When checking out a kettle, what is the thing that makes you say to yourself "I'm passing on this one"?
I ask because this weekend I checked out a kettle and passed on it. It wasn't in terrible condition but it did have some issues. While driving away, I couldn't put my finger on why I passed. If I had seen the same kettle 2 months ago, I would have picked it up. The closest I could come up with was it was pretty dirty, the lid had a few "age spots" and the sweep was rotted away. All normal things that come w/ an aging cooker. All in all, it wasn't a bad deal. Not cheap but not bad. Someone got a decent kettle but it wasn't for me and I knew it the moment I saw it. Could it be that some kettle's speak to you and some don't?
I think I'm at a place where all I want are grills in very good+ aesthetic condition. If it was an uncommon kettle, say MBH, yellow or 'cado then I'm all in regardless.
Anyway, does anyone have that one thing you see on a kettle that make you immediately pass on it?
The last estate sale I was at, I passed on a complete SS Performer for 20 bucks. It was primarily the sellers attitude, but it needed a ton of work. Like you said, a few months back I wouldn't have thought twice and happily brought it home.
anything above a quick touch up or cleaning. I don't have the tools/skills/space....etc to do some of the welding/fabrication work I've seen done
Ash sweeps, wheels, legs, pans, wooden handles can all be replaced or sometimes cannibalized from other cookers taken out of rotation...sockets can be refastened without any welding. Some dents can be tapped out. Age spots on any colored kettle are freckles. I suppose the "deal breaker" would be an enormous hole or major crushing in the bowl or the lid or the aforementioned age spots on a brand new kettle. If I was asked this same question a couple years ago pre Weberitis, I would have been much pickier. ;D
I guess I should change my signature... Nah
If it has a weber badge I probably won't pass on it. Especially if they say they are taking it to the dumps. I'm a hoarder in training.
The only ones I have passed on were black kettles with no redeeming features... if the sweeper is shot, no ashpan, beaten up lid and crappy handles, I have no use for it. Conversely, because I'm a cheap bastard, if there is ANY redeeming feature that is worth more than the cost of a replacement part, I'd take it. Dirt or grime alone never bother me because the cleaning process is somewhat cathartic for me.
Quote from: OGlenn on November 11, 2013, 05:59:56 PM
The only ones I have passed on were black kettles with no redeeming features... if the sweeper is shot, no ashpan, beaten up lid and crappy handles, I have no use for it. Conversely, because I'm a cheap bastard, if there is ANY redeeming feature that is worth more than the cost of a replacement part, I'd take it. Dirt or grime alone never bother me because the cleaning process is somewhat cathartic for me.
Agreed. If the price is good, I will purchase a black OTG. I give these as gifts to others. I have directed my collection towards MBH 22's. so I am a little more picky now. I will not pass on a good deal, if will it help a members collection. There is a nice one local now, but priced high at the moment(plus distance to get) With shipping, not a good value to a member, IMO.
Quote from: Craig on November 11, 2013, 04:41:57 PM
Ash sweeps, wheels, legs, pans, wooden handles can all be replaced or sometimes cannibalized from other cookers taken out of rotation...sockets can be refastened without any welding. Some dents can be tapped out. Age spots on any colored kettle are freckles. I suppose the "deal breaker" would be an enormous hole or major crushing in the bowl or the lid or the aforementioned age spots on a brand new kettle. If I was asked this same question a couple years ago pre Weberitis, I would have been much pickier. ;D
Once again Craig said what I was thinking. A caved in grill that can't really be straightened is a passer unless it's cheap and rare. I prefer the ones nobody else wants.
Quote from: glrasmussen on November 11, 2013, 08:08:29 PM
Agreed. If the price is good, I will purchase a black OTG. I give these as gifts to others. I have directed my collection towards MBH 22's. so I am a little more picky now. I will not pass on a good deal, if will it help a members collection. There is a nice one local now, but priced high at the moment(plus distance to get) With shipping, not a good value to a member, IMO.
+1. I will go to much greater lengths to agent than I would for myself short of the really rare stuff. My friends are pretty much all set with their bbq needs so I don't scoop up things to flip unless I can sell them immediately. I barely have storage. My limit is $25 for a OTG and $50 for a performer if it's less than 15 min away and provided they are clean.
Buuuuuuuuut once in a while I'll need something for a project and I'l go out of my way. ;D
Price is the big factor for me. I'm not going to bring home another project unless the price is right..
Im to the point where if its a black grill, I'll probably just pass unless its super clean physically with no chips in the kettle or bowl. If its that nice, I know I can find someone that could use it.
Example, this weekend I was at an estate sale. I saw 2-24 lbs of Kingsford that wasn't even in the "sale area" It was off to the side in a spare shed on the property. The seller actually told me I could just have the charcoal, I even offered money for it, but they refused. I asked do you have a charcoal grill somewhere? I never saw one anywhere in the garage or yard. He said, "well actually yeah, but it so old and beat up, I don't think anyone would even want it" I said, "how old?" He said, "oh, 30-40 years or so" Naturally my curiosity was peaked, so I said where is it at?
He took me to another spare shed and showed me. It was a faded black/greyish "B" code. Metal bowl handles. It has the average "battle scars" and the lid handle was bent off to the side, it had 2 of 3 leg sockets broke off, it was missing 2 of the daisy wheels also. The wheels were the newer style still that we are all used to, and it had the rolled edge ash pan held on with clips. It has no special parts even worth taking. The seller wanted to give it to me and even LOAD IT IN MY CAR. I still passed, but felt guilty as I walked away for leaving the grill there in the shed, knowing what its ultimate fate would probably be.
Now if its a colored grill, I don't think I would pass on it unless it was chipped up to the point were I just couldn't look at it. Chips on the lid REALLY bother me since I have to look at it every time I cook on it. There is always someone that wants a grill of color if it doesn't need much work.
I hear you Jeff. Even though I'm all in for black kettles, they have to be special. I've passed on a few myself recently - freebies like the one you described. There's another better one just around the corner (sometimes ON the corner) every time. Generally for me, unless I find a better version of one I have, which is getting tougher to do, I let it go. I'm in the one-in-one-out mode.
I really don't think I would walk away from too much. Especially something free. You can always use the parts.....
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I like 'em cheap. I don't resell, but I really like passing them on to the Crew. If I don't think I can pass it along, I'll walk away 'cause I have everything I need (he says with clenched teeth).
And I can't resist the colors, so, do I walk away?...
I think I'm at the point of replacing the ones I have with better versions if I find them. I'm not saying I wouldn't grab almost anything that I know someone would want, but my garage is loaded with grills. SJs are easy to store but the other 18s, 22s, and my 26...not so much!
Remember the three R's .... The first one is Rescue.
No matter what, a rescue will make you feel good.
Otherwise they may end up at the scrapper, or landfill.
If you can, you gotta grab it ... no hesitation. :D ;)
There's always the "donor grill" factor. Parts can be salvaged and repurposed on other kettles. Plus if your into Rat Rodding, the beaters make for great experimenting...
Quote from: Craig on November 12, 2013, 03:43:45 PM
There's always the "donor grill" factor. Parts can be salvaged and repurposed on other kettles. Plus if your into Rat Rodding, the beaters make for great experimenting...
Agreed! I will be finishing my first Rat Rod this coming weekend. :D :D