Weber Charcoal Summit: iPhone or Edsel?

Started by LaTuFu, April 06, 2016, 08:42:12 AM

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Big Dawg

@LaTuFu, oh you brought back fond memories of my old Blackberry ! ! !

I get it, I was just coming at it from another angle.  Also, I certainly don't think that the WSC is going to "clear the field" of any specific players (BGE, K-Joe, Primo, Vision, Keg, etc.), let along have any impact on the "operating systems" out there (pellet, gas, electric, plane old charcoal).

I also don't think it's going to be an actual flop, like the Edsel. 

But I do feel that's it oriented towards (what I like to call) the "more money than cents" [sic] crowd.

Obviously you're not really going to be able to do anything on it that you can't already do on a  Kettle or WSM - except in the terms of fuel economy.  So, my comparison was based on that fact that you can't really do anything in Shelby that you couldn't do in any other Mustang.  You just get to do it bit quicker!

The Sultans of Swine
22.5 WSM - Fat Boy
22.5 OTG - Little Man/26.75 - Big Kahuna

pbe gummi bear

Quote from: Big Dawg on April 08, 2016, 01:20:27 PM
@LaTuFu, oh you brought back fond memories of my old Blackberry ! ! !

I get it, I was just coming at it from another angle.  Also, I certainly don't think that the WSC is going to "clear the field" of any specific players (BGE, K-Joe, Primo, Vision, Keg, etc.), let along have any impact on the "operating systems" out there (pellet, gas, electric, plane old charcoal).

I also don't think it's going to be an actual flop, like the Edsel. 

But I do feel that's it oriented towards (what I like to call) the "more money than cents" [sic] crowd.

Obviously you're not really going to be able to do anything on it that you can't already do on a  Kettle or WSM - except in the terms of fuel economy.  So, my comparison was based on that fact that you can't really do anything in Shelby that you couldn't do in any other Mustang.  You just get to do it bit quicker!


To this day, the Palm Treo is my favorite phone I've ever used. That of course in context to when I owned it. The current iPhone is better by many, but not all, measures.

I don't think it's fair to say that people who purchase the SCG or other premium products have more money than sense- their value equation is just different than your own. To me it doesn't matter what people spend their money on, but it does matter when they are a jerk about it!
"Have you hugged your Weber today?"
Check out WKC on Facebook:


Quote from: pbe gummi bear on April 08, 2016, 02:53:03 PM
Quote from: Big Dawg on April 08, 2016, 01:20:27 PM
@LaTuFu, oh you brought back fond memories of my old Blackberry ! ! !

I get it, I was just coming at it from another angle.  Also, I certainly don't think that the WSC is going to "clear the field" of any specific players (BGE, K-Joe, Primo, Vision, Keg, etc.), let along have any impact on the "operating systems" out there (pellet, gas, electric, plane old charcoal).

I also don't think it's going to be an actual flop, like the Edsel. 

But I do feel that's it oriented towards (what I like to call) the "more money than cents" [sic] crowd.

Obviously you're not really going to be able to do anything on it that you can't already do on a  Kettle or WSM - except in the terms of fuel economy.  So, my comparison was based on that fact that you can't really do anything in Shelby that you couldn't do in any other Mustang.  You just get to do it bit quicker!


I don't think it's fair to say that people who purchase the SCG or other premium products have more money than sense- their value equation is just different than your own. To me it doesn't matter what people spend their money on, but it does matter when they are a jerk about it!

Everyone has a different perception of ideal lifestyle, and everyone's willingness to sacrifice money or time varies.
If everyone had the same money/value opinions, we'd live in a very dull and boring world.


I'm so glad to see that some get it. Like the Dodge Hellcat, or the Shelby, this grill is not mean't to be for everone. It is simply meant to appeal to a certain demographic, as is the original kettle, the master touch, the performer... It is up to each one of us to decide if it is worth it to us. Whether you decide you don't need it, or don't want it, that is no reason to denigrate the product.


Quote from: Darko on April 08, 2016, 05:43:21 PM
I'm so glad to see that some get it. Like the Dodge Hellcat, or the Shelby, this grill is not mean't to be for everone. It is simply meant to appeal to a certain demographic, as is the original kettle, the master touch, the performer... It is up to each one of us to decide if it is worth it to us. Whether you decide you don't need it, or don't want it, that is no reason to denigrate the product.

I wholeheartedly agree.   There are probably many people that would balk at the $400 price  of a new Performer when you can go to Walmart and buy a square charcoal grill for under $30.
Selling: Black & Green Gas Assist SS Performers, Brownie Gas Kettle, 1980 B Code Black MBH, 70's & '04 SJ, Weber Firepit, Black Happy Cooker On the Bubble: Blk Offset SJ


Quote from: AZRaptor on April 08, 2016, 06:47:49 PM
Quote from: Darko on April 08, 2016, 05:43:21 PM
I'm so glad to see that some get it. Like the Dodge Hellcat, or the Shelby, this grill is not mean't to be for everone. It is simply meant to appeal to a certain demographic, as is the original kettle, the master touch, the performer... It is up to each one of us to decide if it is worth it to us. Whether you decide you don't need it, or don't want it, that is no reason to denigrate the product.

