« on: December 21, 2022, 04:23:59 PM »
I was helping a fellow VW club member at his place with a bunch of parts before he moves, and he had this guy in his yard. He knows I collect and gave it to me at the end of the day. I do not know the year and the vents do not have a code. I believe its late 80s/early 90s due to no ash pan and the bottom has no charcoal holes.
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Weber Kettle Club
Rollin coal
22" 81 B (Faded Black), 22" 86 H (Black),91 N SJ (black), 18" 65 (Red), 12 AU Tostito SJ , 22" CU (Copper), 22 (Brown)Happy Cooker, Q2000 Charcoal, Weber Spirit, 22in Yellow, 18"WSM, Happy cooker SJ