WSM Score! Haven’t posted in a while.

Started by idahome, September 29, 2018, 03:15:34 PM

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Today I did a random Craigslist search as I always do and never come across anything. Some things are tempting. Like one day I did see a brand new Jim Beam jumbo joe, but it was an hour drive away. Honestly probably would’ve been worth it cuz it was only $35.

Anyhow, today I came across a WSM! FOR $25!!! It’s an AH code which puts it at 2014 and is in pretty damn good shape. I took a tape measure to it and for the diameter I got about 19” so I’m assuming it’s the 18” model. All the parts are there. I’m gonna need a new temperature grommet because half of it is barely holding on.

There’s a little rusting inside on the grill straps, does anyone know if that really matters? Will cooking with rusted grate straps be harmful? See picture #7

The only thing it didn’t come with (and I forgot to frickin ask) was a Weber cover. I doubt they had it though because they gave me all their charcoal and wood chips.

Super nice guy sold it to me, was only a 30 minute drive out. Have never ever used a smoker and for $25 I’m damn excited to try.

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Nice score! I thought my $50 WSM was a great find but yours is half the price and newer!

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Weber Kettle Club mobile app

Together we'll fight the long defeat.


Nicely done!  Have fun with your new toy and post pics of your first cook. 

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Congrats on your WSM!  That is a steal of a deal!  My WSM was my first ever Weber product and one of my favorites!  It is a beast of cooker and in terms of a pure smoker, you couldn't have found a better product!

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"The Fairway" '74, 22" Turquose, 18" Red C code, 18" Blue DU code x2, Gen 2 Grass Green Performer, 26" Glen Blue, Spring Green, "Bone", Turquose, Blue Wave, Wedgewood Blue, "Smoke", Crimson and Homer SJGs.  14" and 18" WSM



I love my 18" WSM!
What you can't find here about it is available over at the VWBB site.
A bunch of black kettles


I too love my 18" wsm. Sooo easy to use

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Nice pickup and price.  I've owned the 22 and 18.  The 18 was my favorite. Congrats!

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I love my 18" WSMs!! I have two and cannot ever see life without them. Enjoy!!
Multiple kettles and WSM's. I am not a collector, just a gatherer... and a sick bastard.


That's a great find! Give yourself some time to get used to using the WSM, but it's so easy once you get it down. I find that a 1/2 chimney of lit charcoal on top of a full chimney of unlit will hold steady at 225 - 250F for 6-8 hours. I always replace rusted grates. Might as well start out fresh. You can use the standard Weber 18" grates. The charcoal grate is unique to the WSM and can be ordered from Weber if needed. I wouldn't worry about the straps looks like they have some surface rust from sitting idle. Have fun!
11 kettles, 2 WSMs, and 1 lonely gas grill!


The bottom grate is slightly smaller than the standard 18, but you can use a standard 18 & just rest it on the nuts right above the tab.