Weber Kettle Club Forums

What's Going On => Meetups & Events => Topic started by: Jocool on July 31, 2014, 03:58:51 PM

Title: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on July 31, 2014, 03:58:51 PM
Get your shit together boys. It's on!

It's come to my attention that there are some kettles to exchange, and it's been too long since we got together.  So let's do it.

My place at Wentworthville on one of  the following weekends:

16-17 of August
30-31 of August.

I can do either Saturday or Sunday. I'll bung on a feed and have soft drinks. You want something harder to drink, bring it yourself. If you have any special dietary requirements, then you're shit outta luck.

Come on boys. Let's get our shit together. And if you want to bring a mate, just let me know so I can work out how many sheep to slaughter!

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: 1buckie on July 31, 2014, 04:04:06 PM

would be swell if all the meetups dispensed with the niceties & got down to business like this !!!!!

"If you have any special dietary requirements, then you're shit outta luck. "
"Come on boys. Let's get our shit together. And if you want to bring a mate, just let me know so I can work out how many sheep to slaughter!"

Git 'er DONE !!!!!
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on July 31, 2014, 04:08:35 PM
im in  8)

will confirm which date suits
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on July 31, 2014, 04:31:18 PM
30th best at this stage

wont know if can do other date until 9th re football final series

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on July 31, 2014, 06:54:04 PM
I'm in for the 30th at this stage
Looks like I might need to bring my trailer
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Winz on July 31, 2014, 07:56:30 PM
I can only hope that cooking in an inflatable pool is on the agenda


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on July 31, 2014, 08:15:33 PM
Quote from: Winz on July 31, 2014, 07:56:30 PM
I can only hope that cooking in an inflatable pool is on the agenda


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Will you settle for a bath tub?
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on July 31, 2014, 08:17:11 PM
Quote from: Hogsy on July 31, 2014, 06:54:04 PM
I'm in for the 30th at this stage
Looks like I might need to bring my trailer're most defenitely needing a trailer! What's that three Kettles, a slicer and some other odds and ends now. At the rate I'm going, you should bring a BIG trailer. There's no guessing what else I'll find.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on July 31, 2014, 09:46:15 PM
Quote from: Winz on July 31, 2014, 07:56:30 PM
I can only hope that cooking in an inflatable pool is on the agenda


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

im sure jo has a spare performer we can put in a blow up pool ::)

i will dig out my banana hammocks in readiness ;)
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on July 31, 2014, 10:39:39 PM
Banana Hammocks...... I'm still having nightmares from the last time I saw you in a pair ;D
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 01, 2014, 12:25:23 AM
Who else do we have in the Aussie Chapter?

Troy, if I buy some stickers can they be mailed to before the 30th of August?
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: pbe gummi bear on August 01, 2014, 08:44:05 AM
Kirsty! there's also alot of members on the Grillfella map:
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 02, 2014, 01:56:18 AM
For any and all Aussies that also have an FB account, please PM me the details and I will add you to an event I have started on  there for this.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 05, 2014, 02:01:55 AM
The date has been set  as Sunday the 31st of August.  The event will officially start at midday,  but guests can arrive earlier. I will be cooking from the Saturday at the very least.

The plan is to have a butt for pulled pork, a bunch of turds and some wings in various flavours. If anyone wants a particular cut, I'm happy for them to supply it and we can cook it on the day. As mentioned previously,  I will supply soft drinks.  Anything harder is on you.

If you haven't been invited on FB,  let me know and I'll try and fix it.

Be warned, that I have invited guests that aren't specifically Weberites. So it will make for an interesting day. And I will mention it now, if you have a sensitive composition then you will need to harden up or not attend. There WILL be language that may offend. And some opinions that will be diverse.

Having said that, they are all there for some fun and to try my meat!:-[
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: JayCee on August 05, 2014, 02:59:33 PM
I must say this looks like it's shaping up to be a very civilized gathering of distinguished  gentlemen where they can regale there culinary chronicles over a quiet ale or two.

