Spreading the Weberitis and giving back.

Started by Craig, August 16, 2015, 07:28:32 PM

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In the three years since I joined this forum I went from owning four grills to over thirty. In that time I have learned many new cooking techniques and methods from our expert Grillfellas and also have come into some highly coveted grails from this awesome network of people we have here willing to help out and pass along treasures to one another. I had been doing my part in what I like to call "spreading the gospel according to George" by sharing tips and techniques for friends, family and neighbors willing to listen. But I hadn't really taken the opportunity to spread the wealth yet. Time to change that. As time has passed my collection has caught the eye of a few people who really have wanted to take up charcoal grilling. Two people in particular, first my Step father, he went from being a gasser guy who didn't think he had the patience for charcoal to wanting to learn more about it, so about a year ago, I moved a spare black 22 OTS I had come into recently and passed it along to him to cut his teeth on, well a year later he really has been bitten by the charcoal bug. So much that he sold his Char Broil and only cooks on his kettle but after a year he was finding that he wanted more. He wants a Ranch someday now and I figure anyone who wants a Ranch wants another kettle too and that means that the 'itis has set in. Just the other day he texted me and asked if he could borrow a grill for the weekend and long story short, he now has two kettles permanently. I passed along to him my 1976-77 Warrior. Now he is excited to have a daisy wheel kettle and one that is a different color to boot.  Pics to follow. The second person that has really wanted to get the Webers get the Webers is my 12 year old neighbor kid down the street. He has been asking me all sorts of questions about grilling and the different colors I have and the history of them and he'll ask me to tell him about each grill I own etc. well about a month ago he got a used OTG from his Grandfather. The dog had chewed the wheels off and they had no use for it so he got it and asked me to help him fix it up and put new wheels on it. I happily obliged him and spent over an hour talking to him about his new-to-him grill and how to use it. Well he really wanted a red grill now and a Smokey Joe. Well he went out and bought a new SJ with his lawn mowing money but he still wanted a red grill. Well I knew it was high time for me to give back. So we worked out a deal and I passed along to him a nice EE code 22 red I picked up locally 2 years ago and fixed up. So now he has two 22s and an SJ and he's only 12. Might as well get them started cooking and collecting early. He was super stoked to get the red 22. Ok enough of me here's the photos of the grills

My stepdads new to him Warrior complete with a nice Zavodle I had. I'm going to miss the high mist ring on this one but it was time to give back.

And my neighbor Jackson's new red grill. Ash pan was already at his house. A Couple farewell photos before leaving to go to its new owner. Installed new wooden handles for him.

Me carrying the grill down the street to its new home.

And in its new digs next to its new friend the black OTG (not wearing the ash can but wearing the red's ash pan) Jackson might ask me to install THAT on HIS new red grill.

His mom is excited to have a red Weber for Husker football parties. I was happy to pass along a couple of cookers to some people that really want to learn how to use them and most of all, enjoy them. This all took place in one day, yesterday (8/15).


Thanks, Craig for a setting a great example. A hobby is much more satisfying when it is shared with others.
A bunch of black kettles


Thank you, you have made me consider this even more.
Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......

Russell C.

First...good on you.  Nothing better than seeing people get interested in something you're passionate about and being a mentor of sorts.  Your young neighbor is learning several valuable skills from you.  The least of which being how to cook outdoors.

Second...I've seen pictures of your herd and I want to be your neighbor! 

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Uncle Al

Wow - that is awesome!  There was a time when I did not fully understand the phase "it is better to give than receive".  Receiving is great but when you get into a position to be able to give, well that is when you truly have arrived.  I say congratulations to you there sir!


THAT is the way we're supposed to do it!

hopelessly, helplessly, happily addicted to a shipload of Webers


Giving a Red grill to a 12 year boy.....good on ya Craig. Always had a strong hunch you were one of the good guys.
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"

pbe gummi bear

You're such an enabler, Craig. Kudos to you.
"Have you hugged your Weber today?"
Check out WKC on Facebook:


Craig, that's awesome.  Way to help out your neighbor!
Chasing the impossibles: Westerner, Custom, Meat Cut!



Epic story craig.
Love it.

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Good job Craig! Glad to hear that their are still kids out there that are actually interested in doing activities outside instead of loafing around playing games on their cell phones.


Sending it on down the line,  good on you brutha.
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Very cool of you Craig - just like giving candy to a baby ;)
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


That's what its all about! Nicely played.. I especially love that you carried the grill down the street!
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..