Got this on its way to me shortly.
Nice! What year?
Thanks Bob. It is an 'N' code, so 1991.
Just waiting for eagle eye Hogsy before I post the next pic. Maybe the date code will have given him too big a clue. ;D
I have a mastertouch to match that....
Sweet, my redhead Performer is a N code. I've got a '79 CGA. Love cooking on it....
Does that mean we can work on a trade...
You know I'd love a grey GA
By the way nice to have you back
Are you gonna give us all a run down on what must of been an awesome Holiday ??
Quote from: Hogsy on October 28, 2013, 07:09:05 PM
Does that mean we can work on a trade...
You know I'd love a grey GA
It sure does!
Quote from: Hogsy on October 28, 2013, 07:11:44 PM
By the way nice to have you back
Are you gonna give us all a run down on what must of been an awesome Holiday ??
Thanks mate, I appreciate that. Its always good to be home.
Will write something up to bore you all later. ;D
Picked this up when I was in Hanoi. Literally walked back in to my hotel room after getting back from Ha Long Bay, first thing I did was a quick eBay search (as you do) and up she popped.
Very nice!
That's sweet!!! I like the color!!
Nice score Kendoll!
So let me get this right, your on holiday in Vietnam and your checking eBay and Gumtree and this popped up on eBay as BIN? And it was in Sydney too?
Man, I didn't even see the listing!!!
Gotta say Ken, your good, your very good!!
I guess they don't call you the pirate for nothing ;D
Quote from: Hogsy on October 28, 2013, 08:43:24 PM
So let me get this right, your on holiday in Vietnam and your checking eBay and Gumtree and this popped up on eBay as BIN? And it was in Sydney too?
Man, I didn't even see the listing!!!
Ummm...other than it being in Brisbane rather than Sydney, yep. :-[
well fuck me gently
nice one ken
Quote from: zavod44 on October 28, 2013, 07:00:33 PM
I have a mastertouch to match that....
Of which I am extremely jealous!
Quote from: Bob BQ on October 28, 2013, 07:07:15 PM
Sweet, my redhead Performer is a N code. I've got a '79 CGA. Love cooking on it....
Nice! Two great grills. Is the CGA a 2 rivet handle? I would love an old school CGA.
Quote from: Golly on October 28, 2013, 10:40:49 PM
well fuck me gently
nice one ken
Old silver tongue Dave! ;D Thanks mate.
Great pickup Ken! Can't say I've seen one like that before.
Cool color.....havent seen that on a GA before. Nice addition.
Nice pickup! Haven't seen a grey GA before either.