In other words,  Fuck yeah! Lets smash some piss and talk shit about firing up some grub on our kettles!  ;D

Super keen for this and the date works for me. Should see if the Central Coast Chapter can all head over in the one ute (a ute looks like it will be needed as it will be going home quite full and I think all of us has one).
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 05, 2014, 05:50:56 PM
Central coast chapter is being chauffeured by jaycee 8)
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 05, 2014, 06:36:51 PM
Again, if any Aussies want to attend, please sing out. And if any of the other chapters would like to attend, they are more than welcome to do so. I can feed ya, but ya have to get here yourself.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: JayCee on August 05, 2014, 10:16:07 PM
Quote from: Golly on August 05, 2014, 05:50:56 PM
Central coast chapter is being chauffeured by jaycee 8)

That's right mate. Driven in style in the Narara Navara. ;)
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 17, 2014, 10:26:02 PM

its getting close now fellas

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 17, 2014, 10:27:02 PM
and yet not a word in this thread from kendoll ??? :o
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 18, 2014, 02:22:39 AM
I found a source for the Hanger Steaks that Hogsy suggested I cook, and I have trialed them. I'm not convinced that I did them justice. So I will get them ready, and get Hogsy to cook them. Joel, you'll need to bring your favoured rub or dust, and do the whole cook. That will be your baby.

Will we have any international members attending?:D
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on August 18, 2014, 02:33:52 AM
Sounds good to me, I'm working on a dessert too.
International guest???? Not sure , unless your talking about some new kettle arrivals , but that's in Kendoll's hands.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 18, 2014, 06:05:02 PM
I sourced the little Hungarian smokeys that I'm using for my turds. I also got some mini cheese kranskys that I'm going to try in there.

Do you Yanks use a full bacon rasher to wrap stuff, or can you get bacon that doesn't have the 'eye' and is just made from the belly? I'm trying to find some so I can reduce wastage. But worst case scenario I'll cut the eye out of a full rasher and freeze them for later.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on August 18, 2014, 06:23:33 PM
I've got plenty of belly bacon I can bring down on the day if you like
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: 1buckie on August 18, 2014, 06:47:02 PM

Jo, full strip only if warranted.....I'll only use a half if they're smaller peppers......too many wraps around & the bacon doesn't get very done inside......

Here's about half & half full size (actually a half pepper) and small ones which only use a half strip.....

More small 1/4 size :


Here's what our stuff generally looks like....that was a lunker that took 1 & 1/3 strip....


Quick refernce, if needed :'turd-wrapping/msg106680/#msg106680

That help any?
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 18, 2014, 11:42:59 PM
Thanks. That helps heaps.

Hogsy, I'll be prepping these the night before. Unless you want to come down earlier so that we can wrap them in the morning before I start cooking!
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 19, 2014, 11:02:03 PM
I realised I was out of the rub that I normally use for my BBQ's so I made a batch of the Meat head Memphis Dust. And I'm glad that it uses the mild Paprika as I have a good friend attending who is allergic to any heat stronger than Paprika. :-[


My Brown sugar was a little bit lumpy/moist so I had to put the concoction in the oven and then run over the lot with a mortar and pestle.


It's getting closer fuckers! >:D
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 19, 2014, 11:05:05 PM
Can I suggest that any Aussie Grillfellas attending, bring any and all Weber products that they wish to sell, trade or just show off.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: shayneh2006 on August 21, 2014, 12:09:00 PM
Just recieved an email from Hogsy about this.

Having not logged in here for a looooooong time, wasnt even aware this event was going down  :o

I wold love to come to this however, unfortunatly that weekend does not suit.

Have fun guys

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 21, 2014, 03:06:28 PM
No problem Shayne.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 22, 2014, 05:11:38 AM
Any other Aussies out there that still want to attend? Put your hand up and be counted. It's free to attend and I'll even feed you.

Does anyone want to cook their own cuts of meat?

There will be plenty of Webers all fired up to cook whatever you want.

Caveman Tomahawk? No problem.

A nice rare porterhouse? I'll have the perfect setup for it.

Even if you wanted to do a cattlemen steak slowly. We can handle it.

Let's have some fun with this. We can experiment if you want to be adventurous. Or take a safer route and do something you enjoy. Or if you want to try something different, bring your favoured cut and let someone else cook it for you.

I'll have all the equipment and utensils you will need. I even have a few different types of charcoal so you can see the differences in their use.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: shayneh2006 on August 24, 2014, 03:18:15 AM
Quote from: Jocool on August 21, 2014, 03:06:28 PM
No problem Shayne.

Sounds like you have this Bull by the horns Jo.

Very organised indeed........

Oh well, maybe neext time if you put another on.

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: squid on August 24, 2014, 06:44:31 PM
Would love to attend, could even visit my mum in Swansea, however work has me stuck in  Roxby downs in SA. It,s not quite the arsehole of the earth, but if I stand on my tippie toes, I can see it from here.
I currently have severe weber withdrawals and I am not home for another 3 weeks yet so may need medicating at some point soon.

