Well, tonight was two firsts for us: finally made dough, and tried fresh moz on one. Needless to say, thanks to all the recommendations for the B Flay recipe. My wife did a great job and we made four small pizzas. (She had already divided it into four balls before I read one of y'all's recommendations for three.)
Sorry, I didn't get much in pics because we were kind of behind and I was making pizzas when I should've been cooking. But I learned a few things. First of all, I should've bought the spinners sooner. Second, we won't be buying any more Publix dough. Third, I really like fresh mozzarella and basil and need to learn how you're supposed to cook it. Even though my wife sliced it pretty dern thin, it was my last pizza and 650 evidently wasn't hot enough or something. Guess I should've added more wood, but all that moisture from the cheese just made it really stubborn and I couldn't get it to crisp up like I wanted. Is this why I read about folks cooking at 900*?
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