1958 Covered Cooking With Magic Brochure

Started by Idahawk, February 18, 2017, 08:11:27 AM

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Not a new item to the club but still cool.
I was excited to find to this on eBay last week but anticipated a lot of bidders ... turns out it slipped through the cracks and will be proudly displayed with my 56 WBMW Kettle 

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Wanted plum/burgundy 18.5
WTB Color Copies of old Weber Catalogs


Damn! Very nice find! That snuck under the radar for sure.
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


That is very cool!  Only a few of us on the board were around when this was published .... Not I.

I remember when I first joined the WKC, @Bbqmiller posted about finding one of these.  The cooking instructions still apply for today's Weber kettle. 

Q: How do you know something is bull$h!t?
A: When you are not allowed to question it.


Very cool find. Congrats!

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Charcoal "avg. price" noted as .10/#, which is roughly .85 now.
hopelessly, helplessly, happily addicted to a shipload of Webers


Great pick up. Congrats. I wasn't around then either. As Maxwell Smart used to say; "I missed it by that much"!