Nothing against the poll starter "How many do you have". Really! But I see more and more possessive topics & behavior here. Kinda runs counter to what I feel this place is about. So I decided this would be more appropriate. I don't know how to set up the poll thingy, so just chime in with a response, if you wish.
Catch & Release Poll
How many Weber grills have you gotten off of C/L or any other method, and just either gifted, or sold at no profit, to friends, family, neighbors...?
I'll start. At least a dozen, including a few colored, SS Performers, MBHs, etc. always after applying elbow grease, repair if needed, and cleaned.
None yet but looking to pass a few along to family when my brother makes a visit. Also looking to take in a good friends very beat abused wood handle 18 and sj and rehab them for him. I am finally getting to the point I have more than enough kettles. Have also helped a few friends make some scores of cl by giving them advice and sreaching cl for them.
OOH, pick me, pick ME!!
Really, I live in the Atlanta metro area and there's at least one or two other people here far faster and more savvy than I at finding the "good" ones--if they appear online at all. Still, like most areas, there are black OTS grills "all the time" for cheap that we could be rescuing and re-gifting, am I right? If we had more friends that is.
That said, the closest I've come to doing that is selling my "very low mileage" (like new, actually) '02 22.5" OTS to my next-door neighbor for $25. I might have let it go for less but my neighbor's wife annoys the shit out of me and was already begging for a deal because the lid's handle is chewed up from a squirrel.
He invested in the cheaper, gray Weber cover for it---treating it nicer than I ever did, which surprised me since he was using a no-name gasser and I thought they bought my Weber 'cause they couldn't afford what they really wanted, another gasser.
I'll probably give him the handle from my regular-size Weber chimney since it matches the other handle on the grill ... :) What I'd REALLY like to do is gift him a retrofit ashcan assembly to turn it into a OTG.
That's what I'm talking about! Nice job Mikey. Thanks.
I'd have to say around a dozen or so.
Quote from: landgraftj on April 10, 2014, 06:00:42 PM
I'd have to say around a dozen or so.
And that is why you are truly a
Two red heads cleaned them and sold for what I had into them. The recipient insisted on giving me more for the first one.
Two green ss performers. Completely rebuilt one of them painted frame as part of it.
Also helped secure different grills for friends and family looking for them.
I guess my contribution to webers has been turning people on to charcoal cooking on the greatest grill ever made.
I have passed on at no profit a NIB Sam Adams copper 18".
I Put legs on an old N code 22" and gave it to a coworker.
I gave my brother an 18" OTS .
My "extra" 22" OTG is being held for a local grillfella, as soon as he decides that he needs it!
And I have received tons of wonderful kettle karma from my WKC friends! :D
I'm just getting started with spreading the love. Although not gifted, three went to the WKC for what I paid/had into them. One went to CL, but to a buyer that placed an add looking for something specific.
A straight edge twist-on pan was gifted to a WKC member.
And a $25 performer was secured, and then the pick-up was transferred to a grillfella's son who was looking. This is one of those CL feel good stories where I was first to contact the seller, but then he received multiple higher priced offers. Could have gone bad like some recent stories, but the seller actually said he believed in Karma and honored the deal. It was an exciting time!
Hows this for a story.. I was in the office with my coworkers. We were discussing kettles and the rare colors..
One of the guys says, yeah I have one of those yellow ones in my barn. Its pretty beat up.
The other guys says, Yeah, I'll buy it, how much? He says, hows $20?
He did a clean up, bought a new grate for it and voila! A rare kettle in his bull-pen.
So, I just had to get him a green one. Which I fixed up and sold to him for my cost.
He puts the green lid on the yellow bowl and he supports his Oakland A's..
He never uses his old gassier anymore.
I loaned out a black 22 to another guy, he likes it so much, he wants me to fix him up an old Brownie.. He thought grills had to be some big massive monster..
Sold a couple SJ's to guys at my cost.. (picked up cheap on Craigslist) Both love em...
Spreading the fever.. One grill at a time.. 8)
Thumbs up, Kris.
I passed a fresh 22otg to a coworker for cost. $40. Even gave him the weber chimney that came with it.
Traded a 95 redhead SS for a plum 2000 SS to a Grillfella even swap.
