Some Wal-Marts have Webers on clearance

Started by Mac, July 29, 2016, 02:50:30 PM

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I snagged an Original Kettle Premium 22" for $109 today from the one near me.  I've been hearing similar stories from Wal-Marts across the country on other Q forums as well.
SJS, 14 WSM, 22 OKP


I saw the same pricing here in AZ.  They also had the Weber Master Touch (black of course) for about $148
OKP Crimson, 22" H Code Brownie, SJS Lime, 22" CB Stacker, Red Q2200, Performer Deluxe CB slate blue

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"  H. Simpson


Yep. Wal-Mart by my house has all models on clearance except the Wal-Mart exclusive 22 jumbo Joe. I picked up a 14.5 WSM earlier this week on clearance.
Looking for colored 18's and SJ's.


I seen a Walmart out in Missouri had kettle pizzas for $50 on clearance
2014 Black OTG  -  2011 Black SJP


The 14" WSM is $139 here. I have a 22" WSM, but would like to have the 14" for small cooks. I'm almost ready to pull the trigger but think I will hold out and see if they drop to $100.


Quote from: Anglerman on July 29, 2016, 10:04:02 PM
I seen a Walmart out in Missouri had kettle pizzas for $50 on clearance

Thats what I'm waiting for. They're still $169 here.
Looking for colored 18's and SJ's.


Our Walmart has all the grills on sale too.  Must need to make room for Christmas stuff.

Heck of a deal on the mini smoker

EE Kettle, 1974 JBK-360 Key Lime "The Fairway" , DR Genesis Gold


Wow, your Wal-Mart has a great selection, Hofy.  Mine was picked pretty clean and down to just one Original Kettle Premium and one Master Touch.  The box for the OKP I picked up for my Dad had one heavily indented side, so I opened it up and checked for damage before pulling the trigger. 

After assembling it and picking up some KBB and a charcoal chimney over the weekend he said he's going to do the inaugural cook tomorrow with some venison backstrap.  I wouldn't be surprised if he sells his old Char-Broil gasser before Christmas.
SJS, 14 WSM, 22 OKP

Josh G

$139 is a great price for the 14" WSM.  That would be tough to walk away from.


Quote from: Josh G on August 01, 2016, 01:02:25 PM
$139 is a great price for the 14" WSM.  That would be tough to walk away from.

I saw this last year too and decided I would grab one this year, if I saw one when I was there. There was only 1 Weber cooker on the shelf and it was the 14" WSM, so... I caved in  ;D


Keep checking around - I got my 22" for $40 :-)


Awesome deal, bnovak!  I checked another W/M near me today and all the Webers were still marked at full retail.
SJS, 14 WSM, 22 OKP


I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"
