Weber Kettle Club Forums

Grill Talk => Weber Grill Forum (Grills, Accessories) => Topic started by: Bman on March 11, 2013, 06:20:10 PM

Title: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 11, 2013, 06:20:10 PM
Since I joined this site not long ago, I've picked up ---

Joe silver for free. (donor for the mini I'm making)
2 gassers for free (clean up one for a family member gift & make a workstation from the other)
a 2011' Performer w/ gas assist.

The last 3 grills came over the weekend.
Today, I see this ad on CL searching for "webber" (amazing how many spell it that way)

nice 26 1/2 Webber kettle grill - $1 (Cambridge )
nice webber grill its a big one 26&1/2 in round.they are all over thhe net for 300.00.I used it one summer.really. good grill.I'm looking for a. dirt bike running or not.iphone ipads broking gold.text me with picture of what you have.443-477-2920

I text the guy, we go back-n-forth as he's 125 miles away.  He said he needs it gone and has it listed on "swap and sell" for 50 bucks.  Holy shit! 
Said I'd give him $60 if he'll hold it and I'm on my way this afternoon. 
Get to his place and he says it's 2 minutes up the road in storage.  :o 
Then he jumps in my truck with me.  :o :o 
We get to the storage place, in da hood, and the fooker forgot his keys...  :o :o :o 

Back to his place, grab the keys, and back to the unit. 
He unlocks the door, turns on the light and I'm starting to  ;D 
Take 1 step in where I get a distance visual and start to  :'( 
I inform the dipshit that ain't no 26.5" grill!   >:(  >:(  >:( 
He doesn't believe me and grabs a yardstick.  Yup, 22.5" OTG   ::)

It was very clean and in great condition, but I told him 1) I already have one 2) these are a dime-a-dozen.   :-X
I offer 20 bucks because I didn't have a 10.  He kinda feels bad since I drove all that way, and accepted.

I didn't tell my wife any of this story as she went with me on Sat & Sun grill collecting.  She's sitting next to me while I'm typing.   :-*
Keeping this from her means I have a problem.  CL in the morning (iPad), CL in day (iPhone), CL in the evening (laptop)   :-[
I'm going cold turkey.  I'm done.  It's affecting our marriage.  No more kettle collecting.  Unless they have an actual photo
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hell Fire Grill on March 11, 2013, 06:26:53 PM
Sounds like your just getting started to me.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 11, 2013, 06:31:32 PM

   OK, that's it, "Post of the Month" has arrived.......

Esp. the last line:

"I'm going cold turkey.  I'm done.  It's affecting our marriage.  No more kettle collecting. Unless they have an actual photo"

Which, as we all know by now, is a perfect addition to any SANE kettle collector's signature line !!!!

PS: Bman, you did see what happened to me today, right?
( See: Sacramento "RED" Performer $250  & YO!!!  threads....)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: G on March 11, 2013, 06:35:45 PM
The diagnosis...."Weberitis" which there is no cure.  You'll be back.

Moral of the story....if you cant spell Weber, you probably cant read a tape measure.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Jeff on March 11, 2013, 06:47:37 PM
Hey Chad...I think many of us have been there, thought it was a 26....only to learn it was really a 22.  Some of us have drove to one like you (no names here!) and many of us have questioned ads we've seen.  Don't feel so bad.
BTW...I said I was done 20 grills ago...and as Stu said, there is no cure for Weberitis.  Don't fight it...just tell the wife the next grill is "hers"  LOL
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Craig on March 11, 2013, 06:51:45 PM
I concur with Stu and Jeff, its a case of Weberitis. What you do is you go on a "buying freeze" for a while, cook up some fantastic meals just your wife with your existing kettles. Then some time down the road, you score your 26"er, and figure that your doing it for the greater good. My wife knows I have a problem....she has a shoe problem. Of course, shoes don't require covers, grates, new handles, high heat paint, colored hubcaps, if applicable, some new cookware for the kettles, .....................hmmmmm the list goes on............ ;D
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: reillyranch on March 11, 2013, 06:59:38 PM
I had to put myself in time out after my trip last week.  Foolish, put my job, marriage, maybe even myself in a bad spot.  Went too far, spent too much.  There is a thin line between collection and addiction.  When you put that above things that really matter, you've got a problem, you've got Weberitis. 
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: zavod44 on March 11, 2013, 07:03:29 PM
I'm behind both of you....I mean I'll encourage your addiction the whole time....
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Craig on March 11, 2013, 07:06:11 PM
Quote from: reillyranch on March 11, 2013, 06:59:38 PM
I had to put myself in time out after my trip last week.  Foolish, put my job, marriage, maybe even myself in a bad spot.  Went too far, spent too much.  There is a thin line between collection and addiction.  When you put that above things that really matter, you've got a problem, you've got Weberitius.
I agree 100%. There's a right time and a wrong time to add to the stable. Happy Wife, happy life....I know a cliche, but it has merit.  ;)
and Brian........ ;D ;D
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 11, 2013, 07:09:00 PM
Likewise, I've also emailed/asked for further verification of the 26.75" grill only to be informed I was correct - only 22.5"

