The Wife Took One Out Of The Rotation

Started by captjoe06, June 22, 2017, 01:26:32 PM

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Smokey Joe Black, Smokey Joe Lime Green, Original Kettle Premium Black,'92 Red OTS, Yellow Simpson's 22, 78 Red MBH, '80 Black MBH, '10 Brick Red Performer,'12 Grass Green Performer, '03 Blue SSP, '97 Blue SSP, 18 inch WSM


Caddywhompus too.

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.



LOL.  Just red shirted for the time being.  Will clean right up when needed!
62-68 Avocado BAR-B-Q Kettle, Red ER SS Performer, Green DA SS Performer, Black EE three wheeler, 1 SJS, 1 Homer Simpson SJS,  AT Black 26er, 82 Kettle Gasser Deluxe, "A" code 18.5 MBH, M Code Tuck-n-Carry, P Code Go Anywhere, 2015 RANCH FREAKING KETTLE!!!!!!


Great idea growing herbs in it.

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Q: How do you know something is bull$h!t?
A: When you are not allowed to question it.



Web-herb kettle

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.


Nice! I bet it's nice to pull fresh herbs from the Weber and then use them to grill something up on a different Weber

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Who listens to their wife!! Haha!

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This is what I think of when I read "Herb-b-q!"


Quote from: Craig on June 22, 2017, 08:30:19 PM
This is what I think of when I read "Herb-b-q!"

. Good old herb. He took the lid off and got a flare up.  Turned his face away from the flames then again the other direction and the mullet was born.  Who knew a singed hair accident would be something people would ask their barber to do in purpose!!

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62-68 Avocado BAR-B-Q Kettle, Red ER SS Performer, Green DA SS Performer, Black EE three wheeler, 1 SJS, 1 Homer Simpson SJS,  AT Black 26er, 82 Kettle Gasser Deluxe, "A" code 18.5 MBH, M Code Tuck-n-Carry, P Code Go Anywhere, 2015 RANCH FREAKING KETTLE!!!!!!


Webers rule


Quote from: captjoe06 on June 22, 2017, 01:26:32 PM

My wife will love this and I'll have a  excuse for another kettle.   Good thinking Joe!

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That handle is mint  to boot!!!!

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