You guys have a great day, maybe next time I can make it.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: squid on August 24, 2014, 06:46:27 PM
Would love to attend, could even visit my mum in Swansea, however work has me stuck in  Roxby downs in SA. It,s not quite the arsehole of the earth, but if I stand on my tippie toes, I can see it from here.
I currently have severe weber withdrawals and I am not home for another 3 weeks yet so may need medicating at some point soon.

You guys have a great day, maybe next time I can make it.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 24, 2014, 11:18:37 PM
It should be a blast. I have a bunch of mates that appreciate BBQ coming over and mixing it with us Kettle Heads. It could be interesting if we get into a bar fight scenario! :D
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 26, 2014, 02:39:39 AM
Thanks Troy. I just got these in the mail. Perfect timing for the Meat and Greet.

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 26, 2014, 09:09:02 PM
Getting ready.

The colourful ones are just normal mini capsicum because I have a guest that is allergic to jalapeƱos.

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on August 27, 2014, 03:45:23 PM
Only a couple of days to go.... I'm really looking forward to this
Don't forget to bring that Brown offset handle SJ Kendoll
I'll be cooking some porky goodness!!!!
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on August 27, 2014, 03:58:47 PM
Here's a link to the Facebook page if anyone wants to follow
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 27, 2014, 07:03:49 PM
The menu for the day will be varied. There will be plenty to choose from.

We can start with the turds that I will have in various flavours. And there will be some made with mini caps rather than jalapenos for those can't eat spicy. the stuffing will be a cheese mix and most will have a smokey sausage or a kransky.

There will be a ton of chicken wings that I will marinade in various flavours. Some will be spicy and some won't. I may even do some with no marinade and let you guys choose what sauce you dip them in, if any.

Pulled Pork burgers will be the mainstay. They will be made with either a coleslaw or a creamy potato salad. Th pork for the pulled pork will go on the weber at about 10:00 on Saturday, and come of at about 06:00 Sunday. Or whenever the temps get to where they need to be. It will then sit in an esky to stay hot until it's ready to be shredded.

And if that wasn't enough, I will also have a few Hanger Steaks that you guys will be able to sample. It will be served either simply on it's own, or with a Chimchuri dipping sauce.

And Golly will be doing his competition winning Chicken thighs. Don't ask what he does to them, otherwise he would have to kill you.

And if anyone can get anything down after all of that, I'm planning a cobbler of some description for dessert.


AND THEN...there are others that have expressed an interest in bringing some of their own cuts to try. By all means, bring it! We can have a fun session of showing of with differing techniques. And there will be plenty of Webers to cook on.

As I have previously mentioned, water and soft drinks will be provided. But if you want anything harder, you will need to bring it yourself. I'm a generous guy...but I'm not THAT generous! ;)
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Winz on August 27, 2014, 09:38:31 PM
If I could only attend 1 get together (outside of a NorCal meet up), this would be it!

Great Menu
Great Venue
Great People

Full report and pictures please!  Have fun,

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 28, 2014, 02:38:13 AM
Quote from: Winz on August 27, 2014, 09:38:31 PM
If I could only attend 1 get together (outside of a NorCal meet up), this would be it!

Great Menu
Great Venue
Great People

Full report and pictures please!  Have fun,

Thanks Winz. I'm sure there will be a full report. 8)
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: 1buckie on August 28, 2014, 07:56:42 PM

Hey, guys......Look at the bottom of this page.....I think Golly's lost :

18.5 lime or avacado valpo, ind.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: shayneh2006 on August 29, 2014, 04:26:29 AM
This is sounding better each time i read it..

Mmmmmm, can i leave the Girls (eldest is 13yo) home alone for a few hours,,,,, so i can swing by on bike....and see what youse are up to.

I will think more on this 8)

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 29, 2014, 03:48:54 PM
You're more than welcome to make an appearance Shayne. And if you're stuck and really want to make it, throw your kids inside the house with mine. Let them amuse themselves for a couple of hours while we eat and shoot the shit.

I have to say, grilling for you guys has me so nervous it's not funny. Especially with my mates on FB that drool over my food from afar. Even when I BBQ for my family functions and have 40-50 guests I'm way more laid back than what I'm feeling right now.

I think I have everything in motion. After a last minute near-disaster with my Butcher forgetting the hanger steaks, it was a frantic rush to procur replacements as these are an order in proposition only.

I was a little concerned about the bacon so I have gotten myself a hunk of smoked speck which I had sliced fairly thin. So with the bacon I have, and the speck, I should be OK. I even sourced some corned beef to wrap turds for those that don't want bacon.  I don't know how they will go, but they should be OK.

Now I just have to clean up the area we will be using and sort all the seating out before I put the butt on to cook for a while.

