Burger Month Entry -- Bacon & Egg Beef Burgers

Started by Craig, May 31, 2017, 06:50:59 PM

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I substituted turkey bacon in lieu of pork bacon. And used Brioche buns instead of kaiser rolls. It was a huge hit.

Tapped for tonight's cook. A hardly used (maybe 2-3 times) 1979 A code Black MBH. I swapped the ash pan out and borrowed the one from my green MBH. The original is too clean to get ash on. I love this ol' blaik!

The fries. Frozen but they were delicious.

These were a huge hit. Even my son (who is a picky eater, was loving 'em) definitely a "make again" as we say in our house when a new recipe is a success.

One more pic of the grill for the PEEL.....

Thanks for looking!

Foster Dahlet

I like my Kettles like my coffee....strong and black.

2019 Black 26" OKP; 2015 Black 22" OKP; 2004 Black SJP; mid 70's Statesman; mid 70's Gourmet, 2017 Black CGA; 2000 Black GGA;


Love that grill. Nice burgers.

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.


That kettle is classy. A classic cook, all the way around.
Seeking: 26 rotisserie


There's just something  sooooo traditional   about having an egg on a burger.   Nice finished product and it looks like the family was ready to eat :)

"Too Beef, or Not too Beef" ...

Looking for Dark Blue MBH 22", Dark Green MBH 22", Yellow MBH 22", Glen Blue MBH 22", Avocado MBH 22".


I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


Looks great Craig, love that black mbh, such a classy grill!

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All looks great

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Great lookin black and burger!

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