New member with a question about kettle size

Started by Chesterkettle, August 19, 2018, 06:04:40 PM

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Hello Everyone,
  I recently became obsessed with my kettle and just stumbled upon this forum. Not sure I'll be getting any sleep tonight!  Anyway, I just had a quick question for people out there about the need for multiple kettle sizes. I currently have two 22.5 kettles, but have been thinking about grabbing a SJ, JJ. Besides the joy of owning another kettle, I wondered if someone could tell me why a smaller grill is useful. Do they cook more efficiently on smaller cooks (like when I'm only cooking for 2 or 3 people)? Do they sear better because the coals are so close to the grates? Will a grill like the Smokey Joe get as hot as my 22 but with way less charcoal (because there is less space to heat up)?

Also, what am I missing about the Smokey Mountain? Can't you slow smoke in a kettle? Why should I consider getting a dedicated smoker?

I appreciate your time! Thanks in advance for any help!


Good questions. And welcome. I don't know that there's any efficiency with an SJ or a JJ, more likely a matter of convenience and portability -- but I don't even own one, so I'm just presuming.

The WSM is a fine smoker and has some distinct advantages, such as capacity and the ability to do low-and-slow cooks for a long period of time.

Basically, you already have all the grills that you absolutely need. But if you stick around, you'll come to crave kettles of certain sizes, types, colors, year of production, etc. And you'll maybe want multiple kettles because you'll want one dedicated to pizza, one dedicated to slow cooks, one dedicated to rotisserie cooks, etc. And you'll start wanting the various accessories, like the pizza cooker, rotisserie, rotisserie attachments, slow-n-sear, vortex, remote thermometer and much more.

Good luck and post some pics of your cooks and kettles!
Seeking: 26 rotisserie


My take on grill sizes is this.

If you think you'd get a Smokey Joe then skip that and get the Charcoal Go Anywhere. It's much better and can give you nice 2 zone cooking.

Everyone should own at least one Outrider.

WSM is nice for capacity but I hear they can be leaky and let water in. For smoking capacity get a 26" kettle or get a stacker for a 22"

Smaller grills like a CGA or an 18/Outrider can save you fuel on smaller cooks and save space when packing for a trip. I might even consider taking 2 CGAs vs one Outrider on a camping trip.

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.


Some people say size does(doesn't) matter. I say it all depends what you doing. If your doing backyard stuff for the family, or even a few friends. 2, 22.5's should work great. If you just wanting to go on a picnic, camping day at the lake...a smaller more portable would be nice. It's all in what it is your doing with it...

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As you already see there are many perspectives.  One thing is true no matter what. It all depends on how you cook.
Multiple 22s is definitely the best place to start.  I don't prefer the Smokey joe as it's just too small.  I use my jumbo joe regularly as an additional cooker to use less fuel, as a cooker for two placed at the table I'm sitting at, or just a chimney lighting spot.  It's a GREAT addition and you won't go wrong in having one.

WSM vs Kettle smoking is an age old discussion.  I'm a big fan of WSM as I do frequent 225 degree 12 hour cooks, then cook sides on my kettles for crowds.

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Thanks for all of the advice. Right now I'm watching my local Target for clearance deals on their grilling supplies. Right now the only smaller grill they have is the Jumbo, so if I get any at all, it looks like that will be it. My plan is to use it the way I used my gas grill last winter - - kept right outside the patio door for fast cooks. I'm sure a 22 would work great too, but I've got the fever!

As far as my desire to collect more, trust me I've already been bitten by that bug. I check craigslist every day looking for older kettles, but nothing has popped up yet.


Weberitis.. you got it.. as far as grill size.. if I'm cooking just for me.. one ribeye.  Out comes one of my SJs. I use my 18 silver for a few dogs or ABTs. . One 22 has a slow n sear , my red 1999 has the rotisserie and my black has the gourmet grate with the vortex.
Now my SSP is used for pizza.
   And of course when I have a party I bring out my Death Star.. my Ranch..
    My WSM collection.. well we will save that discussion for another time..

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I can't stop lovin my Weber!!!
2-22 WSM, 22.5 gold, 22.5 MT code EE Red Head ,22.5 AH in Green ,18 silver , Green SSP code EI,Weber Ranch,mini WSM black,4-smokey joes black, lime, copper, crimson Sjg  IQ120 electric 22.5 silver economy 2004..that makes 15. I know WEBERITIS !!


I use my 22" ( 8 total right now , not counting my performer ) more than anything . I use my 26 for ribs and pork
Butts , or when I'm doing a few packs of wings. but you can use a 22 for that as well. I don't use my 18" kettles much , except the outrider . It's all how you cook and preference .  I fell the 22" is perfect for ur normal cooks . It's fun to play around and see what works best for you and who you are cooking for. Welcome and enjoy. This is one cool place. And even more cool people . !

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Good man!!!  There is no wrong answer, only gaining more experience.  Which leads to great food for your audience.

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I agree.
And just like me you STILL want a CGA!! ::)



What is needed is one of each. One of all of them. Most of us temper our desires, moderating our takes to match our income and lifestyles and situations.

But we want all of them. Or at least one of each.