I was thinking that the butt being 5.5 kg would go on at about 19:00 tonight and should be ready by about 09:00-10:00 in the morning and be ready to rest.

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on August 29, 2014, 03:55:14 PM
Sounds about right, you can always 'park it' for a while if it's ready a little early
It would be great to catch up with you again Shayne, hopefully you can make it
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 29, 2014, 04:41:20 PM
joe you say you are nervous feeding us  :o
fuck we are nervous about eating it  ;)
dont want to get converted to lebo cooking :P

gettting pumped

looking forward to a few hours of nibbling and spreading the wkc word

shell be right joe  just wing it
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 29, 2014, 04:47:47 PM

Quote from: Golly on August 29, 2014, 04:41:20 PM
joe  just wing it

Yeah. .... Six kilos! :D
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 29, 2014, 07:12:03 PM
I think I'm ready. With the rain around, I've condensed our entertainment area to under the carport. But if it's sunny, we can spill over.


I have a total of 6 full size grills set up for cooking, with a SJG, a couple of WGA's and a JJ that can cope with extras. There is also quite a few more I can press into service at short notice if needed.


My Double Barrell will get it's first work out in a long time. It won't let me down. I've removed the ash cans to give them a bit of spit and polish.

Just need to start on the meat in a few hours and it's all systems go! 8)
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: 1buckie on August 29, 2014, 07:39:47 PM

'Round here we call that ROCK 'n' ROLL !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 29, 2014, 07:47:33 PM
Yep...ready to rock and roll Buckie!
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 30, 2014, 12:52:53 PM
It's 6:50am and looks to be a super day ahead
Fffuuuccckkk yyyeeeaaahh grillfellas
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: shayneh2006 on August 30, 2014, 01:33:44 PM
Yep,,, just looked outside (Western Sydney) and theres not a cloud in the sky......

I bet someone is busy right about now :o

Cheers Jo for the offer about bringing the kidlets but,,, as my ute is off the road at the moment, we all cant pile on the Bike.

If i dont see ya all have agreat day.

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 30, 2014, 03:53:07 PM
about to hit the road to jocools

got my banana hammocks on

hope the pool is ready
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Golly on August 30, 2014, 04:22:36 PM
Been a waiting for the central coast chapter to pick me up
Been 20 min now c'mon hogsy stop giving Jaycee a traveller
Kettle info session
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 30, 2014, 04:31:51 PM
Let's go!

Pork Butt is nearly there, and the turds are being rolled. Chicken is ready to cook and I'm all set.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Hogsy on August 30, 2014, 04:57:27 PM
On the road
( (
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: shayneh2006 on August 31, 2014, 02:29:15 AM
And wheres the pics fellas.....??

Nah,,  i couldnt get away andhead over... but i reckon ya all had a cracker of a day...

Will be waiting for the pics :)

Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: JayCee on August 31, 2014, 04:05:51 AM

The Central Coast chapter set out early to make our way down. I collected Hogsy after a quick tour of kettletopia. Some amazing grills there. Saw my first 26er among other awesome kettles. Then it was over to Golly's then on to the F3 to head down to Jo's.

When we arrived Kendoll was already there to greet us. The aroma from the BBQ hit us straight away. Never have I seen so much smoke. All up there was about a dozen kettles going including 4 performers and Jo's awesome double kettle table. We opened the care package which came from the states and shared out the goodies. I managed to score a few NHL items which were an awesome surprise (pics to come) as well as an apron and a cookbook.

The food kept coming all afternoon. From turds of all flavours (a sentence I never thought I'd say in this lifetime) as well as hanger steak a few different types of pork. Golly's award winning chicken and many more. I ate until the threshold of pain as (whilst I was extremely full) I wasn't about to miss out on a new taste sensation.

There were also some rare kettles on display, from Kendolls offset handle SJ to Golly's Limey and a few older SJ's and JJ's.

The whole afternoon was full of great food, great people and great conversation. Jo's friends and family are a lovely bunch of people which made the event all the more enjoyable.

I want to extend a massive thankyou to Jocool for putting this on. This has to be without a doubt the best BBQ I've been to. And a big thanks for the Weber bottle opener (which is now hanging with pride on my SS). It's a nice souvenir from a very memorable event.

I also want to thank our mystery agent for the care package. Some top goodies in there which are greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: MartyG on August 31, 2014, 07:02:04 AM
Congrats guys - can't wait for the pics.
Title: Re: Aussie Grillfellas. ...
Post by: Jocool on August 31, 2014, 12:35:46 PM
Full report...