need advice on a smaller charcoal grill

Started by Chesterkettle, November 12, 2018, 04:16:25 PM

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Hey Folks,
  Just curious if a Jumbo Joe uses less charcoal than my 22.5. Because the kettle is shallower, does it take less charcoal to achieve the same temperature? Would the CGA be a better choice? I'm usually cooking for my wife, me, and our two small kids and don't use up all of the real estate on the full size grill. If I could save charcoal by using a smaller grill, that would be great. Thanks for your time!


OKP Crimson, 22" H Code Brownie, SJS Lime, 22" CB Stacker, Red Q2200, Performer Deluxe CB slate blue

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"  H. Simpson

johnny 2 shack

jumbo joe is my fav cooker , the grate is closer to the grill , coals go out way faster when done , so in that regard they use less fuel


I'll vote for the CGA all day long here. They sip charcoal and give you great direct and indirect cooking capabilities.

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.


Do you close the vents and snuff out the remaining coals at the end of cooking so you can reuse them next time?  This way you only need 1/3 or 1/2 full chimney of new coal each time you cook. A 22 can be very efficient when you snuff out and reuse coal. So are all the other sizes for that matter.

Out of the grills mentioned, it's tough to beat the charcoal go anywhere for sipping fuel and versatility.

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Quote from: kettlebb on November 12, 2018, 05:18:48 PM
I'll vote for the CGA all day long here. They sip charcoal and give you great direct and indirect cooking capabilities.

What he said.  I never understood the attraction to CGAs until I got one.  (The only reason I picked it up was because it was too cheap and close by to pass up.)  :D I'm now a big CGA fan.  They are fantastic cookers either hot and fast or low and slow.  Here's a peek as some pork shanks cooked minion method on the CGA:

Drew Z.
70th Anniversary-SSP, A-Code GA, Snap On GA, Blue 18" OTG, Eagles SJ, 18" Tuck-N-Carry Midget, 3-burner Genny Jr., S-320


I've not a fraction the experience of most guys on here but I'm a huge fan of the CGA. Super controllable, loads of useable cooking space and shuts down fast. Noticed how much less charcoal we were buying within just a few cooks, which is nice, as good quality charcoal isn't cheap in the UK.


Love the JJ.  Got mine a few years back at Target at season end for $29.99.   I received the slow-n-sear charcoal basket for it as a gift which makes it even better. 


I don't own a CGA, so not much help there. But I own a couple of 18 inchers (and some 22's). The 18's rock. Period.
Multiple kettles and WSM's. I am not a collector, just a gatherer... and a sick bastard.


CGA is a great grill... but I totally love my New Style JJ grill as a quick go-to grill!
Cheap on coals, and with the smaller bottom kettle space.. when I close all the vents at the end of the cook it cools off REAL fast! Doing this saves the coals for the next run.
I use mine with the S'nS charcoal basket for some fantastic cooks! Match it with a good drip pan your set for almost anything you want to cook.
I have done everything from rotisserie chickens to pulled pork and it has never let me down.
As far as using less coals and faster shut down times.. it's all about the total inside volume in the grill. 2 Weber coal baskets at full burn in a 22" take a LONG time to snuff out, if you take the same 2 full burning baskets and dump them in a SJ and shut the vents then it's cold in 10 mins or so! This reduces you coal burn time and makes it last longer... so Ja .. smaller grill will always use less and make your coals last longer!
My vote for a great small grill goes to JJ !

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The answer is "both".  An 18" at home will provide more versatility for your family of four, and a CGA in your car for family trips to the park etc.  Win-Win.


I own the Smokey Joe, Jumbo Joe and also a Gas Go-Anywhere. I cook for 2 adults and a toddler and the Smokey Joe delivers. I can achieve smoking temperatures with 5 lit briquettes and add another five more unlit briquettes for maintaining a smoking range for about 3 hours with no adjustments on the vents. I run the vents wide open and achieve a clean smoke everytime. My Jumbo Joe is great for 4-8 adults and is just as efficient. My Gas Go-Anywhere is great for burgers and dogs and will feed 4-8 adults. Either way, I don't think you'll make a bag choice.

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Mike in Roseville

So I think there are some good ideas here:

-Buy an 18" if you think you need one. They're great!
-Close the vents on your 22" to reuse fuel for the next time.

I'll add one: buy charcoal on sale/clearance and you wont have to worry about fuel costs ;)


Quote from: vwengguy on November 13, 2018, 05:50:37 AM
CGA is a great grill... but I totally love my New Style JJ grill as a quick go-to grill!
Cheap on coals, and with the smaller bottom kettle space.. when I close all the vents at the end of the cook it cools off REAL fast! Doing this saves the coals for the next run.
I use mine with the S'nS charcoal basket for some fantastic cooks! Match it with a good drip pan your set for almost anything you want to cook.
I have done everything from rotisserie chickens to pulled pork and it has never let me down.
As far as using less coals and faster shut down times.. it's all about the total inside volume in the grill. 2 Weber coal baskets at full burn in a 22" take a LONG time to snuff out, if you take the same 2 full burning baskets and dump them in a SJ and shut the vents then it's cold in 10 mins or so! This reduces you coal burn time and makes it last longer... so Ja .. smaller grill will always use less and make your coals last longer!
My vote for a great small grill goes to JJ !

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@vwengguy - What brand rotisserie is that featured in your video? Sure looks like a weber, didn't know they made an 18 inch version.


It IS a Weber but I made it from a 22" Weber roti kit by cutting the ring down and very lovingly bringing the curve down to 18" size and using pop rivets to secure it.
I did this because I can not get a 18" roti kit here in Europe / The Netherlands and I really really wanted one.
There are a few company's that supply a 18" kit in the states and other members can help you pick a good one.

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