Cast iron tater tot casserole on a kettle

Started by michaelmilitello, December 17, 2019, 03:53:47 PM

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Kinda threw it together because nothing was thawed tonight.  Hearty meal, though!

Layer the bottom of your skillet with frozen tater tots.  Copious layer of cheese next.  10 eggs with browned sausage next.  More cheese on top.  Cooked indirect for 45 minutes with a small hunk of apple.

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ISO Brown Go Anywhere



OMG! My favorite casserole of all time. Carbalicious !!

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Awesome!  I love how things bake in a cast iron skillet. No sticking and the edges get crisp.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


Move along, nothing to see here except perfection in a pan on a Weber !!
Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


22.5 Copper kettle
Blue Performer
Copper Performer


Sounds good! Looks great! Definitely different than how I make TTC


That definitely looks like something I would eat!!