAVY]  (Read 49721 times)


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  • Posts: 5833
4hrs is enough sleep right??!?? :D

Wow, lots of action already thanks to the lads from down under and a few hard-core members! Happy fathers day to you guys as well!!

Hogsy - Killer looking pies! Those came out awesome!

Nate - Great job on the early start, I have a feeling that Joe's going to turn out a winner.

Craig - Looks like the perfect start to any day right there ;)

Jocool - What a great looking cook and family Jo, thanks so much for sharing and Happy fathers day again!!
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


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  • Posts: 5833
Grill for today.... Early '60s Plainsman

Stephen, no word of a lie the Plainsman is one of my all time favorite kettles - you've made my day just by picking and posting that amazing work of art!  :)
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  • Posts: 5833
Breakfast: Fatty, filled with scrambled eggs and seasoned hash browns. My bacon weave not cooperating so I had to do a little patchwork...

Grill for this morning: 1970 Avocado 22

Going on... She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts. (so I tell myself anyways)

And Craig pulls out the Cado! You guys are killin' me!  ;D
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 2929
The Brunette got an early wake up call today. She'll be a busy girl today.

Now for some prep. Page 49 in the 1972 Weber Cookbook. Lamb Marinade on Page 59.

OK - We're underway! Dinner time on a beautiful day. Time to par-boil the potatoes:

Let's match the cookbook photo exactly while we're at it. Lock & load!

Birds eye view of the magic of covered cooking:

Now we're getting somewhere! The astute observer will note I flipped the photo to match the cookbook photo. It's all in the details...

table set - time to plate up a feast:

Don't mind if I do:

Man, that was good! But the coals are still hot, and I picked the last peaches from our tree yesterday.

And that CI pot I restored is just sitting there. Why not?

Great way to cap the day!

This was fun! I will tell you trying top recreate a Weber cookbook photo was not as easy as I thought. I think it turned out close. The brunette performed flawlessly, and looked good doing it. She will be in the rotation frequently. I've enjoyed everyone's cooks today, and will revisit this thread a lot in the coming days. Great way to "meet" a bunch of new members and vets alike. Let's do it again soon!

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 03:43:33 PM by MartyG »


  • WKC Mod
  • Posts: 11004

The Brunette got an early wake up call today. She'll be a busy girl today.

Shes a smoking hot brunette!

Happy Father's Day to Team OZ!


  • Moderator
  • Posts: 5833
That's one glossy looking brownie Marty! Very nice...

PS if you all haven't figured it out already this eCook is just a plan devised so I can perv all the sweet kettles ;)
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


  • WKC Ranger
  • Posts: 759
So got up after prepping last night. Spent about 2 hours cleaning and wiping down the WSM and all the kettles after a rain dust storm hit us. Well when I walk out side it rained and blew dust all over again. So reclean the WSM get it fired up and get the pork but pulled out for its smoke bath.

Last pic is where it decided to settle in at.

^^^The only kettle that didn't get hit with rain and dust last night. my little gem was resting peacefully in the house. I got plans for him today though.

Everyone else looks like they are off to a good start. Now I am going to go get ready for the rest of the day and will be back with breakfast pics later.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Looking for--- a yellow mbh any size, sequoia ( I know I am dreaming), avocado any size, brownie any size.


  • WKC Ranger
  • Posts: 1113
My plans are changing a bit. Kids are sick, was up all night with them. Need to get some sleep now, cook some stuff up later, and still need to go to work tonight. Maybe I will call out of work sick tonight.


  • WKC Ranger
  • Posts: 1716

Sierralita is on dawn patrol with a very special fatty to be revealed later (assuming it works!)

In an ongoing relationship with a kettle named Bisbee.


  • WKC Mod
  • Posts: 11004
"One Hot Mess" Fatty, ready to come off.


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3477
Here is how my day started out .... a double-yolk egg on the fry pan.
I don't see these very often .. and, I see alot of eggs, that's for sure.  :D ;)  Maybe it's a sign, eh?!!  ??? ???

Sunday is my only day off. Don't feel like entertaining anybody ... well, except for myself.
A lonely rack of ribs on the A code blackie rubbed with Memphis Dust.  I love this kettle for low'n'slow.  Turds will come later.

Q: How do you know something is bull$h!t?
A: When you are not allowed to question it.


  • WKC Performer
  • Posts: 3477
The Brunette got an early wake up call today. She'll be a busy girl today.

Yes, and your Brunette is a flippin' beauty there.  Holy crap.

Today actually started for me this past Wednesday....habaneros fresh picked from the garden and sweet peppers:

I'll be making Jerk Chicken as my main dish today and needed some homemade sauce.  I used gloves for the dangerous part and was glad I did as my eyes were burning, I was sneezing and coughing.  I have never used fresh hot peppers and believe they are hotter when fresh:

I cooked off the diced hot and sweet peppers in a fry pan with a little water and vinegar till soft then into the blender with some sugar, honey, salt and white wine vinegar:

My chickens were halved then dusted with a mix of salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, granulated garlic, oinion powder, thyme, chilie flakes, habanero chunks and chipolte powder.  I did this on Thursday night:

I just checked my chicken and there is about 2 or 3 tablespoons of chicken juice in the bottom of the mixing bowl.  PERFECT - this tells me the spices have made their way to the centre of the meat.  This stuff is ready to go boys!  The plan is to make an apple pie in one of the kettles today.  Never done this before but I figure today would be a good day.

Not going to use all of these but here we are out in the morning sun freshly cleaned:

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 06:46:32 AM by MrHoss »
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"


  • WKC Ambassador
  • Posts: 9048
Just fixed up some ribs last nite...........

thyme, tarragon, 'Talian seasoning, all those "T" words........

Wife started off a tomato sauce from tonnes (<< international sp.) of little cherry tomatoes from our garden.........extremely sweet all on it's own.......to be mated up with some smoked meatballs in a new cast iron cooking tureen...............

Also, some chicken chunks & rib tips destined for the new Firewires from a Target clearance....

"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


  • WKC Ranger
  • Posts: 1010
7 hours already showing 180 (pic before therm got there), gonna trim way back and try and carry another 3-4 hours before pull and wrap.

Triple bagger to wake up
WTB: Genesis Jr.


  • Moderator
  • Posts: 5833
Some awesome looking food already! Looking great!

Had to made a run to borrow some rub from my parents house... going to be a real beauty of a day!!

And this cheers goes out to the whole WKC! Hope you all have an awesome day today! (Tip of the hat to Sir Jeff for the Mimosa idea!)

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 06:03:34 AM by SixZeroFour »
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