I was going to wait till I clean it up and post maybe tomorrow, but could not contain my excitement to show and tell.
8hrs on the road to get this. MrHoss and MacEggs has PMed me to go get this as I was closer to it and also were just as excited as I was to get it. As MrHoss put it " Great Score for the team!!!"
I was lucky enough to score nice 79 faded black MBH few weeks ago for $25... and now this for $30. Kettle God must be on my side.
This is the Sellers Ad. description and the pics. From the description, it sounded like the bottom part of the bowl might be rusted out with all 3 vents detached, but I was determined to go get it no matter what the condition it was in. In person it is in surprisingly in good condition with only one vent off and the ash disc is in perfect condition. Exterior lid needs to be cleaned real good to assess how good it is but no dings on it. bowl also needs good clean but few chips but no dings.
QuoteWeber kettle barbecue. Basic model: three x three-hole air vents, disc ash catcher below them. It's been lovingly used over the years (and with excellent results until just a week ago when the new barbecue arrived). It still has many more years left. But with compromises. The bottom air vents' rotary covers have come off, so there's no controlling the heat except for the top vent (whose rotary cover is fully functional), and there's no shutting down to conserve the coals if you're finished cooking and they still have some life left in them. The coal grate is bowed and could use a replacement, but not necessarily this summer. The grill could use a good clean and oiling. IN OTHER WORDS: it's functional (as I say: it was our mainstay until recently), but could use some TLC. It'll do nicely as a standalone cooker, or you might wish to relegate it to overflow barbecuing when the crowd gets too large for your main kettle. Thanks.
The seller is a Grillfella with a new Crimson kettle. I let him know of this forums and it looks like he will be joining shortly. I did let him know that this is pretty rare vintage kettle and he was more than happy to pass it on to me as he is not a kettle collector. He even gave me an extra black MBH lid he had.
From what I understand from talking to the seller ... ironically no one would buy this on other classified ad he had on. People backing out and showing no interest. Even on this ad. he had one interested party besides me in almost 1.5 days on. MacEggs and MrHoss had their reasons and with travel even farther than me probably did not even inquire about it.
I will clean it up and post before and after pics with reattached vent. I can't wait to see how she will look all cleaned up.
What an amazing find, can't wait to see this all cleaned up.
Yes. We were hoping you'd convert this find. That there is a special Kettle dude.
Edit: Just read the part at the end about Mac and I "probably not inquire about it". We didn't....that would have muddied the water for you....possibly driving the price up and even cancelling the deal. I believe it best that only one of "us" be on any given find.
Wow, great teamwork on that one. Love the green and an really looking forward to seeing the clean up.
Congrats on being part of the exclusive green mbh club.
Congrats. Great kettle.
Congratulations on a grail of a find! I'm still looking for one of these. Can't wait to see it all cleaned up.
Great find. Can't wait to see the "after" pictures.
Very cool find. Looking forward to the after's.
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That is a neat old kettle. Congratulations on getting that after such a long haul.
Nice. Not too many of those around!
Wow. I've never seen that color green. I can't wait to see it cleaned up. Great score!
Quote from: pbe gummi bear on July 13, 2016, 07:35:36 PM
Congrats on being part of the exclusive green mbh club.
And welcome to the club 8)
Is there a date code on the vent?
Holy fuck I still can't believe that showed up in Ontario!!!!!! Hahahhaha hahahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ah ahhahaha h ah ah ahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaaaa. Oh man. This is great!!!!!
Got a email a couple days ago from Mac and about fell off my chair. He saw it first thing in the morning and passed it off as he had to work. I am still recuperating and the air con. in my van is shot so a 5 plus hour drive each way in this heat did not look good. So I told Mac to pass the find onto Greenweb...he did but the man was already on it by that point. These rare old Webers turn up very rarely in our neck of the woods....having them wind up in one of "our" hands is all the more important.
Dazzo and 6 each have a Green 22 MBH. Now Mr GreenWeb does too.....is that it? Are there but 3 of these?
I still don't believe this actually happened! A greenie from the great white north! 😮
Congrats on a sweet score!
Great find!!!
Clean up before and after pics.
The lid took the most time.
Bowl- I need 1 vent. The one with Weber on it ( lid vent ) needs to be replaced. I have 1 spare not shown. Let me know if someone has one. I will pay for it. Or other option is to order VSM vents and replace all 3.
All cleaned up.
Both A-code. Faded Black I got few weeks ago for $25. Green was $30 with black spare lid.
Bit more detailed shots.
It is showing some battle scars but surprisingly solid. I just need to fix the bowl vents. Thank you all for sharing.
