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Started by zavod44, June 16, 2013, 08:47:40 PM

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thanks so much for all the words of encouragement everyone.  i wanted to get back on here and respond... but i was busy.  i had to go to court yesterday.  nothing i did lol  my two oldest daughters are not biologically mine... and thier bio-mom owes about a gazillion dollars in child support arrearage.  so the state served her and yay .... we all go to court.  doesnt make a bit of a difference though.... because even though the judge entered a judgement.. .she doesnt pay.  but thats ok... because to me.. i have the golden prize.  My girls.

thanks so much for all of the words of encouragement and support.  and prayers are always welcome.  i would be completely lost without Him. 

as for the basement flooding.  ugh.  from what my girls and i have deduced it was the Y connections that were leaking.  at least we hope.  it was a good 1 1/2 inches of water in there.  i think the y connections were cracked.  so i removed one and just connected everything to one of them.  but still slight leaking.  so... i just got rid of them altogether and just connected the machine straight to the wall.  the Y connections were there because i have a laundry sink down there as well.  but right now dont care about that , just want to get the water controlled.  thank God it all stayed on the uncarpeted side... just went in the laundry room and the adjacent storage room.  but its just concrete in those two rooms.  so ok.  and stuff is just stuff... so no biggie with things we had to get rid of. 

as for my son.  he is high functioning end of the spectrum.  and was still in the process of his evaluations.  im still working on trying to get benefits for him.  but thats is a whole other can of worms.  lol

again thanks again for the encouragement.  i felt a lot better and actually went outside and took apart a platinum grill i rescued about a year ago, just never had the time to get to it.  it is currently soaking in dawn outside in a huge bin. 

thanks guys.  i love the group here.  it means a lot to me. 

ribs pre-boiling & reaching for the lighter fluid!


Welcome back - we all missed you here. Now about the photos of that Platinum Restore... ;D


I'm glad to hear things are looking up! Keep looking in that direction. ;)


Hope all goes well mama, you deserve it!
Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.


Cooking mama my son is very high functioning as well. Keep fighting for his needs because a mother truly knows what her son needs. The doctors will tell you oh he only needs 30 mins of Aba or speech etc but you can keep fighting it. We fought for 11 months the proper speech therapist. My son went from 5 words to 3 word sentences in a matter of months. It was worth the fight! You can do it, if you need any help please let me know. My wife is like a pit bull with them she can tell you different ways to get what you want. 

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
MH Copper mist, Daisy Wheel P, Homer Simpson OTG, Blue 18, Blue Mastertouch, SJS, Genesis Sliver B, Red 18 Bar-b-q-kettle Pat Pending, Copper performer

Ted B

Thinking and praying for you Becky. Hope you get a chance for some weber therapy now and then. Nothing brings our family together like gathering around the grill.


Cooking Mama... Becky, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Family comes first and foremost... NO doubt about it. We're pulling for you and as its been said you've always got our ear and support. :)


CM and CS keep up the fight! We(WKC) are here for both of you.


Cooking Mama's got a lotta love here in the club.

It is easy to go to forums and put on a happy face that all is going well in our lives when sometimes we forget, life can be friggin' hard.  Especially nowadays with everything from political, financial, environmental and you name it being unsettled.  Let alone all the other crap that comes our way like car troubles, work troubles, house troubles, kid troubles, spousal or ex spousal troubles.  Life can be hard and it takes a lot to air that out in public among others.  Kudos CM, I am a praying man and I will be praying that things look up for you going forward.
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"

bama bbq

Quote from: Chasing_smoke on June 19, 2013, 04:36:20 PM
Cooking mama my son is very high functioning as well. Keep fighting for his needs because a mother truly knows what her son needs. The doctors will tell you oh he only needs 30 mins of Aba or speech etc but you can keep fighting it. We fought for 11 months the proper speech therapist. My son went from 5 words to 3 word sentences in a matter of months. It was worth the fight! You can do it, if you need any help please let me know. My wife is like a pit bull with them she can tell you different ways to get what you want. 

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."

That's a cool offer dude.  Amazing how a live fire can bring folks together.


Becky, you are an inspiration!  Thanks for sharing, and stay strong.
One of the charcoal people.