Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => WSM: Weber Smokey Mountain => Topic started by: SixZeroFour on May 28, 2015, 08:33:18 PM

Title: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on May 28, 2015, 08:33:18 PM
For some time now I have wanted to custom build a WSM cart out of performer frame, but wanted to do something special rather than just bolt it together and be done with it. 

Well, after some planning, testing and tweaking I have finally come up with my own personal dream smoker 8)


- New Style Ash Catcher Assembly
- 3M DiNoc Carbon Fibre Wrapped Front Plate
- 2015 Metal Performer Table
- Lid Bale Deleted and Capped with Acorn Nuts
- Added Lid Handle With Hooks
- Rear Legs are UNMODIFIED! kettle legs - only painted and bent to the shape of the leg
- Added a reinforcing sleeve over the rear axle to keep the legs at the correct distance and prevent flexing
- The new Black Maverick 733 also arrived just in time

On to the pictures because that's really what you want to see anyways 8)


And finally here is my completed "Pit" where I plan to spend many years enjoying this rewarding hobby! I recently sold off my very last Genesis gasser and I am 100% charcoal baby!! Here are the troops:



1) When adding the rear support legs I did not modify the legs whatsoever - however - I did need to apply some flex to the leg socket to get it to bend outwards far enough. Nothing major but enough to make it creak a bit in disapproval... kind of like straightening out a bent handle on a sweet old kettle... count to three and just got for it ;D

2) The reinforcing legs make a HUGE difference in the stability of the bottom bowl. Without them, the Performer bowl can manage to hold weight vertically just fine - its the side to side movement that could get you into trouble as its not very stable when only mounted via the bowl tabs. It is now rock solid and doesn't move one bit.

3) The new table is gorgeous and nicer in person than in photos. Real nice and smooth rounded edge and it feels very solid.

4) I have been toying with the idea of stenciling a black kettle silhouette logo onto the silver WSM door... what do you guys think? Yay or Nay?!?

5) Thanks very much for looking! and I hope you're not all sick of my OCD kettles :o

Take care all and enjoy the weekend!

Title: Re: :: SixZeroFour WSM Performer Cart - Carbon Edition ::
Post by: 1911Ron on May 28, 2015, 08:41:34 PM
#4 go for it!  As to rest I think you did an outstanding job I like it!
Title: Re: :: SixZeroFour WSM Performer Cart - Carbon Edition ::
Post by: pbe gummi bear on May 28, 2015, 08:47:59 PM
That looks really nice, Matt. Did you wrap the back panel too? A 22.5" WSM in a performer cart is a dream of mine.
Title: Re: :: SixZeroFour WSM Performer Cart - Carbon Edition ::
Post by: ClubChapin on May 28, 2015, 08:49:22 PM
Brilliant. I've been looking for a 22.5 WSM to do similar.

Looks great.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Troy on May 28, 2015, 09:09:54 PM
That thing is bitchin man. it's like a ninja smoker.
Get that slut into the gallery!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: jcnaz on May 28, 2015, 09:40:34 PM
Sweet work, Matt!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Troy on May 28, 2015, 09:42:47 PM
also, tell me more about the wrap.
I have a same-gen performer that needs front panel work
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: charred on May 29, 2015, 03:28:11 AM
Beautifully badass! (where's the step ladder?) :)
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Hell Fire Grill on May 29, 2015, 04:53:53 AM
We dont mind eyeballing your OCD kettles Matt! But you missed a spot in the grass...
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: MrHoss on May 29, 2015, 05:01:44 AM
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: MINIgrillin on May 29, 2015, 05:32:40 AM
Contenders for mod month are coming in early
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Winz on May 29, 2015, 06:05:02 AM
Matt - way to take it to the next level!  That leg mod is genius.  Love the CF, stealthy black look.

And yes, I thing you should procure a smooth SS door from Cajun Bandit and put a cool logo on it (I love spending your money).

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: CharliefromLI on May 29, 2015, 06:05:25 AM
MOD MONTH 2015 CANCELLED - being renamed playing for 2nd place behind 604 ;) ;) ;)

That's amazing!

