First attempt at grilled short ribs tonight...

Started by Jed.cook, August 11, 2018, 05:45:59 PM

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Kosher salted & rested at room temp for an hour. Then coarse ground black pepper & reverse seared.

Not bad. Definitely came out better than the hot & fast flanken short ribs I tried a few weeks back. I still feel like hot & fast short ribs always basically taste like a mediocre T-bone steak. I mean, I wouldn't send it back, but I'd rather have a ribeye.

I need to catch a decent short rib sale so I can low & slow a few. Then I think I'll get what I've come to expect when I order a braised short rib at a restaurant. (Insert your best Homer Simpson drooling memory here.)

The rest of the meal turned out amazing! Except for the bell pepper sauce which the wife whipped up on the stove for me, everything else on the plate came off the Weber.

Comments, criticisms, & questions welcome. 🥩



Sounds good. I like your reverse sear method. So these were done running a med- high heat then finished over high heat, direct, right? How long did that take? I would like to hear a little bit about your mushrooms and the topping over the steak in your plates pic. Looks very good.

I've done them a couple ways that work well. Pan seared, then braised in wine and other goodies for hours until fork tender or straight up smoked running the cooker around 275ish. One thing I have learned with just smoking them is wrap them up in butcher paper once your color and texture is achieved. That's a personal preference of course. I didn't care for them when I didn't wrap. Hey were to dark and the texture was to much for my liking and I tried wrapping in aluminum foil before and it ruined the bark. Butcher paper preserves your bark without making it soggy. Of course, trying different ways is ultimately the best option so you find out what's best for you.

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Quote from: Travis on August 12, 2018, 10:57:39 AM
So these were done running a med- high heat then finished over high heat, direct, right? How long did that take? I would like to hear a little bit about your mushrooms and the topping over the steak in your plates pic.

Correct. I had a full chimney of KBB raked to one side of my 26er. Indirect heat for 8 min. (flipped after 4) then two min. on each side over direct heat. Here are pics of the recipes I basically used from Cook's Country Magazine. (no relation) :)

I knew my vegan uncle was coming over today for lunch & would love any of the mushrooms we had left over, so used olive oil in place of softened butter on them. The recipe calls for white button mushrooms, but my wife bought baby portobellos instead. I think I would have preferred buttons because I'm not big on mushrooms and the portobellos have a stronger flavor. I'm guessing buttons would do a better job of taking on the flavors of all the other stuff in there, which was pretty delicious. The "baby bellos" did make the flipping a little easier though. We both thought the shrooms would benefit from a little balsamic or perhaps some white wine added, but they were still pretty good.

I threw the corn & mushrooms on after pulling the short ribs & spreading the coals evenly around the charcoal grate. Oh, and I forgot to mention I had some hickory chunks on top of the coals throughout the cook.




Right, 26 in this frame looks simply perfect. I have all the spares to build one like this but missing a frame which is difficult to get here in Europe. Basically, I would need to buy a compmete OT platinum and they are quite expensive (even beaters are expensive).