***I reworked this in honor of all the tremendous cooks I've seen here as of late.....people that have been around awhile & folks that just stepped into their first Kettle ownership....you're doin' great!!!!
I don't always get a chance to post, but I do check in & see what's cookin' !!!!
......was the answer I gave to a question thread posed over on BBQ Bretheren:
Who's got a Weber 22" Kettle? (and do you still use it, etc. ?) by a fella name of Allboy of Tacoma WA.
Is this a trick question?
Oldest is a 26.75 "Fleetwood".....cooks pretty much anything you could throw in there.....
But, you're asking about 22's.........well........
This is a recent favorite...Lemon 1975 3-Wheeler.....vents are tighter than a brand new one, cooked all kinds of stuff already.....
Under heat...
Tweety says "Yes!!!"
I smoke or grill just about anything.....
Some are slightly customized....
Wife even gave up trying to get me to stop bringing them home.....then she started finding them....
She even cooks on 'em once in awhile, but only the Blue ones & only very high heat chicken....
3 or 4 are common....not really comfortable until 5 are running however.....
This might be the favorite....1969~70 Imperial Sequoia...in Avocado....
Little note for the wife:
Tri-tip is a pretty common item....
As are 'Turds, MOINKS & tenderloin....
Ribs are not a problem....
....or a decent size brisket....
Beans go down under on most pork products...
Common setups....
or close to that for turkey....
....unless the Wok comes out.....
....or a little more fine-tuned setup for kabobs....
....or the corn rack....
....or for screamin' some lamb chops....
Taters get baked in all different forms....Hatch chile packets....
Giant bakers.....
...sometimes up top.....
...sometimes in the basement....
the 'Turd bowl or platter is always a favorite...
....or, persona;-sized meatloaves....
Heck, sometimes I don't even bother with plates & forks....just eat off the kettle......
Pre heat your splits....
Spring cleaning & finding a home for everyone can be an issue at the Kettle Orphanage....
....as all kettles must be dawg approved....
They are actually pretty helpful & earn their keep....
Id eat a 'Turd Sammich before I'd give up Webers....
Guess it's just in the DNA.......
What was the question?
Oh yeah, I have a 22" Weber & use it........
So....fire up & let's EAT !!!!!
i counted $8,299.99 worth of kettles...
and a priceless amount of food.
It's always good to remember what these kettles were made for...excellent post!!
I think it would save to say you use them well. jd
Sooo do you still use them?
What a dumb question......
lol @ GregS
Killer post buckie, everything you need to know in one spot!
Mr Buckie,
AMEN too that ... kettle's are for cooking, as well as, ogling. GREAT "body of work" as they say.
Larry T (aka Smoke'n Joe)
...says the guy with a Imperial Sequoia
Great Post Buckie
What was Allboy's response?
Quote from: LightningBoldtz on April 08, 2015, 11:53:54 AM
Sooo do you still use them?
What a dumb question......
For us, yeah.....but not everyone, everywhere thinks like that......I'm thinking the fellow was drifting back in memory just a bit as he said he'd had & used one off & on for 30 years.....
A lot of areas, a drum (UDS) or an offset of some type is the neighborhood standard....
A cajun fellow I got to be good friends with told me where he came from almost no one has a kettle, they all have deep fry pots.....
Alternatively, I very often see people with large offsets also have at least one kettle sitting next to it.....
Quote from: Hogsy on April 08, 2015, 11:59:47 AM
Great Post Buckie
What was Allboy's response?
He waited patiently 'till a bunch of people wrote in, then asked about smoking setups......
I'm awestruck. Your post-fu is most powerful.
I just gained 8 lbs looking at your pictures. It was worth it. lol
That orange.. So nice looking! Oh and the food looks ok too!
Whoa hey....there it is again......
Quote from: 1buckie on April 08, 2015, 12:05:56 PM
A lot of areas, a drum (UDS) or an offset of some type is the neighborhood standard....
Alternatively, I very often see people with large offsets also have at least one kettle sitting next to it.....