The metal table is a solid add but the CF takes it over the top.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: GregS on May 29, 2015, 06:07:16 AM
holy balls dude.  wow nice job! 
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: JDD on May 29, 2015, 06:12:44 AM
Amazing, off the chain!!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Johnpv on May 29, 2015, 06:46:05 AM

Mother of god!

Dude that is amazing.  I love the carbon fiber, ok I don't love it, I freaking love it.  I'm like drooling over it.  This, this is a work of beauty my friend.  I'm kind of sitting here mind blown by this.  You do damn good work.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on May 29, 2015, 07:03:59 AM
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on May 28, 2015, 08:47:59 PM
That looks really nice, Matt. Did you wrap the back panel too? A 22.5" WSM in a performer cart is a dream of mine.

I didn't wrap the back panel... not sure if I will to be honest as you rarely see that side. At least the rear panel will be easier than the front one if I do decide to wrap it.

Quote from: Troy on May 28, 2015, 09:42:47 PM
also, tell me more about the wrap. I have a same-gen performer that needs front panel work

The wrap is exterior grade Vinyl Wrap that they use on cars and such. I did a wrap job on some interior trim parts awhile back and had the material left over. In terms of the CF wrap the 3M one looks and even feels better than any other wraps I shopped around for. Rather than printed, it's actually little tiny strips of plastic woven to make the weave. The stuff I wrapped in the Jeep is still looking good as new after 2 years so no complaints there.

Quote from: Hell Fire Grill on May 29, 2015, 04:53:53 AM
We dont mind eyeballing your OCD kettles Matt! But you missed a spot in the grass...

lol, time to find the scissors - you've ruined my afternoon ;) No, thankfully the OCD really only kicks in with things I enjoy... mowing the lawn not so much.  8)

Quote from: Winz on May 29, 2015, 06:05:02 AM
And yes, I thing you should procure a smooth SS door from Cajun Bandit and put a cool logo on it (I love spending your money).

Thanks a lot Winz - now I have another item added to the wish list! ;) ;D ;)

Quote from: CharliefromLI on May 29, 2015, 06:05:25 AM
MOD MONTH 2015 CANCELLED - being renamed playing for 2nd place behind 604 ;) ;) ;)

;D I have a feeling the next mod month is going to have more amazing entries! I love seeing all the cool stuff people come up with... it get's you thinking!

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Jeff on May 29, 2015, 07:28:12 AM
That looks really slick, and CLEAN

1.  Are the leg pushed all the way into the socket (up against the bowl), or did you just completely luck out having them line up with the screws on the bottom support?

2.  I know when I put my custom 22 Burgundy WSM into the stainless cart, the height I had to reach up to take the lid off felt just about right.  Any higher may have felt slightly cumbersome.  I know the new Performer carts are a few inches taller.  How does it feel on yours to reach up and remove the lid?  BTW...I'm 5'10.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: 1buckie on May 29, 2015, 07:43:24 AM
It's, TALL !!!!!

Great project materials & everything !!!!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Easy on May 29, 2015, 08:32:44 AM
How to locate and or buy this wrap material ? as I am interested.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Fishawn on May 29, 2015, 09:00:41 AM
Very Cool!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Uncle JJ on May 29, 2015, 09:05:20 AM
That thing is totally badass.  Brilliant mod with the legs.  What a beauty.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: toolhead on May 29, 2015, 09:23:05 AM
Lot of work and top notch end product...

