Everybody does it differently so you are bound to get different answers across the board.
5-7lb Brisket? Is it a point or flat? I have cooked a 7lb full packer before which is why I ask.
Here is what I would recommend:
-Use the Stubbs briquettes...they are excellent.
-Smoke wood...your choice 2-3 fist sized chunks will be plenty. I have used Apple/Pecan with beef with great results.
-Kosher salt and course black pepper 50/50.
-Dial in the WSM for 275 degrees. Try and keep it between 250-300.
-No Water in the pan (line with foil for easy cleanup). Fat side DOWN if it hasn't all been trimmed away.
-Spritz with a combination of apple juice/cider vinegar/Worcestershire sauce periodically ratio of 2-3/1/a dash.
-Wrap at 165 internal. Start checking it around 198. Cook until 203-205 (you may need to go a little higher, but feel it with the probe).
-If wrapping in foil at the stall, vent steam when you pull it off or it will overcook.
-Let it rest for an hour.
One tip I will say is if you lift the lid on the WSM, work quickly. Temps will skyrocket if you leave the lid off too long.