Gave a 22.5" Copper to my buddy for his cabin, his first Weber ever. He's since been hooked, and bought a new Performer for his home use. Just tonight he offered a trade for the recent Plum Gold I picked up. Lol. Dang..... Sure like those Copper's!
Probably been through 15-20 kettles and WSM's in the past 10 years. Some sold to buy others, some given to friends.
First, I haven't bought a new Weber since about 1986.
Since then, I have gifted or sold at cost at least 2 22.5" kettles, an old SJ, a Platinum, an SS Performer, and a jumbo Joe. As soon as it warms up I will gift an 18.5" kettle (gotta rehab it a little first).
I have gifted or sold for cost 3 or 4 WSMs that I scored on CL, yet somehow I still have 10.
Getting people hooked on cooking on a good grill is almost as satisfying as cooking on a good grill myself.
I don't have any to pass on yet but I was fortunate enough to be bumped into good barbecue by my friend who passed on a black MBH to me for $20.... I was hooked from the first cook. Now I have a couple more friends that I will be happy to get started. The results of charcoal cooked food speak for themselves. :P
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Quote from: With a K on April 10, 2014, 05:34:04 PM
Nothing against the poll starter "How many do you have". Really! But I see more and more possessive topics & behavior here.
I personally didn't see that last poll "how many Webers do you have" as a pissing contest but more as a "how bad is your Weberitis"? poll. All of us are proud of our Weber's regardless if you have 1 or 50, that's why we are here ;D
My Weber history:
First Weber was a Q100, which I sold after buying a Q200 that I flipped, and in turn bought a Q220.
Next was my Weber kettle, a Performer Platinum in brick red... love it.
Finally, my Weber Genesis EP-330 in brick red, love it!
My Weber non-keepers:
I did flip one Performer for a profit, bought one day, sold the next.
Bought a new in box old style Jumbo Joe, put it together, never used it, and sold it for what I paid.
Bought a new Smokey Joe Gold and returned it (was going to build a mini WSM).
I don't post much anymore, but do lurk... seems it's mostly Weber kettle enthusiasts buying/selling kettles and accessories, which is great, and it's fun to read about, just not my cup of BBQ sauce. :) That said, I'd be happy to help any one of you if there's a grill in my area that you fall in love with. 8)
QuoteCatch & Release Poll
How many Weber grills have you gotten off of C/L or any other method, and just either gifted, or sold at no profit, to friends, family, neighbors...?
Just one, but it was a fun project! (
I've pass on a dozen or so kettles and countless random bbq parts. I actually met a WKC member because I put some free Weber lids on CL, we got to talking bbq/kettles, and he joined the site. We are buddies now! At first I would pass my kettles on to my friends as I upgraded. I gave another buddy my first $20 OTG when I got my first SS. Then I upgraded him when I got another free performer. I won't stop until all my friends and family have performers! lol. Giving away bbq's is the gift that keeps on giving. I find that it brings people together and is pretty cheap if you do it right. I am actually getting to the age where my friends are buying their first place and I plan to give bbq's as housewarming gifts when I can. ymmv
I've given away 6 or 7 gassers to relatives, usually old Genesis three burners that I've fixed up. Gave my SIL a SS Performer (green) that I picked up a few years ago, followed by an 18 red, a black MT and another 22 three wheeler, as I've been thinning my own collection. So maybe 10 gifted grills over the years. Planning to gift another couple this year to non-relatives. Always a good feeling to light a fire in someone's life.
I found an old beater Redhead in Houston and offered it to any of the Texas WKC guys for free. Jimmy Dong got it and put in some work hammering out some big dents and the last pic I saw of it, he had it looking 10X better than before. I was happy this grill got a second life and I think he was happy since Redheads are a tough find down here in TX. Win-win! ;D
back in IL i scooped up any kettle I could and literally gave them away just to get people to try to use charcoal.
I probably moved 30 grills
Now in cali, i've only moved a few - but I plan to do more rescues when I get my life and finances in order.
Sold a few cheap.....comes with 2 bags of charcoal, chimney, spare grate, several cooking lessons, unlimited phone time...... 8)
Gave away also several, left several at places where I'll go to cook, guessin' there's some Kettle Karma there, as the folks around here have helped me to find some newer/ nicer ones..........
Around 14 or 15. Most early to mid 1970's or older. :)
The rule is one in, one out right, guys? :D