Excerpt from an upcoming WKC OT article:
The Weber Kettle has had an ash catcher dish for more than 60 years. Weber was the first company to popularize the adjustable vents under the charcoal for temp control and an ash catcher prevented the ash and embers from falling on the ground. Weber first invented the One touch system in 1982 and filed for patent #CA 413907 on Oct 21, 1982. The One-touch has 3 elongated vent slots in the kettle base that served the dual purpose of airflow and ash removal. The actual vent scraped the bottom of the bowl while also being able to adjust the vent opening. The One-Touch ash sweeper and vent was moved with a handle outside the kettle.
Weber sold the "One Touch" as a premium model to the three daisy wheel kettle. On Aug 8, 1991 Weber filed patent application #EP19910916230 for an updated ash catcher with an ash catcher collar and removable pot-like ash pan. This style was placed on the higher end models like the like the Performer, and One-Touch Gold while the original ashpan dish remained for the One-touch Silver.
I'd link the patent art but it's gigantic......
I will guess that it ended in the P code year
Not sure, I have an EO code and I believe Max does also.
(http://i1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj623/glrasmussen/null_zps9d3de6e9.jpg) (http://s1271.photobucket.com/user/glrasmussen/media/null_zps9d3de6e9.jpg.html)
There is an EZ (1998) 18.5 inch Bar-B-Que Kettle listed on eBay. Item # 151237773160. It is a three wheeler not a OT. Maybe they kept making the 18.5's without the OT longer than they did the 22.5. It's too bad there isn't a way to look up all the models and color options Weber made for each year.
I have a 22.5" EZ coded three wheeler
There are pics of it here http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/weber-kettles-accessories/good-weber-day-a-26er-some-goodies-and-a-free-3-wheeler/msg83803/#msg83803 (http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/weber-kettles-accessories/good-weber-day-a-26er-some-goodies-and-a-free-3-wheeler/msg83803/#msg83803)
Quote from: Dan NY on February 26, 2014, 02:34:53 PM
There is an EZ (1998) 18.5 inch Bar-B-Que Kettle listed on eBay. Item # 151237773160. It is a three wheeler not a OT. Maybe they kept making the 18.5's without the OT longer than they did the 22.5. It's too bad there isn't a way to look up all the models and color options Weber made for each year.
"It's too bad there isn't a way to look up all the models and color options Weber made for each year."
After much painstaking research......we've determined that's why WE are here !!!!
Quote from: Chad A on February 26, 2014, 09:29:33 AM
Anyone know what year the One Touch system was introduced? And the One Touch Gold?
Funny, I was literally looking for this same info last night.
Quote from: Golly on February 26, 2014, 12:16:26 PM
I will guess that it ended in the P code year
well yes im wrong
my mate has a redhead E_ now i remember
i believe weber was still making 3-wheelers up until a few years ago for the Euro market.
US lost them in 97 or 99 or 2001 or 2004....or something.
I have an EI code 22.5 three wheeler. Should be 1997.