I wholeheartedly agree.   There are probably many people that would balk at the $400 price  of a new Performer when you can go to Walmart and buy a square charcoal grill for under $30.
I would modify your statement to say "when you can go to Walmart and buy a silver kettle for 100 bucks or less."

So having said that... Why should I spend money on the "Performer" when I can cook just as well on the basic 22" kettle. Or even the 18"

In the end, I'm buying what I'm buying because it can do what I need, it can do what I want, because I can afford it, because I want it, because I like it...


I'm not aware that any other charcoal grill has the features these two do, which makes placing a value judgement on the prices somewhat of an interesting exercise.
It's the iconic symbol for the backyard. It's family/friends, food and fun. What more do you need to feel everything [is] going to be all right. As long as we can still have a BBQ in our backyard, the world seems a bit of a better place. At least for that moment. -reillyranch

Big Dawg

Just for the record, my intent was not denigrate or demean anyone or any product.  If it came across that way, I do apologize.

As far as cars go, there's certainly nothing wrong with a new (or original) Shelby Cobra.  And nothing wrong with wanting one or owning one.

Same thing goes for the SCG.

The purpose of my comment was to make a comparison in relation to the thread title, which I interpreted to mean Flop (Edsel) or Game Changer (iPhone). 

I just don't think the WSC is either.   Does it have some interesting features,?  Sure does.  Will it cook some great food?  No doubt.  Is it overpriced?  Well I don't know, but FireCraft has taken down the price and asks you to call for a quote, so maybe it is.

While I don't really care what anyone spends their money on, do I question spending that much for either a car or a grill?  Only as much as some of you might question what I spend each month on cigars.

And that's all I was saying.

The Sultans of Swine
22.5 WSM - Fat Boy
22.5 OTG - Little Man/26.75 - Big Kahuna


Not an iPhone or Edsel, more like a Cadillac ATS.  Almost everyone has an iPhone and an Edsel was a bomb that faded away.  The Summit is just high end in cost.  Those with the money will like to have it because they can. 

pbe gummi bear

Quote from: Big Dawg on April 09, 2016, 12:59:04 PM
Just for the record, my intent was not denigrate or demean anyone or any product.  If it came across that way, I do apologize.

As far as cars go, there's certainly nothing wrong with a new (or original) Shelby Cobra.  And nothing wrong with wanting one or owning one.

Same thing goes for the SCG.

The purpose of my comment was to make a comparison in relation to the thread title, which I interpreted to mean Flop (Edsel) or Game Changer (iPhone). 

I just don't think the WSC is either.   Does it have some interesting features,?  Sure does.  Will it cook some great food?  No doubt.  Is it overpriced?  Well I don't know, but FireCraft has taken down the price and asks you to call for a quote, so maybe it is.

While I don't really care what anyone spends their money on, do I question spending that much for either a car or a grill?  Only as much as some of you might question what I spend each month on cigars.

And that's all I was saying.


I could have sworn i saw the price of the base SCG as $1400 on firecraft, then up to $1500, and now "contact us". Below MAP perhaps?
"Have you hugged your Weber today?"
Check out WKC on Facebook:


Quote from: Big Dawg on April 09, 2016, 12:59:04 PM
No doubt.  Is it overpriced?  Well I don't know, but FireCraft has taken down the price and asks you to call for a quote, so maybe it is.

Probably has something to do with all the people bitching and whining about how many performers and WSM they could buy with the money.
To them, a Weber is a Weber is a Weber apparently. I find it odd that these vocal social trolls can't just ignore it. Instead, they go out of their way to make a scene.


Welcome to the internet! This is how these people feel important.

Big Dawg

Quote from: Troy on April 10, 2016, 11:33:58 AM
Quote from: Big Dawg on April 09, 2016, 12:59:04 PM
No doubt.  Is it overpriced?  Well I don't know, but FireCraft has taken down the price and asks you to call for a quote, so maybe it is.

Probably has something to do with all the people bitching and whining about how many performers and WSM they could buy with the money.
To them, a Weber is a Weber is a Weber apparently. I find it odd that these vocal social trolls can't just ignore it. Instead, they go out of their way to make a scene.

@Troy: If you're going to use a quote to label me a troll (a first for me, by the way) at least have the integrity to not take my quote out of context.  I was saying that it "No Doubt" would cook good food. 

Also, I never said that I could, or would, buy this, or buy that with the money Weber wanted for their new grill.

"No Doubt" I will be buying some Oliva "V"s, some La Flor Dominecanas, and maybe some Hemingways or even some AƱejos . . .

The Sultans of Swine
22.5 WSM - Fat Boy
22.5 OTG - Little Man/26.75 - Big Kahuna


@Big Dawg. Let me reply since I replied to @Troy.
I don't believe that you were being called a troll. I think that the comment was directed at people on social media who were "bitching" about being able to buy X amount of kettles for the price of one Summit charcoal.


I have seen this grill/smoker and really like it. That said do I wish it was less money... yes. That said do I see one in my future??? Yes! Will I sell any of my beloved Kettles? Don't think so!

Will I have one?

Yes! Not soon but I will have one!
Wife said "No more GRILLS in this house!" So I bought a 2nd house!