Wow. That sure is purdy. You could use that spare lid vent for now. Do you need to drill out the old rivet? I had to get a couple drill bits to get a few out once....seems to me it was the titanium one that worked in the end. Finding a proper bottom vent ought not be that hard. No need to drill out the good 2 bottom vents. Not sure if Weber still sells them or not. Someone will chime in soon.
Edit: Be prepared to have this Green MBH score be the most extreme score "ever". In our neck of the woods properly rare shit pops up about once a year or so. Just like a damn earthquake of any size. Spotting it and being able to act is really happenstance.
Alright ... that's what I was waiting for. The clean-up pics ... Nicely done !!
What a transformation with the lid. I'm guessing that all that gunk / grime on the lid acted as a protector all of these years.
This really is the only type of dark green on a kettle that I personally prefer. You did good, greendude!! Congrats on your huge efforts. :D 8)
Dude, that lid was seriously messed up. Good job on this hat cleanup. That is one great looking mbh
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great clean up and welcome to the club for the third time!
that is a beauty!
One thing for sure, it was well used in its previous life. What a transformation. Your picture of the black and green kettles (piciture #13) was photobombed by a blue dragonfly
@MrHoss- I don't need to drill as the rivet already has separated and the vent came off. I have the vent for that. The one I want to replace is the lid vent. I don't think it would be right to have lid vent on a bowl for this kettle. I have already replaced both grates as they would be better for cooking. Also, was going to replace legs, triangle an wheels to almost brand new ones from my spare kettles, but decided not to do it and keep it original.
So, if someone has one spare 2 tab vent they could sell- let me know.
@MacEggs- the lid took the longest to finish. Gunk on both sides had to be scraped off. I was real careful not to scratch beautiful green finish. It was real exciting revealing little bit at a time to see what was underneath. Just as tough getting the lid vent clean too as I did not want to scratch or mark the aluminum finish. Inside the bowl were really caked on too. Some areas as thick as 1/4 to 3/8 inch. Thanks!
Quote from: GregS on July 14, 2016, 05:18:58 PM
great clean up and welcome to the club for the third time!
that is a beauty!
Thank you very much!
Quote from: Cellar2ful on July 14, 2016, 05:26:41 PM
One thing for sure, it was well used in its previous life. What a transformation. Your picture of the black and green kettles (piciture #13) was photobombed by a blue dragonfly @greenweb.
Did not even noticed that. It looks real but it is a paint work not a real one. Now that you mention it- it looks kind of cool between 1979 MBH kettles.
When I read "Extreme" I thought there would be a skateboard or a parachute or something like that involved. Great cleanup and what a find.
That looks great. You did a fantastic job on the clean up.
Wow. Great find and great restore.
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Excellent find on a rare color!
Nice job cleaning it up, I don't think I've ever seen a lid so gunky before
That's a sweet looking green kettle. Nice job.
Looking at those pics is making me want to start cleaning up my brownie.
Who needs sleep when you have Webers.
Sent from my NXA8QC116 using Tapatalk
Wow! That is a STUNNING transformation! I guess the layer of outer grime protected it. Great work and congrats on a wonderful find...I also love that A code with the "orange peel" texture. Nice collection you have going!
nice .
Wow, amazing transformation!
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
OUTSTANDING score and clean-up. That is a beautiful kettle and it's fantastic that its found it's way into the WKC. Slainte'
Cleaned up nice congrats on the find!
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Cleaned up nice!
Quote from: dazzo on April 18, 2016, 11:06:04 AM
Quote from: Troy on April 17, 2016, 07:13:38 PM
Wow. Yes they're quite rare. I think we've seen 3, not including yours.
Are these the four?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
@Craig Are these the
four five?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------
???greenweb ----- 'A' code
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Still unclear on the 18's
Quote from: dazzo on July 15, 2016, 12:29:35 PM
Cleaned up nice!
Quote from: dazzo on April 18, 2016, 11:06:04 AM
Quote from: Troy on April 17, 2016, 07:13:38 PM
Wow. Yes they're quite rare. I think we've seen 3, not including yours.
Are these the four?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Are these the four five?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
greenweb ----- 'A' code
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Still unclear on the 18's
Pretty sure
@landgraftj has an old green 18.
possibly the only one?
Quote from: Troy on July 15, 2016, 12:44:57 PM
Quote from: dazzo on July 15, 2016, 12:29:35 PM
Cleaned up nice!
Quote from: dazzo on April 18, 2016, 11:06:04 AM
Quote from: Troy on April 17, 2016, 07:13:38 PM
Wow. Yes they're quite rare. I think we've seen 3, not including yours.
Are these the four?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Are these the four five?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
greenweb ----- 'A' code
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Still unclear on the 18's
Pretty sure @landgraftj has an old green 18.
possibly the only one?