But this one was different!  Or so I was duped to believe.  It's a mirage.  I'm seeing what I wanna see.

I cancelled & moved my evening chiropractor appt so I could feed the addiction.  I'm a goner, but you people still have time - save yourself!
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Craig on March 11, 2013, 07:10:05 PM
Quote from: Bman on March 11, 2013, 07:09:00 PM
I'm a goner, but you people still have time - save yourself!
Your not leaving us are you?  ???
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: G on March 11, 2013, 07:22:14 PM
BMan...we've all been there.  If it helps you feel any better, last summer I responded to a no-picture CL ad, drove 45 minutes, and spent an hour helping this lady clean out years of accumulation, dust, and dead lady bugs in her garage to get at a supposed 60s Weber kettle in "excellent condition" that included several accessories (she was certain about a rotisserie nd rib rack).  After sweating my a$$ off and listening to the story associated with every piece of clutter removed from the confines of that garage, we finally get to the kettle.  My heart sank when I saw it was a standard black OTS from the mid 80s that looked like it had spent a good portion of its days outside.  To make matters worse, she had a mass of stuff piled on it which in time broke the welds to 2 of the 3 legs.  If that wasnt enough, the only accessory found was one charcoal rail.

I chuckle about it now but at the time, I had a new place for this person to store her charcoal rail..... 
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Duke on March 11, 2013, 07:22:18 PM
"When it's just one more grill and you gotta have it, you've got a problem, you've got Weberitis."   

( (
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 11, 2013, 07:26:38 PM
Good one Bman its nice to know your not alone.... I've been suffering from Yellow Fever for the last month. Things are getting so bad that I've been contacting CL ads in the US. Dam I nearly had that yellow kettle in Portland
6 mths ago if you had told me I'd be trying to import 40+yr old BBQ's back to Australia , I would of laughed in your face. But here we are and I love it!!
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: zavod44 on March 11, 2013, 07:33:47 PM
It's a cheap hobby, so you drive around and meet some interesting people.  Where's the harm in that...Now Reilly is a different story...Reilly do you have a new adventure you would like to share?
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: HankB on March 11, 2013, 07:41:59 PM
Quote from: Bman on March 11, 2013, 06:20:10 PM
I'm going cold turkey.  I'm done. 
Yeah... Good luck with that.  :-\

I wish I could offer help. Well... I can. If you have mostly black grills or covers for the grills that you co have, it is easier to slip another one in the mix w/out being noticed. SWMBO surprisingly has not noticed a SS Performer, 22.5 WSM and SJG. Of course the SJG hardly counts. Or maybe she just didn't say anything.

As as far as the 26 goes, I sort of went down that road. I almost passed up an unused '85 26 because SWMBO said a co-worker was going to give us their old green 26 because they were moving. But of course there never was a green 26 and when confronted with a ruler, it turned out to be a 22. ;) Lucky for me it did not involve a long drive. I've generally been lucky with CL deals considering how many ways they can go bad.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 11, 2013, 07:45:40 PM
Quote from: Craig on March 11, 2013, 07:10:05 PM
Quote from: Bman on March 11, 2013, 07:09:00 PM
I'm a goner, but you people still have time - save yourself!
Your not leaving us are you?  ???
Sadly, no.  I'm around for life.  ;D

