Should Weber do a " Throwback Kettle "

Started by Idahawk, June 24, 2015, 02:57:15 PM

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Mark Schnell

If they wanted to make a profit they should just sell a WKC branded kettle. They'd sell more. The only ones that'd buy this kind of undoubtedly high priced (but amazingly cool) stuff are us sickos anyways. ::)

Mark Schnell

" Ok, well don't you think that the Samsonite people, in some crazy scheme, in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE BLACK SUITCASE?"  Greg Fokker in Meet the Parents.


Quote from: SixZeroFour on June 25, 2015, 06:26:49 AM
This would be awesome. Imagine they released one throwback design per year as a "Special Edition" !!

Give me any MBH era color with a wood top handle and I'm sold! 8)

Well they could ask a premium price for a Special Edition  ( are you reading this weber ) and we would likely pay it :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Wanted plum/burgundy 18.5
WTB Color Copies of old Weber Catalogs


retro cars, retro guitars, why not retro bbq kettles? 

everything else "americana" is in the game, get with it weber. 
I only use kettles with lid bales.


Quote from: GregS on June 25, 2015, 07:54:50 AM
retro cars, retro guitars, why not retro bbq kettles? 

everything else "americana" is in the game, get with it weber.


I can no longer wait for Weber and have decided to go with a true Americana grill - the "Swinger".  I ordered the redhead pictured below and plan to put a nice strip of shag carpet down as a grill mat.


In an ongoing relationship with a kettle named Bisbee.

Uncle JJ

Grey fade 2-tone 26er flat top w/steel wheels [A Plainsman-like 26er flatty]


^ yup, give me a flattop 26" Plainsman and I die a happy man. ;D
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