It's funny you should say that, at recent bbq comp I attended most teams had big offsets and pellet grills that must of cost thousands and they all had kettles sitting next to them. Like this-
(http://i1165.photobucket.com/albums/q585/joelhogston/5280FD85-D917-4EC0-9D49-B834D835B635.png_zpsqzdulqd7.jpeg) (http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/joelhogston/media/5280FD85-D917-4EC0-9D49-B834D835B635.png_zpsqzdulqd7.jpeg.html)
It's almost like they are thinking if this hugely expensive smoker stuffs up, I know I can rely on my trusty kettle to get me out of trouble
Exactly Joel............. 8)
@1buckie , you are my hero!!! :)
Heck of a collection you got there! You must cook for a lot of people.
Point well made Buckie!
Quote from: Sauce on April 08, 2015, 02:11:48 PM
Heck of a collection you got there! You must cook for a lot of people.
You bet.....
This recent cookup was the place where I got a lot of my chops down on cooking for groups....
I cooked there from Feb. or March to Sept. or Oct. depending on weather once, sometimes twice a month for about 12 years......plus holidays, birthdays, housewarmings, bar-mititzvahs, heart transplants & all kinds of other events elsewhere & at home......cooked for 100 a number of times, more a few times.....all on kettles, with maybe the Camp Chef BBQ boxes for holding & heating.....
Quote from: 1buckie on April 08, 2015, 11:34:28 AM
I thought with all the hoopla over a few old kettles, it might be nice to remember what they are basically for............... 8)
I was scrolling down through the pictures and thinking, "Once again, 1buckie is showing the WHY of it all. This is exactly what it's about. Thanks for reiterating it!
Good answer!
Love it!

That's the way it's done. I am truly humbled
Quote from: 1buckie on April 08, 2015, 11:34:28 AM
......was the answer I gave to a question thread posed over on BBQ Bretheren:
Who's got a Weber 22" Kettle? (and do you still use it, etc. ?) by a fella name of Allboy of Tacoma WA.
Is this a trick question?
I thought with all the hoopla over a few old kettles, it might be nice to remember what they are basically for............... 8)
Now yer gonna have ta change yer important post count to 12 or 13 with this one.. 8)
WHOA! Thanks for the post! I'm bookmarking this tread for weekend idea inspiration!
I avoided that thread
Quote from: swamprb on April 09, 2015, 04:21:30 AM
I avoided that thread
Sensed it coming, eh
@swamprb ?
Lance, Check !!!!
I'm not sure how I missed this last year, but THIS is phenomenal.
Absolutely phenomenal!
I always wondered what Howard Hughs was really up to...
Jeez, it's a wonderful world.
Leave it to Ken...always has a great comeback! Nice to see those photos again too.
Dang you always know how to knock it out of the park Buckie! ;D
What an excellent post. Awesome kettles and fantastic food on the kettles. Absolutely great job.
you eat well!
Lol, great response. Makes me want to fire up a grill for lunch!
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That was fun answering someone who was seeming to think Kettles were perhaps some kind of 2nd class citizen in the BBQ world....or just an afterthought cooker that was off to the side of the house or something......
I will say since i have joined this club and gotten into Webers, and discovered just how versatile they are....That's pretty much all that I have now...even posted my Offset smoker for sale ....with the addition of the WSM...I don't need it! And DAM I'm Lovin' the KETTLE ORPHANAGE!..awesome post
maaaaan!!!! i WISH i COULD COOK ALL THAT.
It all looks great.
Quote from: 1buckie on February 16, 2016, 09:35:33 AM
That was fun answering someone who was seeming to think Kettles were perhaps some kind of 2nd class citizen in the BBQ world....or just an afterthought cooker that was off to the side of the house or something......
Amen brother!
@mrgoodbar67 Quote from: mrgoodbar67 on February 16, 2016, 10:34:50 AM
maaaaan!!!! i WISH i COULD COOK ALL THAT.
It all looks great.
....but, you can.....all those things are posted here somewhere, in a cooking thread form, or someone will have posted up like material & have done a better job of it!!!!
Pick something, ask a few questions & get down to bidness!!!!
@1buckie you're right. I will.
But I meant i dont have all those kettles with all the add-ons to do several cooks at once.
But I can and will do some, a little at a time.
Pretty frickin incredible post. Any response from the OP?
Beans and rice!
You DA man Buckie!
Great post, 1buckie.
Quote from: 1buckie on April 09, 2015, 06:29:26 AM
Quote from: swamprb on April 09, 2015, 04:21:30 AM
I avoided that thread
Sensed it coming, eh @swamprb ?
Lance, Check !!!!
Previous experience with the gnome from Tacoma!
