Easter Dinner Courtesy of Marilyn And Laverne

Started by MrHoss, April 06, 2015, 03:44:58 PM

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We traveled all weekend so today was my Easter cook. Wasn't going to do it on the front porch but when it started to rain just before firing my coals that is where I went. For today I picked Marilyn - a 74' Red Harris was kind enough to let me have and Laverne - a PP Red LightningBoldtz picked up for me:

I used Marilyn to smoke my prime rib pieces and used this charcoal setup..the metal pieces behind the coals are from a pair of new style baskets..charcoal for the snake was reused coshell for the most part:

I rubbed the meat with fleur de sel and some Schwartz's Beef Rub. Wood for smoking was pecan and oak and temp at the lid vent was a steady 300f. The larger piece had a half hour head start on the smaller piece. I pulled both at the 2 hr mark....internal was 117f on the one and 122f on the other:

I had started sweet potatoes on Laverne and then added marinated mushroom and asparagus rolls to cook off set for about 20 minutes. Then the beef went on to grill:

"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"



Can I slap this up on the blog Hoss? Every bit of food looks perfect!
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


Sure you can 6. One of the few things my wife does not question me on is cooking prime rib. In nine years I don't think I've screwed it up but once or twice. Most things I screw up more.
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"


Hard to say which looks better, the grills or the food!?


All the way around, great looking work there!


That looks so good, Hoss!
I have never tried PR on a kettle ... Hope to soon.
Q: How do you know something is bull$h!t?
A: When you are not allowed to question it.


Nice. You take some great pics. Nice looking cook.
Own: 14' Black Performer Silver , Retiring 06' Black OTG.



Wow! That's a fantastic lookin meal. AWSOME pics.