Performer with Charcoal basket question

Started by AJ328, June 26, 2014, 08:48:10 AM

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It's a simple question and probably a dumb one. I just got a performer platinum with the gas ignitor and was wondering if the ignitor works if you put the charcoal in the baskets first? Or is the gas ignitor only meant for banking the coals and direct grilling?


1) There are NO dumb questions.

2) I think the prevailing thought is that you light the charcoal with the gas-assist in a chimney, then when lit, dump it as a "direct" or "indirect" cook as needed.

It may work to light the charcoal in a basket over the gas-assist flame, but I don't think it would be ideal.
Interested in ANY offset handle SJs you may have.


Art is correct AJ...but one of us may have lit his charcoal in the baskets one time because he didn't have use of the chimney during a multiple-grill cook.
Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.


Works just fine lighting the coals in the baskets, that's how I typically do it - although I like the chimney better (it's more even). The way the Performer's igniter works is almost designed for the baskets, as it comes out of each end, lighting each baskets center.

Just my thoughts.


QuoteThe way the Performer's igniter works is almost designed for the baskets, as it comes out of each end, lighting each baskets center.

Dude, relax your chicken.


Good to know and thanks for all the quick answers. Looks like I'll keep sticking with the chimney.


I've done both (in basket, in chimney) and I prefer to use the chimney then dump into baskets.  When lighting in a chimney, the coals on the bottom are more "done" than at the top so when you dump into the baskets, the less done coals go into the bottom of the baskets and the hotter coals end up on top.  I feel like it burns better.  Plus, using a chimney, coals light faster than starting in the baskets.  I also think the wire baskets suffer from being blasted by the propane torch from the burner tube. 
WTB 18 fruit


Baskets predate the chimneys for sure, and they are a kind of proto-basket.  It's just fine to put fire under the baskets, but as others have noted it seems to be a more even burn to have hot coals atop cold, rather than the other way around. 

Plus the Weber chimney is a pretty handy unit of measure. 
One of the charcoal people.