Yes, I do have an 18 MBH green. Great condition too.
(http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg598/landgraftj/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg) (http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/landgraftj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg.html)
(http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg598/landgraftj/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg) (http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/landgraftj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg.html)
I'll send you my address!
Quote from: landgraftj on July 15, 2016, 12:53:43 PM
(http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg598/landgraftj/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg) (http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/landgraftj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg.html)
(http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg598/landgraftj/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg) (http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/landgraftj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg.html)
Wooo. That's nice
I think we need to do a green wkc logo shirt
Sent from my SM-N910V using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91018)
@landgraftj- that is absolutely gorgeous. I will send you my address too.
Now, I wish to collect some nice 18". You have spoiled me. :)
Quote from: greenweb on July 15, 2016, 01:36:36 PM
@landgraftj- that is absolutely gorgeous. I will send you my address too.
Now, I wish to collect some nice 18". You have spoiled me. :)
I have blue, green, yellow, red, brown, black, avocado, lime, and plum in 18s. Most are MBH except the plum I think. I'm loving your green 22, great find!
Quote from: landgraftj on July 15, 2016, 04:44:52 PM
I have blue, green, yellow, red, brown, black, avocado, lime, and plum in 18s. Most are MBH except the plum I think. I'm loving your green 22, great find!
Wow! How did I miss this before. Do you have a Topic of your dream team somewhere on this forum I can check out. That is quite impressive 18" line-up.
Quote from: greenweb on July 15, 2016, 07:18:17 PM
Quote from: landgraftj on July 15, 2016, 04:44:52 PM
I have blue, green, yellow, red, brown, black, avocado, lime, and plum in 18s. Most are MBH except the plum I think. I'm loving your green 22, great find!
Wow! How did I miss this before. Do you have a Topic of your dream team somewhere on this forum I can check out. That is quite impressive 18" line-up.
At one time I had a group photo. It's changed quite a bit since the photo. I'll see if I can find it.
It's from 2 years ago and lots of changes to the photo now. I have a lot more not pictured!
@landgranfj that's an incredible collection and the green is beautiful.
@zavod44 didn't you just find a green like this too?
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
I've gotta say, I am extremely GREEN with envy. The cleanup you did on that is amazing! There's something about these early dark greens I prefer to the later/modern ones. They are not as "dark" as the new ones. Compared to Avocado and Lime it's such a conservative green that I'm surprised there aren't more of those here in Nebraska and Iowa. I've been looking for either one of these MBHs or an early 3 wood green from 1981. Nice work!
Oh and Troy, I vote for dark green MBH WKC shirts as well as a hoodie.
Quote from: Craig on July 16, 2016, 06:07:02 AM
I've gotta say, I am extremely GREEN with envy. The cleanup you did on that is amazing! There's something about these early dark greens I prefer to the later/modern ones. They are not as "dark" as the new ones. Compared to Avocado and Lime it's such a conservative green that I'm surprised there aren't more of those here in Nebraska and Iowa. I've been looking for either one of these MBHs or an early 3 wood green from 1981. Nice work!
Thanks! More cleaning when I get a chance around lid vent, legs, ash disc, wheels, and triangle.
Have a look at this. http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/trading-post/green-$20/ Is this not the 1981 with same green color you are looking for.
Quote from: landgraftj on July 16, 2016, 03:43:41 AM
It's from 2 years ago and lots of changes to the photo now. I have a lot more not pictured!
I don't know what to say. You have been added to my Hero status. :) :) :)
I would definitely update. All together like that is too much for me to comprehend. IMO, I would break them up into 22",18", and SJ's.
Quote from: Troy on July 15, 2016, 12:44:57 PM
Quote from: dazzo on July 15, 2016, 12:29:35 PM
Cleaned up nice!
Quote from: dazzo on April 18, 2016, 11:06:04 AM
Quote from: Troy on April 17, 2016, 07:13:38 PM
Wow. Yes they're quite rare. I think we've seen 3, not including yours.
Are these the four?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Are these the four five?
stubblebum ----- 'B' code
@swamprb ------ ???
greenweb ----- 'A' code
Troy -> 604 ----- 'A' code
dazzo ------------ no code
Still unclear on the 18's
Pretty sure @landgraftj has an old green 18.
possibly the only one?
Make that six
Number 6
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
I'm digging these greens. Great looking kettle @Golly!
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Quote from: Golly on April 03, 2018, 03:54:25 AM
Number 6
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
#6 but is it only one or #1 in Australia? Congrats!
@Golly. Looks beautiful.
Yep the only one know in Australia
Have to thank @toebone for the trade
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Very nice.
Nice score! Congrats!