Picked up a new Thermopen on special...

Started by GoAnywhereJeep, April 06, 2018, 06:02:58 PM

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Thermopen was having a special on the blue and orange Thermopen mk4 so I finally picked one up. My first one. It seems well made and I like the automatic rotating, illuminated display.

Picked up the glow in the dark cover too. Also seems well made and the magnets stick well to my grills.
YouTube channels: GringoBBQ & RubiconFI


Can't go wrong with Thermapens. I have a bunch, including the Thermopop. All grate units.
Multiple kettles and WSM's. I am not a collector, just a gatherer... and a sick bastard.


ISO Yellow Offset SJ, Yellow ranger


I really want the Smoke too and may pick it up on sale. It would be nice if it allowed for at least one more temp probe. It would also be cool if Thermoworks released a version of the Smoke that included the wifi gateway in lieu of the handheld unit. You use one or the other and don't need both unless you want both.
YouTube channels: GringoBBQ & RubiconFI