Who has the smallest Weber collection?

Started by ramsfan, October 25, 2015, 06:56:39 PM

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Technically 2. Black OTP and black 3 wheeler. There is a black OTS in my yard, but it's my lil bros. he keeps saying he's gonna pick it up, but...
Still need a 22" yellow


Red - ER code Performer Touch-N-Go
Black - EE code 22.5
Black - brand new SJS
SImpsons - SJS
2 red teleflora minis

I've been struck by weberitis for sure.  Only had my Performer up until the begining of September!
62-68 Avocado BAR-B-Q Kettle, Red ER SS Performer, Green DA SS Performer, Black EE three wheeler, 1 SJS, 1 Homer Simpson SJS,  AT Black 26er, 82 Kettle Gasser Deluxe, "A" code 18.5 MBH, M Code Tuck-n-Carry, P Code Go Anywhere, 2015 RANCH FREAKING KETTLE!!!!!!

Josh G

Sounds like 3 is the lowest number.  Having only 3 is actually really impressive, it would be hard for a lot us to get back to that number (without regrets). 


I have one, a 22 one touch copper kettle
22.5 Copper kettle
Blue Performer
Copper Performer


Does this count?

3 square inches total grilling space ;)

W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


This is the original Weber kettle. The most powerful bbq grill in the world and can blow your taste-buds clean off! So, you have to ask yourself one question: "Do you feel hungry? Well, do you punk?"

Bob BQ

Quote from: SixZeroFour on October 26, 2015, 06:03:22 PM
Does this count?

3 square inches total grilling space ;)

I've got that tiny red Genesis, also! definitely more of a looker than cooker  ;)
BBQ:it's what's for dinner. Grail: 18" Custom - "The Californian"


I cant see myself with just two grills even if I were forced to reduce my collection. My 2010 C&B performer would be one but I can't choose between my jumbo joe or my red 22 and what about WSM'S can I keep one of those? Once you get over five kettles you cant turn back you're a hunter now.
Radio station WEFUNK 50,000 kilowatts of PFUNK power.


I had 1: 90's kettle. Then my cousin convinced me to get a WSM, which let to a mini-SWM build, and then one rescue off the side of the road, followed by a donated MBH, and then a CL find 22 for $65...so, uhm...6, I'm out on this contest.

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I had the smallest collection.........................................before 2010... Just one 18.5 Redhead.

Tommy B

1 red MBH
1 SS Blue Performer
1 2010 black OTG
1 18.5 OTG chopped to a midget
1 uline green SJ NIB
1 1991 SJ NIB
1 black SJ Gold
1 Black SJ Silver
1 custom mini WSM
1 18.5 WSM

Hotty Toddy!


I have a jumbo joe, and a 14.5in WSM...

Do I win for not only being small in number, but for both of them being pint sized?


I have 1- 22.5 gold, 1-18 silver, 1-and
That I made into a mini wsm, a copper
Sjs still in the box and my twins
22.5 Wsm! 
I can't stop lovin my Weber!!!
2-22 WSM, 22.5 gold, 22.5 MT code EE Red Head ,22.5 AH in Green ,18 silver , Green SSP code EI,Weber Ranch,mini WSM black,4-smokey joes black, lime, copper, crimson Sjg  IQ120 electric 22.5 silver economy 2004..that makes 15. I know WEBERITIS !!


I could be wrong, but I think the winner would have to be someone who has a brand new smokey joe only and no other webers.

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Looking for Blue Mastertouch or Blue Performer. 

Currently have: Performer (Green); 22.5 Mastertouch (Red); 26.75 OTG;  22.5 WSM; 18.5 WSM; Jumbo Joe; SJS (Green Uline); SJG (used for Mini WSM); Blue SS Performer; Blue MBH; Summit