-20 C cheddar stuffed mini sausages and turds

Started by AcrossFromHoss, February 14, 2015, 06:06:57 PM

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Another cold one up North. Nice to see Hoss across the way with his Kettle out as well.

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most of those poppers will be used for sandwiches with the roast beef i smoked yesterday with onion rings and bbq sauce. picks of those later.
"Seeing pictures of a nice steak without viewing the middle is like seeing a nice pair of tits in a bra. You tease!!!!"
22.5 black OTG kettle, 18.5 WSM, Jumbo Joe


Right on. We must have been out there at the same time AFH. So bloody windy and snowy I didn't even see you over there. Bacon wrapped anything is good .... your versions look better than good. Fine use for the grill mat.
"Why do you have so many bbq's?"....."I just like lookin' at em' sometimes....and I have enough purses and shoes"


Quote from: MrHoss on February 14, 2015, 06:13:04 PM
Right on. We must have been out there at the same time AFH. So bloody windy and snowy I didn't even see you over there. Bacon wrapped anything is good .... your versions look better than good. Fine use for the grill mat.

i still think johnsonville mild sausage is my favorite filling so far. next im going to try adding cream cheese, shredded chicken, red pepper, onions and cheddar cheese as the filling. the things you think of while standing in the cold beside a kettle...
"Seeing pictures of a nice steak without viewing the middle is like seeing a nice pair of tits in a bra. You tease!!!!"
22.5 black OTG kettle, 18.5 WSM, Jumbo Joe


"Turd sammiches?

     Good move !!!

The pup size sausages look real good.....love those things...Aidell's are another good one....

Here's one I haven't done for awhile that was really good....marinated in stuff beef tenderloins,
cut to thin strips & ....a little rub & wrap....

They come pre-marinated but nobody buys them at the price they're asking & they go on closeout for reasonable.....
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    



"Seeing pictures of a nice steak without viewing the middle is like seeing a nice pair of tits in a bra. You tease!!!!"
22.5 black OTG kettle, 18.5 WSM, Jumbo Joe


Quote from: AcrossFromHoss on February 14, 2015, 06:22:46 PM
i still think johnsonville mild sausage is my favorite filling so far. next im going to try adding cream cheese, shredded chicken, red pepper, onions and cheddar cheese as the filling. the things you think of while standing in the cold beside a kettle...

Looking good AFH! For the Johnsonville mild do you just fill the popper, wrap in bacon and cook? Going to have to test that out for sure! And have you ever tried their "hot" sausage? I always chicken out and go mild :)
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


Looking good AFH! For the Johnsonville mild do you just fill the popper, wrap in bacon and cook? Going to have to test that out for sure! And have you ever tried their "hot" sausage? I always chicken out and go mild :)

I've been getting some pretty hot jalapeƱos at my local store 604 so for my taste the hot sausage would be a little too hot for me for this  application. Johnsonville hot are my go to sausage if im making pasta or sausages to eat on a bun. For the turds I just pan fry sausage meat without the casing trying to keep it in pea size pieces and either layer it over the cream cheese before the bacon or if it's crumbled a bit more then I let it cool and fully integrate it through the cream cheese before stuffing. the key is not overcooking the sausage in the pan so it still holds moisture through the smoking. 
"Seeing pictures of a nice steak without viewing the middle is like seeing a nice pair of tits in a bra. You tease!!!!"
22.5 black OTG kettle, 18.5 WSM, Jumbo Joe