Pretty cool pics. Not sure how I missed this first time around.
@1buckie Not sure how I missed this thread either. Killer pics!
one helluva weekend buckie!
@1buckie, once again proving yourself an asset to the Weber community & every thoughtful post deserves a nice bump...
So, this orphanage you speak of does it do adoptions?
@1buckie I would like to know more about your round raised cooking grate. Is that something you made or was it an accessory from another grill?
Kudos to Buckie! That post was the best grilling post, or any kind of post, I've ever seen, hands down.
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Quote from: Dan NY on February 19, 2016, 07:00:50 AM
I would like to know more about your round raised cooking grate. Is that something you made or was it an accessory from another grill?
@Dan NY .....it's (I think what you're talking about) the MacGyver Upper Deck Smoking Rack.......
Proped up w/ a small firebrick to allow access to add wood, coals, shread.....
....it's a $10~15 K-Mart special....a disposable beach grill that includes a pan sort of like an oil change pan full of charcoal & the grate all wrapped up together....all I did was bend the handle down to fit into the Weber grate gap....
^^^^^^ Well Done!!
@1buckie I may have to MacGyver one of those together for one of my grills.
Thanks for the info.
Yeah I am posting. I do not want to consider starting a new topic to cover what Buckie did. It would be pointless. All new guys should see this epic post.
Wow!!!!! I am speechless.. This is epic. Truly epic.
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Well done Buckie.
Wow! We are in the presence of epic awesomeness.
It's even more awesomerer in person.
A master at work.
Sent from my Rotary Phone via 14.4kb/s
that's gotta be the happest group of kettles i have ever seen ! .he 's like a kettle whisperer .
Buckie is the all-star. And he gives best example of why to just fire up more kettles when you have a big cook. Whole lotta plan ahead also, get the charcoal lit. Have your technique ready to cook the food and enjoy.
Don't work in a crowd in your kitchen, with a finite number of burners and ovens and heat and noise - and family and friends trying to do their thing. I really would rather cook outside.
Don't sweat over anything, just make another kettle available and cook it up. This is an incredible thread. I'm a Buckie fan.
Great cooks!!
I'm not sure how I missed this thread either but I've now subscribed to it. Buckie, you sir are a damn fine cook and an inspiration to anyone who would get the opportunity to cook for a large crowd. You made all that look so easy. Bravo.
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100% amazing!!
Quote from: Darko on March 28, 2017, 07:45:15 PM
Wow! We are in the presence of epic awesomeness.
For dam sure! That's incredible!!
Yeah.....but did HAL see it?
@HiDesertHal Start at page one please..... 8)
Ken, you're the reason I cook on a kettle ... Collecting is secondary.
Thank you for all of your inspiration. Fantastic thread. 8) :D :D
I always look forward to seeing your posts(
@1buckie ) Ken. It's probably just your avatar. ;D
@1buckie what is the last picture of your first post of this thread? Looks like something bacon wrapped and 2 levels of it.
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@1buckie - I hope you can make the June picnic so I can meet the legend and sample some turds.
Quote from: HoosierKettle on March 29, 2017, 04:38:00 PM
@1buckie what is the last picture of your first post of this thread? Looks like something bacon wrapped and 2 levels of it.
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It's small-sized 'Turds....large jalepeno cut in 1/2 lengthwise & then those pieces in half....filling is tandoori spiced cream cheese....
See Here:
Quote from: Cellar2ful on March 29, 2017, 05:05:46 PM
@1buckie - I hope you can make the June picnic so I can meet the legend and sample some turds.
I will have to see how things are....lots of flux in the family situation just now....the wife finally got her medicine/insurance stuff straightened out after 3 years of goofyiness & tonite I came home from wk 2 hours early w/ what MAY be a hernia......
....wonders of America & modern living never cease !!!!
I wish you all the best.
Hope all is well sir, feel better!
Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=91018)
Hoping for a quick and easy recovery
Wishing you the best! This thread is awesome! We need you here.
Not just this thread... We need you active on the forum in general.
***I reworked this in honor of all the tremendous cooks I've seen here as of late.....people that have been around awhile & folks that just stepped into their first Kettle ownership....you're doin' great!!!!
I don't always get a chance to post, but I do check in & see what's cookin' !!!! ..
Buckie, thank you for fixing all the pictures. This post is the best.👍
It's like one big bbq to do list.
Just incredible.