Weber 22.5 Kettle and Lodge cast iron pizza pan

Started by 225tostayalive, September 09, 2013, 05:27:44 PM

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Hello...anyone else have the lodge cast iron pizza pan?  If you do or do not, what is your setup for cooking pizza on the weber?...Pizza stone, cast, direct on grill?  I have seen the kettle pizza attachment but think it is overpriced for what it does but maybe I am dead first couple of attempts at pizza on the weber were ok but still get better browning in my oven set at 550 with the lodge cast iron and my kamado is good too but because it is a cheaply steel kamado I am concerned about high temp cooking over the long haul

I would love to move my pizza cooks outside full time 1 for flavor and 2 to keep temps down in the house during summer

Would love to see any photos of your set up
Weber OTG Blue, Weber OTG Black, Jumbo Joe, Smokey Joe Gold, Smokey Joe Silver, CharGriller Akorn, PizzaQue Pizza cooker


225 do a search for tons of info on the's a great one to get you started

I have the lodge CI pan and have not used it yet, only my pizza stone. I still need to get serious and make some great pies.
Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.


I have found the trick to good dough is very little yeast and fridge ferment for 3 days....I have made some pizza that blows away the restaurant variety....just find the weber 22.5 hard to get hot enough
Weber OTG Blue, Weber OTG Black, Jumbo Joe, Smokey Joe Gold, Smokey Joe Silver, CharGriller Akorn, PizzaQue Pizza cooker


I use about a half chimney of unlit charcoal on the grate. Then a full chimney if lit charcoal, placed in a bullseye pattern around the outer part of the grill.  After about 20 minutes that should ramp the grill up to over 500F. I use fire brick as my pizza stone. What I do is set two char baskets upside down on the 22.5 grate. Then set an 18 inch grate on top of the baskets and fire brick on the 18in grate.  It's cheap and modular in setup. I can cook a 14 inch pizza on this setup. The baskets raise the pizza closer to the lid to bake the top as quick as the bottom.  A few guys use the lodge pan as well with the basket setup.

"my kettle is more powerful it will do almost anything."
MH Copper mist, Daisy Wheel P, Homer Simpson OTG, Blue 18, Blue Mastertouch, SJS, Genesis Sliver B, Red 18 Bar-b-q-kettle Pat Pending, Copper performer

One Touch Platinum'll-see-you-pizza-and-raise-you-two/

I have the pan ...and use it for more than just pizza.....a good investment. This thread shows the way I use it, and if you scroll down I explain the set up of the coals. Raising the pizza up closer to the lid during the baking will cook the top at the same rate as the bottom and you will get the browning on top. I do not preheat the pan.....I build the pizza on it and put it on a preheated grill. I check the underside of the crust and pull it off the grill when it starts to get browned. Becasue it is cast iron, the pan WILL continue to cook the crust after you remove it from the grill....I always remove the pizza from the pan and let it sit a few minutes before slicing it....if you leave it on the pan you may over bake the underside of the crust.
If it needs to be Heated to be Eated, I can do it on my Weber!


Thanks for the replies....

The basket idea with pan on top works great!

Eats a lot of charcoal to get to 500 degrees + though !

Weber OTG Blue, Weber OTG Black, Jumbo Joe, Smokey Joe Gold, Smokey Joe Silver, CharGriller Akorn, PizzaQue Pizza cooker


I have one of these. It works badass! No more hotspots. I use take and bake pizzas from Papa Murphy's. They taste great and it's literally right behind my work and there's another location 3 miles from the house. My kettle has ruined going out to pizza places and I can't eat pizza out of a delivery box anymore.
Seville. CnB performer:blue,green,gray. 26r. 18otg. Karubeque C-60.