I just got done taking out the trash & getting the mail.  At 11:30 at night.  While all of that is true, I also unloaded the shrunkin' 26.75 (22.5) I bought and carried it, in the dark, and set it with the rest of the Webers on the patio.  Incognito.  Wonder if I can get this one cleaned up & sold before she notices it.  8)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: zavod44 on March 11, 2013, 07:56:09 PM
It's just black?  Wood handles at least?  Does it have an ash bucket? 
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 11, 2013, 08:02:52 PM
Quote from: Bman on March 11, 2013, 07:45:40 PM
Quote from: Craig on March 11, 2013, 07:10:05 PM
Quote from: Bman on March 11, 2013, 07:09:00 PM
I'm a goner, but you people still have time - save yourself!
Your not leaving us are you?  ???
Sadly, no.  I'm around for life.  ;D

I just got done taking out the trash & getting the mail.  At 11:30 at night.  While all of that is true, I also unloaded the shrunkin' 26.75 (22.5) I bought and carried it, in the dark, and set it with the rest of the Webers on the patio.  Incognito.  Wonder if I can get this one cleaned up & sold before she notices it.  8)

Probably not, you're in trouble, just like most of the rest of us......

That's another tag line, BTW.... 8)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Golly on March 11, 2013, 08:33:09 PM
That's gold!!
Great read
I'm pissing myself laughing
Only now are you OFFICIALLY a WKC member
+1 for post of the month
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: bob hope on March 11, 2013, 11:11:17 PM
Hello my name is Bob.   "Hello Bob"
I am a weberholic. It's been three days sence my last fix. While at my sisters wedding Saturday, out side getting photo's done I had my phone behind my sister keeping track of a eBay auction that was ending in three minutes. I screwed up at least five pictures while looking at my phone and ended up getting yelled at by the photographer, my sister, my wife and my mother!!  ;D

Yep we have it bad ;)  ;D  8)  8)

+ 1 more for post of the month
That was priceless  ;)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 12, 2013, 01:34:24 AM
Bob... You crack me up
Another vote for post of the month
Yep my wife keeps saying I need to go to W.A.
I respond with 'Why would I when I've got WKC?'
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Jeff on March 12, 2013, 03:10:58 AM haven't been on this site very long, but you sure found the right place and seem to be having alot of fun.  You are in good company!  :)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 12, 2013, 03:59:16 AM
Quote from: zavod44 on March 11, 2013, 07:56:09 PM
It's just black?  Wood handles at least?  Does it have an ash bucket? 

Yup, black.
Nope, light gray plastic handles.
Yup, all silver ash catcher.  (A 2009 stamp)
Also has a green triangle.  Since I'm still new, kinda thought that was cool.

Oh, it's also assembled wrong in a couple of ways.  I'll start a new thread when I clean it up.  :)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 12, 2013, 04:05:03 AM
Great post, Bob.  A couple years ago we were at a New Years Eve party where I slipped outside because I had an auction ending.  I thought that was bad, but wedding pics?   lmao
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: glrasmussen on March 12, 2013, 06:52:18 AM
Bman I feel your pain!

+1 post of the month...
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Mark Schnell on March 12, 2013, 07:09:34 AM
Hilarious Bman. I too know what you're talking about. But I had a great experience the other day. My eight year old daughter was telling me that I had too many grills. My wife instantly chimed in, "But we love Daddy having grills. He cooks us all that great food. We don't want him to stop." I thought to myself with a small grin, "My evil plans are are working perfectly. The entire family is nearly assimilated. Bwah, ha, ha, ha." (That was an evil laugh, BTW)

In twenty years of marriage I've learned the secret to having hobbies and not being given too much grief over them. Make sure they produce something good! I have settled in to three hobbies: Woodworking - I've built most of the furniture in our home, deer hunting - my family goes nuts over the summer sausage I make, and Weber grilling - I'm a grilling rockstar in my own home.

If the the productive nature of my grilling ever starts to wane in my better half's eyes I just play the "at least I'm not..." card. You know, "Hey, I could be at the casino - strip club - bar - insert your vice here. At least when I'm tinkering with these grills you know where I am. I'll bet a lot of wive's wish that's all there husbands were doing!" Yes, it's a last ditch defense tactic but I'm not above going there when threatened.