.that carbon fiber faceplate is everything
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: vader06 on May 29, 2015, 11:03:01 AM
That is killer!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: mike.stavlund on May 29, 2015, 11:35:59 AM
incredible.  grate work, Six!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: MacEggs on May 29, 2015, 12:23:19 PM
That's some fine craftsmanship there, Matt!  Get 'er fired up.  8) ;)
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: WNC on May 30, 2015, 04:32:45 AM
WOW,  incredible! Great work there Matt! That thing totally looks slick. What you do to kettles is like what Michelangelo does to ceilings!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Danny C on May 30, 2015, 05:38:18 AM
That is the coolest!  I was thinking that lid hinge from unknown BBQ might be a great addition to this,if height was a issue, that really is a great piece of work, well done,
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Shafzilla on May 30, 2015, 10:48:55 AM
Absolutely beautiful. Nicely done.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on May 31, 2015, 03:26:10 PM
Quote from: Jeff on May 29, 2015, 07:28:12 AM
That looks really slick, and CLEAN

1.  Are the leg pushed all the way into the socket (up against the bowl), or did you just completely luck out having them line up with the screws on the bottom support?

2.  I know when I put my custom 22 Burgundy WSM into the stainless cart, the height I had to reach up to take the lid off felt just about right.  Any higher may have felt slightly cumbersome.  I know the new Performer carts are a few inches taller.  How does it feel on yours to reach up and remove the lid?  BTW...I'm 5'10.

Thanks @Jeff ,

In regards to #1 - Yes the legs are pushed in almost to the bowl but not quite touching. It really was a fluke that it fit so well, but it works perfectly!

RE: #2 - I find the height to be absolutely perfect for me but I'm 6' so that makes sense that you are similarly happy with yours. Top grate is well below eye level so I can still get a good look at everything and add meat etc without breaking out a step stool  8)

Here's me and my little big man checking things out:


Quote from: Easy on May 29, 2015, 08:32:44 AM
How to locate and or buy this wrap material ? as I am interested.

@Easy - Very easy to find ;) just google search for 3m Carbon Fibre Vinyl. Get the highest quality stuff you can as it will pay for itself in the end.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on May 31, 2015, 05:18:10 PM
Well mother nature just posed an interesting question... What to do when it rains?


Answer: Summon your inner MacGyver :o

I removed the kettle-end top panel from the cover and then just backed the stitching down a couple inches on the table side until there was enough room to let it slide down over the WSM:


Not going to win any beauty contests but it should get the job done. 8)

I may actually cut out the top properly and stitch the WSM cover directly to the Performer cover.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: mike.stavlund on May 31, 2015, 05:55:32 PM
Thanks for the photo of the height, @SixZeroFour .  That does look just about perfect...  The whole thing is really amazing, and should make an incredible smoker.

But buddy, re: your cover, I'm glad you're not a roofer.  ;-)  You need the WSM cover to go *on top of* the Performer cover...  the way it's set up, capillary action will pull a bunch of rain water down into the table section.  Which will still be better than nothing, of course. 
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on May 31, 2015, 06:52:39 PM
I... uhm... was just testing you! Mr. Stavlund! That's it!... And you passed the test - congratulations!! ;D ;D


Indeed I am no roofer! But generally have more common sense than that!! Cheers Mike
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: mike.stavlund on May 31, 2015, 07:09:39 PM
Matt, thanks for taking that feedback in the manner in which it was intended.  :-)  You are all ready for the rain now!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: MacEggs on June 01, 2015, 04:31:24 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on May 31, 2015, 05:18:10 PMWell mother nature just posed an interesting question... What to do when it rains?

I am assuming you ask that question on a daily basis living on the wet-coast .... Just sayin'.  ;) ;)

Nice work on the cover, but ....

I still wonder why you guys cover up all of your beautiful kettles for just some rain. 
After all, aren't the wood handles coated with multiple coats of spar?   ??? ??? ;D ;) ;)
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Red Kettle Rich on June 01, 2015, 08:08:22 AM
Amazing - just A-f'en-mazing 8)
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on June 04, 2015, 04:02:10 PM
Small, yet vital upgrade ;)

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: toolhead on June 04, 2015, 05:41:51 PM
I keep coming back to look at the mig smoker performer ....