Just keep making the goodies, make stuff for the in-laws, invite all your family friends over and feed them. A final tactic, and I don't recommend it because of how you would suffer, stop cooking for a while and let everyone see how much pressure your grilling takes off the family, and how much money you might save when you aren't going out.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: reillyranch on March 12, 2013, 07:21:35 AM
You have thought this out pretty good.  Hope you don't mind if I use a few of those tactics.  Thanks
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: etruax on March 12, 2013, 07:27:10 AM
I nominate Mark for WKC spokesperson, lobbyist and marriage counselor.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: glrasmussen on March 12, 2013, 07:54:34 AM
Quote from: Mark Schnell on March 12, 2013, 07:09:34 AM

In twenty years of marriage I've learned the secret to having hobbies and not being given too much grief over them. Make sure they produce something good! I have settled in to three hobbies: Woodworking - I've built most of the furniture in our home, deer hunting - my family goes nuts over the summer sausage I make, and Weber grilling - I'm a grilling rockstar in my own home.

If the the productive nature of my grilling ever starts to wane in my better half's eyes I just play the "at least I'm not..." card. You know, "Hey, I could be at the casino - strip club - bar - insert your vice here. At least when I'm tinkering with these grills you know where I am. I'll bet a lot of wive's wish that's all there husbands were doing!" Yes, it's a last ditch defense tactic but I'm not above going there when threatened.

Well said Mark. My bride was taken back at first. I did use the "At least I'm not...". She likes a break to go out to eat, then complains, says I make it better(Yea me!). Then I look across the tables and see all the waste of cardboard cocaine(Pull Tabs)...
At least when I spend $20-$40, I have something in the stable, not going to a landfill.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: MartyG on March 12, 2013, 08:10:10 AM
A couple other tactics.

When possible, a trade is better than a cash buy. Most of us have something someone else wants, and if shipping is the only $ involved, it rarely is an issue.

Too many hobbies can be a problem. I used to have drums, bicycles, mallet instruments (try explaining why you need tympani in the house!) and grills. I'm down to bikes and grills now, and just parted out a bike for a profit. Hard to argue about kettles when you deposit money in the bank.

My wife loves yard sales, and she loves a bargain as much as anyone. She's not quite as tuned into looking for kettles yet, but she's getting there. I need to make her a cheat sheet she can have in the car - kind of an illustrated "what to look for" reference. I'll come up with something in the next week or so and maybe we can all use it. Nothing better that making them feel a part of the fun!

For every grill you keep, give one away to a family member - especially if it's her family. (well, maybe not one to one..) I've given 8 or 10 away by now, and she LOVES seeing my SIL getting into doing all the cooking.

Spend time in the kitchen too. Don't limit your cooking to the grill. It goes a long way to become adept at all types of cooking, and the fact that you choose to fire up the kettle is just part of the routine. My wife prefers a gas grill, so I keep one in good shape so she can use it any time she wants.

Host a family + friends party in the Summer so you can demonstrate why one grill is not enough. We do the 4th of July every year, and I have several grills up and running all day.

Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Kilted_Griller on March 12, 2013, 08:51:28 AM
Quote from: etruax on March 12, 2013, 07:27:10 AM
I nominate Mark for WKC spokesperson, lobbyist and marriage counselor.

I second the nomination, and my Lovely Bride agrees! All in favor?...

This is a great thread. Ellen even said "damn, I never thought of looking for kettles at yard sales. I love yard sales!"
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: reillyranch on March 12, 2013, 12:00:10 PM
Enablers, all of you!  This isn't about getting better, it's about getting away with it. I think in technical terms it called "grooming" the victim.  This is nothing but a ABC check list on grill grooming.  Whatever
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: HankB on March 12, 2013, 03:16:42 PM
Quote from: reillyranch on March 12, 2013, 12:00:10 PM
Enablers, all of you!  This isn't about getting better, it's about getting away with it. I think in technical terms it called "grooming" the victim.  This is nothing but a ABC check list on grill grooming.  Whatever
You say that as if it is a bad thing!
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 12, 2013, 04:56:33 PM
SWMBO, who still doesn't have a clue about yesterday & this thread, just tonight called them my "purses" (her vice) 
Funny, she said this while heating up left over pulled pork for her salad.  I couldn't resist (or know when to STFU), so I says,
"When was the last time I was able to eat one of your purses?"

Silence filled the air....  lmao
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 04:59:43 PM
Quote from: reillyranch on March 12, 2013, 12:00:10 PM
Enablers, all of you!  This isn't about getting better, it's about getting away with it. I think in technical terms it called "grooming" the victim.  This is nothing but a ABC check list on grill grooming.  Whatever

...................he said, posting, yet again, in the same thread, in the same section, on the same forum that co-signs the lunacy....................
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 05:01:09 PM
Quote from: Bman on March 12, 2013, 04:56:33 PM
SWMBO, who still doesn't have a clue about yesterday & this thread, just tonight called them my "purses" (her vice) 
Funny, she said this while heating up left over pulled pork for her salad.  I couldn't resist (or know when to STFU), so I says,
"When was the last time I was able to eat one of your purses?"

Silence filled the air....  lmao

While she quietly munched on her pulled pork salad?
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Bman on March 12, 2013, 05:28:24 PM
Quote from: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 05:01:09 PM
While she quietly munched on her pulled pork salad?

And filled another storage container for tomorrows lunch.  Which, by the way, was the left of the leftovers. 
Wife is easy to please - I can get her to do/agree to just about anything if I entice her with food. 
But when she's hungry?  Oh my.  Bride of Chucky would be a Sesame Street character compared to the gremlin she turns into.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 06:57:55 PM

My wonderful bride occupies another strange space....It's like 10:30 at nite & "I really, really want German chocolate cake...."

It's like she's pregnant all the time, or something ?
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: zavod44 on March 12, 2013, 07:01:47 PM
I like German Chocolate....
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 07:05:17 PM

So Do I....but I'm not going out to get it for you at 10:30 at night !!!!
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: zavod44 on March 12, 2013, 07:25:50 PM
If I was there you would go get it for me..... ;)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 07:28:35 PM

Yeah, well, I do go get it for the wife, on occasion, just 'cause I'm a softie at heart, so yeah, probably so,...... :'(
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 12, 2013, 07:41:39 PM
Get a room you two!! :-*
Nice tagline Buckie
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 12, 2013, 08:07:23 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on March 12, 2013, 07:41:39 PM
Nice tagline Buckie

I tried to give you credit as author, but it won't let me go over 3 lines........

  I'm not yet willing to give up my other taglines...

Matter of fact, I will give up my taglines when they pry my cold, dead hands from around them....

I like my taglines.... :(
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: mike.stavlund on March 12, 2013, 08:25:27 PM
Those of us in Bman's considerable CL shadow applaud his impending retirement. The dude has bought every CL kettle in the greater DC area in the last week.  It's hardly fair.
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 12, 2013, 10:01:09 PM
Buckie.... It's an honor for you to coin my phrase as a tagline
By the way I used one of your old taglines on another forum 8)
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 13, 2013, 01:52:23 AM

Which one ya sportin'?
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 13, 2013, 02:10:57 AM
Im not sure you had it as a tagline , but I remember you telling the story of-

I had one guy on another forum tell me: "Don't worry, you're still 4 or 5 kettles away from being  'That creepy guy down the street with all the Webers' "
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 13, 2013, 02:24:18 AM
Yeah, that was Awning Guy over at Smoke Ring, I'm also using that one there, currently....

He's also the guy who built that center of the kettle tube modification.....

See "This One's for Cookingmama......", I think in "Grilling & BBQing"....Good guy, I invited him here, but I think he's pretty busy
He was gracious enough to let me borrow his pics to use here....

He was also the guy me & Ray (HellFireGrill) were talking about, that was asking for video, if the wife ever beat me with one of the Webers I brought home !!!!

Here's that mod thread....'s-for-cookingmama-~~~~gt/

Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 13, 2013, 02:50:09 AM
Thanks Buckie , I just went searching for the thread and you posted it
I'd forgotten about that thread....looks like another project
Did the inventor just cut a hole out of a regular grill?
Might have to get cookingmama to give us some feedback on it
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 13, 2013, 03:00:03 AM

Yeah, he just cut out a regular, non-flipup, I believe....

Great metalworking skills he has !!!!

Me, I've just last week found a suitable tube & will have to really work at it to get something to come out that good..... :-[

She's not actually used the thing,I just thought it was interesting, as in a thread right around that same time, she was talking about piling coals in the middle & using the outside edge as grill space....

FinkFarm did some grate cookups using that array, too.....

Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: Hogsy on March 13, 2013, 03:09:02 AM
I like the idea, especially how the tube sits higher than the grate, it means there's no direct heat and it frees up more space for cooking
Title: Re: I'm done. DONE! I've learned my lesson...
Post by: 1buckie on March 13, 2013, 03:15:11 AM
Appearently it works really good, his brother or some relation has one & did even better than him on fuel useage, etc.....

I think it's worth a fixup, would work grate for certain items....