Carbon fiber!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on December 16, 2015, 01:00:58 PM
Here are a couple new updates to the pearl. She's rocking two racks of ribs right now! 8)






Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: TheDude on December 16, 2015, 01:18:07 PM
@SixZeroFour that bottle opener is super sweet! Where can one find one?
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: MikeRocksTheRed on December 16, 2015, 01:36:55 PM
HAHA!  @SixZeroFour buffs the print of the plastic control panel, puts a WKC sticker on it and the first response from @TheDude is about the can opener!!!!  I love it!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: pbuk on December 16, 2015, 01:38:17 PM
Love it! Looks like it was created in the Weber Wizards Lab.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on December 16, 2015, 02:27:41 PM
Cheers guys ;D

@TheDude you can find them HERE  ( there are a few strings attached ;)
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: TheDude on December 16, 2015, 02:33:56 PM
@MikeRocksTheRed I like opening bottles while cooking. @SixZeroFour nice
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: jkolantern on December 16, 2015, 02:49:05 PM
Ha! I actually bought the apron largely for the opener! Amazon deal for like $12 though. And it's actually a pretty nice apron. I should write a review.

Great job on the cart man. Looks silly good!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: BC on December 16, 2015, 05:23:07 PM
Incredible. So!
Mind if I share some of the pics to a FB group I'm on?
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Red Kettle Rich on December 16, 2015, 05:51:35 PM
I like this opener (  8)

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Jon on December 16, 2015, 06:19:33 PM
That is a stunner! The fiber wrap really tricks it out. Great workmanship.

The silhouette would look great.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: firedude5015 on December 16, 2015, 06:19:52 PM
I have one of those  Rich, got it free at a beer festival, best opener i have found!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: TheDude on December 16, 2015, 06:38:23 PM
My go to.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: swamprb on December 17, 2015, 02:31:47 AM
Quote from: SixZeroFour on May 28, 2015, 08:33:18 PM
For some time now I have wanted to custom build a WSM cart out of performer frame, but wanted to do something special rather than just bolt it together and be done with it. 

Well, after some planning, testing and tweaking I have finally come up with my own personal dream smoker 8)


- New Style Ash Catcher Assembly
- 3M DiNoc Carbon Fibre Wrapped Front Plate
- 2015 Metal Performer Table
- Lid Bale Deleted and Capped with Acorn Nuts
- Added Lid Handle With Hooks
- Rear Legs are UNMODIFIED! kettle legs - only painted and bent to the shape of the leg
- Added a reinforcing sleeve over the rear axle to keep the legs at the correct distance and prevent flexing
- The new Black Maverick 733 also arrived just in time

Those are very nice mods, but the one important thing that I would suggest you consider to make this your "dream smoker" is to add either Happy Cooker or Economy Kettle internal ash pan to keep the One-Touch vanes from clogging on Low n Slow cooks or just add a BBQ Guru Universal adapter and smoke on.

just sayin'
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on December 17, 2015, 10:32:26 AM
Quote from: swamprb on December 17, 2015, 02:31:47 AM
Those are very nice mods, but the one important thing that I would suggest you consider to make this your "dream smoker" is to add either Happy Cooker or Economy Kettle internal ash pan to keep the One-Touch vanes from clogging on Low n Slow cooks or just add a BBQ Guru Universal adapter and smoke on.

You must have read my mind! ;)

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Josh G on December 17, 2015, 10:47:13 AM
Matt how well does the 3M DiNoc Carbon Fibre clean up after a cook? 

Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on December 17, 2015, 11:12:02 AM
@Josh G

So far no issues at all! I like to keep things pretty clean as I go so nothings really been left on long enough that it needed to be scrubbed at too hard.

I've also used the DiNoc on some interior trim parts in our Jeep and it's held up really well for at least 2 maybe 3 years now so it's fairly resilient.
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: Josh G on December 17, 2015, 11:35:47 AM
Thanks a lot.  You did a great job on it, makes a huge difference on transforming an older style performer into something modern.  Weber needs to offer you a position!
Title: Re: SixZeroFour's WSM Performer Cart - CF Edition
Post by: SixZeroFour on December 17, 2015, 09:19:48 PM
Quote from: Josh G on December 17, 2015, 11:35:47 AM
Weber needs to offer you a position!

Cheers Josh! One can dream right? ;)